Clean With Passion For Now
Title: 일단 뜨겁게 청소하라 / Clean With Passion For Now
Also known as: Clean Up Like It’s Hot
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: jTBC
Broadcast period: 2018-Nov-26 to 2019-Feb-04
Air time: Monday & Tuesday 21:30 KST
This drama is a love story between a man who is mysophobic, and a woman who is anything but clean – the meeting between two diametric opposites. Seon Kyeol is good-looking and successful, running his own company that offers cleaning services but his obsession about cleanliness is like an otherworldly thing that most people can never understand. O Sol is in her early 20s and has a rather quirky personality, but she does everything she can to pick herself up to find a job that can sustain her and her family. Although the two seem to be polar opposites on the outside, they both live each day with their own sufferings and concerns. Over time, the two learn to overcome their differences and understand each other’s pain.
Min, itu masuk ke get link kok error ?
Apa gimana
aku udh coba bbrp kali ngga ada masalah kok
coba buka dgn browser lain, klo kamu pakai proxy/vpn coba matikan dulu
Thank you, admin! I really really appreciate your work. I have been suggesting your site to everyone who’s asking for kdrama sites. Thanks again for all your hard work. ❤❤❤❤ Keep it up. ❤❤ Your’s is the best site so far and I have like tried out most of the sites I guess.
TRUE!!! This is the best site for me. Every series I am looking is here & everything is so easy. You deserve love!
I see episodes 11 and 12 are crossed out, are they canceled ?
And is the continuation still planned ?
Thank you !
it will be broadcasted on 14th Jan
hello, thank you for your hardworking, it is a wonderful and comfortable site!
good job! ^^
I have a question, why there is such a delay for this drama? this is the second week they do this!
do you know if there is any problem with the channel or the staff?
it is even not in the news of the channel that it would be delayed and there is no special occasion and even so, it is not a public channel, so I wonder!!
thank you again <3
nothing wrong with the drama it self it just got delayed, last week is due to new year and this week is for football match
hi there.. just want to say thank you for your wonderful job..
unable to download episode 12
episode 11 and 12 are not available.
Ka ini link yg 720p x265 ga bisa di download ka
Yg rp 9 dan 10 munkin 11 jg
Tulisan nya di google gini “Maaf. Anda tidak dapat mengakses item ini karena item ini melanggar Persyaratan Layanan kami.”
ok fixed.
ka link ep.13 yg download pake google drive knpa ada peringatan begini
“Maaf, Anda tidak dapat melihat atau mendownload file ini sekarang.
Baru-baru ini terlalu banyak pengguna yang telah melihat atau mendownload file ini. Harap akses kembali file nanti. Jika file yang Anda coba akses terlalu besar atau digunakan oleh banyak orang, butuh waktu 24 jam agar sebelum file dapat dilihat atau didownload. Jika Anda masih tidak dapat melihat file setelah 24 jam, hubungi administrator domain.”
ikuti aja cara di sini https://dramaday.net/how-to-bypass-google-drive-quota-exceeded/
Absolutely love your site,it saved my life so many times♥
Just a quick question,are all the episode without the channel logo?
for web-dl version yes
I’ve just finished watching this Clean With Passion For Now drama, and was looking for the OST.
Glad found this website. thanks for the hard work. And good job, it’s a really nice site 😀
Kak lagi maintenence ya web nya?? kok link ny g muncul ya?? khusus untuk tab download, loading terus ada icon kotak hitam gerak2 kalo bagian cast ama trailernya bisa kebuka.. thx kak ^^
coba clear cache browser mu (ctrl+F5) atau coba buka dgn browser lain
ini kenapa ya min….
Google drive
Anda perlu izin
Permintaan Anda untuk mendapatkan akses sudah dikirim.
Anda akan menerima email jika dan ketika permintaan Anda disetujui.
Ketahui selengkapnya tentang topik ini di Pusat Bantuan Google Dokumen
akun google ku kena banned, semua file nya kehapus
huhu.. ikut berduka mimin.. smg cepat ada solusinya…
Subtitles for 720p WEB-DL please, sist.
uptobox need account to download?
no, but it better if you create one
it will decrease the waiting time and increase download speed
after downloading 1 episode, it says you need new premium acc. to download no file but it cost money to have premium acc..
I already said it before, just create a free account and it will reduce the waiting time to 30 minutes after you download a file
do you mean every download, i need to create new acc to reduce time?
no, just create one is enough
Episode 11 and Episode 12 are not downloading
Web-dl version google drive
it works just fine on my end
try to create your own copy of file instead of downloading directly
I need English subtitles
But it shows……” subtitle page not found”
subs link fixed
use Subscene search to search subtitles next time
can u plz fix g drive or mega link
Maaf. Anda tidak dapat mengakses item ini karena item ini melanggar Persyaratan Layanan kami.
Min google’nya ndak bisa, bisakah di reupload..
I’m aware of the dead link, I’ll fix it when I have time
Terbaikkk …
Subtitles yang cocok tipe apa ya? Soalnya ngak nemu web-dl di subscene
Mohon direply
udh di tempel dgn video nya tinggal aktifin aja lwt menu subtitle di video player mu
Thank you for uploading ‘Clean with Passion for Now’.
It seems like the links for episode 5, both Google Drive and Uptobox, are not working. I’ve been trying since yesterday. It’s not working today.
The error message for Uptobox says “This file is temporarily unavailable, please retry later”.
Hope you can help to fix the links soon. Thank you.
kak tolong update tempat download nya dong terimakasih