Crash Landing on You
Title: 사랑의 불시착 / Crash Landing on You
Also known as: Love’s Emergency Landing / Love’s Crash Landing / Crash Landing of Love / Emergency Love Landing
Genre: Romance, Comedy
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: tvN
Broadcast period: 2019-Dec-14 to 2020-Feb-16
Air time: Saturday & Sunday 21:00 KST
The series tells the secret romance between a South Korean heiress of a conglomerate and a high-ranking North Korean officer.
Yoon Se Ri (Son Ye Jin) is an heiress to a conglomerate in South Korea. One day, while paragliding, an accident caused by strong winds leads Yoon Se Ri to make an emergency landing in North Korea. There, she meets Lee Jung Hyuk (Hyun Bin), who is a North Korean army officer. He tries to protect her and hide her. Soon, Lee Jung Hyuk falls in love with Yoon Se Ri.
ini webdl nya udah nempel soft sub kah??
Vietnamese sub please
on bit.ly link
ep 9 720p Web-DL please
ini baru namanya drama! awesome for the first episode!
Arabic sub?
not available
المسلسل ينزل في 25 اكتوبر مترجم كامل على نتفلكس
Mantappp, iseng cek jam segini ternyata udah update ep 02

Makasih banyak min
wheres eps 2??
try to clear your browser cache
Web dl nya nempel engsub apa indosub min?
1080p – semua sub yg tersedia
720p-540p – eng & indo
hi, may I know where can find the appletor mkv version? Do u mind give me the website name? thanks ^^
Thank you
keren…sampai ada yg 1080p. mantap poll
I can’t download it. What happen to the files? the website is so slow. please fix the link as soon as possible.
linkny error min, udah klik download di dddrive tapi malah masuk ke websitenya dddrive.me filenya gk kedownload.
download file nya langsung dari gdrive mu
padahal udh di kasih notif loh di bawah
Thanks min GOGO, recommended dah nih drama
Kok belum update juga min? Tumben telat biasanya cepet? Drama jumat sabtu kan ini?
min tolong dibenerin list this week dramanya, ini drama sabtu-minggu bukan jumat-sabtu, thank’s
untuk jadwal weekend di gabung fri-sun/jum’at-minggu dari dulu jg udh di buat gitu
jadwal tayang tiap drama kan bisa di cek di post masing2
Min, bedanya 1080 NEXT sama 1080 WEB-DL apa ya?
“Next” banyak iklan suka muncul2 di gambar, yang kadang suka ngehalangi subtitle dan suka nutupin muka pemainnya. kalo web-dl gada iklan, lebih bersih gambarnya. saranku WEB-DL aja.
berarti dr segi time sebenarny g ada beda ya min?
krn kl di sub kan ada plhn next dan web-dl
klo maksud mu dari segi konten ya iya sama aja
ep 4 update jam berapa min, nanggung bgt nih
Lagu yang ada di ending episode 3 judulnya apa ya, pas merek habis K–s scene
1080p NEXT soft sub?? thanks.
no embedded subs for HDTV version, you have to download it separately from subscene
1080p web dl used to be mp4(or maybe in other dramas), but why is it mkv this time?
FYI, mkv offers more features and is much better than the plain mp4.
Thanks you very much wowww. so happy
best place to download ur fav dramas
kadang pas didownload dddrivenya doc error
klo direct nya rusak download aja file nya langsung dari gdrive mu
this drama has DOTS’s vibe omg :(( highly recommended drama <3 btw, thank you for always updating new dramas and new episodes <3
admin, i dont know if it is just my experience or something, but mega downloads faster than gdrive links, how about upload 1080p in mega as well? is there any specific reason why you cant upload it there? just curious haha, please dont get offended
admin, apa ntar sabtu minggu drama ini ngga tayang? kok dicoret dr daftar update?
