Meow, the Secret Boy
Title: 어서와 / Meow, the Secret Boy
also known as: Welcome
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Comedy
Episodes: 24
Broadcast network: KBS2
Broadcast period: 2020-Mar-25 to 2020-Apr-30
Air time: Wednesday & Thursday 22:00 KST
Sol Ah is a woman in her mid 20’s and works for a graphic design company. She dreams of becoming a webcomic artist and she is a sociable person. Sol Ah happens to take home a cat, Hong Jo . Sol Ah is unaware that Hong Jo is not an ordinary cat. He has the ability to transform into a human being. Living with the cat Hong Jo, Sol Ah gets involved in unexpected cases.
Subtitles: Subdl – Mirror | https://bit.ly/3JzNvXg
Learn How to download
WEB-DL AppeTor gak ada ya min? Jujur saya lebih suka WEBDL Appletor daripada source viu, dari segi gambar dan suaranya lebih bagus appletor.
appletor ga pernah rilis drama kbs
Tiap liat komen yg di ributkan pasti webdl. Apresiasi apa yg udh di sediakan jgn cmn bisa ny lomplain doang…
@Gogo makasih drama nya min
wew nambah linknya , thx min
audio yg webdl kok jelek dah, ga kaya webdl biasanya
bantu jawab, soalnya webdl dr VIU mbake. jadi kalo rip2an dari viu ngga sebrapa bagus memang. mending download yang versi hdtv lumayan bagus 👍
Ya kok kk nonton nya pakai mx player ya tinggal ubah decoder dari hw ke hw+ Lo kk atau ke sw , naikin volumenya selesai, sama bagus kok
To LISA, woy baca woy.. Gw nanya ada apa kagak, bukan komplain. Hp doang smart orgnya kagak.
Kak gimana cara download sub di web firdasub itu kak? Soalnya di search judul drama ini ga muncul, mohon bantuannya, terimakasih.
tinggal klik link mirror kan langsung ke direct ke sub nya
Maaf min mau lapor ep 7-8 1080p Next yg google drive download hampir 100% lalu error. HTTP Error 403. Yg eps. lain masih aman. Thanks.
udh aku tes download ga ada masalah kok
coba di resume aja, kemungkinan masalah koneksi atau server nya
I can’t access the download page because the antivirus is blocking it after the first publicity page… could you look at it, please?
could you take a screen shot of those error, I’ll use it to report to the shortener owner
someone reported it caused by adblocker
I’m not sure how to deal with this issue since I can’t reproduce it on my end
here https://imgur.com/NWPsFv4 i don’t know how to switch languages, but it says a threat was detected so the page was blocked, and that the treath was a trojan
I tried with other shows and it happened in all of them 🙁
is this opened on new tab? if so you can just close it
if it appear on the second shortener page try to right click the get link button then open the file link in the new tab
nope, when I click the link on this page a new tab is open with this https://imgur.com/S8lekN3 and when I click the “click here to continue” it’s when the page gets blocked, if I close and do it again, it keeps repeating. The open in new tab option doesn’t appear when I right click either 🙁
what the blocked url by the av?
is it this one https://www.miuiku.com/ ?
i’m the one of the screenshoots ^^’ I don’t know why I can’t reply to your last message
I’m not sure of the url, but I think it’s lewat.club, it changes everytime, I tried now twice and I got https://www.lewat.club/post/Cara-Cek-VGA-Laptop and https://www.lewat.club/post/film-romantis-terbaik-terbaru-2020, but lewat.club is always there
miuiku is not blocked (or at least I can access the url you sent)
the problem here are obviously those eset app
why not try to disable it? I use kaspersky and it detect nothing
it’s should be safe as long you are not download random exe file and instaling it
I tried to do that once but I got malware without installing anything, just for disabling it, so I’m not really keen to do it again ^^’ I guess I’ll just have to wait and see if it goes back to normal
Is there a Appletor Version?
they never realease kbs dramas
Link Error min seperti SS : https://prnt.sc/s4ejcr
masih kah?
di aku lancar soal nya
Which is Better Next or Web-dl?
Absolutely Next my dear..
I cant extract the file. Episode 9-10 Web-dl 720p. I downloaded it twice but still error.
tested download and extracted with no issue on my end
I love Korean Fantasy dramas. You made me addicted to that. I started from “W”. Love your work.
i just noticed. it’s hard to download the videos recently. it’s way much easier the last time 🤔
link recehnya susah diakses.
padahal keamaren kagak
adamasalah server kh ?
Min, izin lapor yg ep 3-4 mega 720p x265, file nya udh kehapus min
Hello admin please upload new link of Mega because the link is broken thank
try use other host for now, gdrive should be working fine
First off, thank you for bringing kdramas to the masses. For Episodes 03-04 1080p WEB-DL, the zip file contains two of the same video, episode – 04. They are the same vid file though labeled different. Would it be possible to re-up 03-04 with both episodes in 1080p? Trying to stick to the WEB-DL version in 1080p to avoid all the banners/ads with the NEXT version. Thank you so much!
checked files on both host and i don’t see the issue you mentioned here, both files are different in size and duration

maybe you accidentally overwrite one of the file when you extract them?
Appreciate you checking on your end. I will re-download the file and try using another unzip program to see if I get different results. I used a free 7z unzip program online, so maybe that was the issue since both 03 and 04 were extracted as the same file/file size. Again, thank you so much for your time and efforts!
use offline file archiver like 7z, or PeaZip if you need something portable