100 Days My Prince
Title: 백일의 낭군님 / 100 Days My Prince
Also known as: Hundred Days’ Husband / Dear Husband of 100 Days
Genre: Historical, Romance, Comedy
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: tvN
Broadcast period: 2018-Sep-10 to 2018-Oct-30
Air time: Monday & Tuesday 21:30 KST
Lee Yool (D.O.) is a Crown Prince. He falls off a cliff and nearly dies in an attempted assassination. He loses his memory, and wanders for 100 days under a new name and personality. During this period, he meets Hong Sim (Nam Ji Hyun), head of the first detective agency in Joseon.
Min.. file nya jangan di protect dong.. ini mau download kuota terlampaui semua soalnya mau di salin nggak bisa soalnya nggak ada izin. pengen download yang 1080p
Coba lagi udah aku pindahin
Episode 11 is updated again as episode 12… I hope you will have time to upload right one as 12. Thank you
Wrong episode 12 for 540p x264. It was episode 11 on that link.
Mess, I think I need some sleep now
Can you also upload the special episode?
Thank you so muuuuch! *sending vitual kisses**
By the way, are there still no English subs for the special episode? 🙂
someone will share it on subscene when available
admin or anyone of you, kindly please share if you have the info for english/indonesian substitle for special episode…..many thanks in advanced 🙂 and thank you very much for admin for your amazing work uploaded all great dramas 🙂
Help, no audio file is synchronized with the respective videos
min pas aku mau download yang 1080p kan disuruh cek captcha tapi captchanya gak muncul2 . ada solusi? terima kasih
coba pakai browser lain
dear admin, can I ask, where did you get the web-dl for episode 11 up? I can’t find it on avistaz.to. Thank you for uploading :). Also, sorry for the inconvenience. 🙁
can you please do 1080p web-dl for this drama
plz upload 1080p webdl for amazing drama
it always says quota exeeded on both link please update T.T
Bisa tolong di upload yg episode 00?
udah ku tambahkan
Its kinda dumb to ask this but what’s the difference between the x265 version and NEXT one. Which should i go with?😰
x265 are re-encoded version of NEXT to make the video size smaller, it also reduce the video quality
ppl with slow internet usually prefer re-encoded version but if you prefer higher video quality then go with NEXT version
permisi mas admin, tanya
mau download full video drama ini tanpa episode bisakahh?
klo maksud mu batch file ngga bakal kamu temukan disini
Min aku nyari subtitle untuk yg web dl kok gk ada ya di subscene? Bingung mau nyari kemana lagi 🙁
coba di rip sendiri aja lewat downsub.com
ambil link video nya dari viu
min… yang di viu subtitle episod 11-14 nggak cocok… aku udah rip si downsub. mohon petunjunya donk?
coba di re-sync sendiri aja, perlambat 17 detik
Admin Makasih ya petunjuknya sangat bermanfaat.. aku udah coba alhamdulillah jadi,,, kamu memang yg terbaik..
hi admin! 720p web-dl for ep16 is not available?
mega link re-uploaded
FYI, the file stored in Mega couldn’t be played (should have figured it by then since it is twice the size compared to the rest of them) but the one in GDrive is fine though. Or it could just be me. Thanking you in advance for your admirable relentless efforts.
I forgot to mention (silly me..lol), the aforesaid is for episode 16 only.
there are 6 of them, which one exactly are you referring to?
Your thoughts..hey how r u
does next vids have subs embedded or i need to dl subs separately?
I never embed next release with sub so you have to download it separately
admin, i hope this wont offend you. i found a difference between 1080p next and 720p webdl. the quality of 720p webdl is much better than 1080p next, i hope you’ll find a better source, thank you. im hoping for 1080p webdl as well if it is possible
the file for ep8 1080p next says i dont have an authorization to download it. how to fix this?
no such issue on my end. did you try with account logged in?
i fixed it already, maybe a connection problem
Can you update with 1080p WEB-DL?
100 Days My Prince (2018) Complete 1080p WEB-DL AAC H.264 – AppleTor
Hi admin.The video is asking for request again to access the download link.Hope you’ll fix it.Thank You
Hope you’ll notice my comment,thank you😊
files asking for permission means its dead, so either wait for re-upload or just grab it from another file host
upload yang versi netflixnya dong min.
100 Days My Prince (2018) Complete 1080p NF WEB-DL DDP2.0 x264-SH3LBY
di avistaz ada.
Admin,, the gdrive file says that the file is not found? Is there a way to fix it? Thank you😊
540p all versions not complete anymore, can admin reupload this?
Admin..kl berkenan boleh dong upload yg 1080p webdl..yg next 1080p msh kalah sm 720p webdl hhuhu
There is problem with link
When I click on the link it show error massage
Please checkout the link
GD site has an error message