Min ,kapan ini update lagi ?
admin, the subs in webdl kinda have problem due to 2 subs track (eng, indonesian) could you probably fix it? only asking
this is the first time I ever hear multiple embedded subs causing a problem,
and what exactly the problem is?
in my regular video player from samsung phone, the cc wont show up if i ever pause it or fast forward it. there’s no problem when there’s only 1 sub, but the same problem appears whenever 2 subs are embedded. should i just download other video player?
yeah just give it a try
min kok eps 7 yang web dl 540 gdrive ngga bisa didonlot?
direct nya ga berfungsi, setelah klik tombol download di dddrive download file nya dari gdrive mu
min gogo waktu klik tombol unduh di dddrive kok file nya gak keunduh yaa malah balik lagi ke home page “https://dddrive.me/”?
tolong di baca dong notif di bawah itu. komen di atas jg udh di jelas kan caranya
Yg 720webdl gambar ny bagus banget, klo bsa kdrama yg lain sebagus kdrma ini juga, gapa2 file sizeny lebih besar sedikit
nf web-dl ep 9 will be bit late
still no source uploaded on trackers

@Gogo If you want source for No 9 I can do full 1080p version, am currently uploading now to the cloud can give you link
@Gogo also am currently downloading ep10 1080p with English subs
Thanks jon, appreciate you for doing this. if you able to get higher bitrate video it will be perfect
as for now I’ll switching to tving release
Excuse me, on which tracker do you take WEB_DL release ?
Aviatas Private Tracker. Who upload it is Deeplife i think
vietnamese subtitle ep 9??
You are really amazing!! Thanks for delivering as soon as they got aired. Good Quality in smaller file size(540p ×264 @ Mega)
Hey, are EP 09 Web Dl still not out yet?.. i found WEB DL subtitle has out this afternoon.. sorry for my bad english
EP 09 Web Dl sir please
운영자님 감사합니다!!
update from the ripper regarding nf web-dl
Cara download?
#StoveLeague and #CrashLandingOnYou will not be airing this upcoming week on January 24th and 25th due to Lunar New Year.
admin Next episode on feb 1 already shows in Netflix pls update this week drama
thanks for the info
Kenapa ep 09 dan 10 web dl bukan dari Netflix
hole nya udh di patch pihak netflix jadi untuk sekarang ga memungkinkan untuk ngerip video kualitas tinggi dari sana
jika sudah memungkinkan nanti bakal di ganti ke netflix lagi ga episode 09 & 10 WEBDL-nya min Gogo?
liat entar lah
Vietnamese subtitle of ep 9,10 web-dl please!!
Min, saya masih menunggu web dl netflix untuk eps 9-10. Kalau sudah ada, tolong kabarin ya.
Min, tolong upload lagi web dl versi netflix eps 9-10. Belum terbiasa web dl yg ini. Terus subtitle auto gak sinkron karena yg di upload web dl netflix.
Cek di subscene ada sub khusus untuk dramaday.
Pakai trick min untuk ngerip video yg di hole netflix.
Hi, is it possible if you can upload the previous eps from Apple Tor?
min kaya apa nih, ga ada yg upload sub eps 9 sama 10 yg aac apple tor di subscene, adanya web dl netflix, gimana nihhhhh :((((
pakai link bit.ly di atas
ok, thx u min
can you just give us the link to gdrive not dd drive?
I don’t see any good reason for doing so
Ngak Tayang Lagi kh Minggu ini Ep 11 12
Hi. Would you be so kind to reupload episode 9 and 10 netflix version? Thank you.
did you read my previous comment?
nf web-dl for all series is no longer possible due changes made by netflix that why I switch to tving ver
thank you so much for the hard work admin! hope you’ll continue running this website ♡
mana subind yang specialnya min
semua subtitle drama ini di ambil dari netflix.
sedangkan episode special nya ga tersedia di netflix, otomatis ya ga ada sub nya ngerti kan
min, there is no sub for the special 01? i went to the subscene link but there were none
When the subtitle isn’t on subscene then you most likely can’t find it anywhere else, it is very rare to get subtitles for special episodes — there have only been a few that I can literally count them on one hand — due to Netflix not adding them
Admin i wanted to request this drama “Divorce lawyer in love” but i think you removed the request page so i am posting my request here. Please add this drama
due to lack of time I’m no longer accept any requests
I m big Kdrama Fan ,I think U need a better Website developer for maintaining the website I can do a better job for FREE as a fellow fan
as there is no way to contact u here is my Email -iamjacksparrow14@gmail.com Please feel free to contact
episode 11 kpan min uploadnya?
Episode special udah ada sub nya gak ka?
Thank you so much admin for this site.

Could you please reduce the size of 720 x265 to around 200 and 300 mb?
Reducing the video size to 200mb or 300mb will lose a lot of detail, especially to a video of 1hr 20mins+ each episode, you can do an Hevc 10 bit x265 version and will reduce the file to 500/550mb and kept the colours and detail, but will take longer to encode the video.
Oh I see, thanks for the info.
I was just wondering because there are hevc x265 videos around 200-300mb with good quality on smallencode. But they only upload x265 on some few dramas.
min, drama forest ga ada sub webdl nya kh, di subscene adanya yg next
Do you mind uploading the 1080p AppleTor version of the previous episodes? Just want to be a little consistent on the versions though if its ok with you
Thanks. Thats Good
Sorry for asking this, but if I accidentally made a mistake, please forgive me. When I downloaded the 9th and 10th episodes in 1080p WEB-DL (NETFLIX) (GOOGLE DRIVE AND UPTOBOX), it was not like the previous episodes (with movie subtitles). I want to ask if this is a problem or not? Sorry for bothering you.
the release name is quite obvious already, there is no longer NF release from ep 9 onward
thank you.
Min mau tanya yang specialnya emang raw ya?
where episode 11-12 admin?thank you
it’s already updated few days ago
try to clear your browser cache on this page
subtitle Indonesia EP 13-nya belom ada di MEGA ya min gogo?
udh ku tambahkan
ok thx min

min Webdl 720p itu eng sub ya ?
iya internal eng softsub
bbrp ep awal (1-8) jg udh di tempel indo sub tinggal di aktifin aja lwt player
bisa request movie
April Snow, My wife Got married ?
sepertinya efek dari drama “crash landing on you” banyak orang nyari film/drama lawas mereka,
gomawo ^^
Episode 14 pls
Did you have Korean subtitle from ep 9
I have no access to NF subs
try to ask uploader on subscene maybe they can help
hi admin can you upload VARIETY Happy Together 2016 S3 Ep456 1080i?
An NF version of episode 9 to 14 is out there. Managed to get them except Episode 11 is corrupted. Any chance to bring back these NF WEB DL episodes? Thanks.
It’s been months since netflix updated their DRM yet no one on Asian trackers are able to crack down the best quality video, so it’s time to move on NF fanboys!
min gak kuat nonton 2 episode terakhir..T-T . Gercep ya min updatenya
grateful for the work you’ve done, is it possible to have links aside from GoogleDrive (not enough space) or UpToBox (not avail in my country) for 1080p NEXT/WEB. if not, that is fine too
for not enough space error grant all permissions asked by the app (create a new acc if you feel paranoid to do so) or clean up your gdrive in case if it really full
as for uptobox use vpn
min .. kenapa downloadnya berhenti di kisaran 80% ya? sudah download ulang 3x .. sy pake idm.. help plisss
biasa nya krn masalah koneksi. coba restart router nya atau download dari host lain
hi admin can you upload dram How Are You Bread 1080p?
Min maaf mau nanya, knp skrg softsub indo nya ga ada lagi ya (yg hak siarnya Netflix)? Klo dulu kn prnh ada min
semua sub dari nf kok, klo video nya ga ada yg ngerip
min ep 16 mana udah dari tadi nungguin nii
Akhirnya tamat, terimakasih mimin yg sudah berbagi drama yang luar biasa, gomawoo ^^
ep 16 720 Web-DL nya min
Min, sub indo WEB DL eps 16 belum ada ya?.
udh ada tuh
akhirnya tamat ni drama…
min ini ada batch nya ngak entar? capek donlod atu atu
ga ada
Just a quick note to say thank you for your hardwork to get the last eps just a few hours after it was aired. Much appreciated.
thank u min
NF web-dl version for all episodes will be added soon
all web-dl updated to NF version
Really??? Wow…thank you sooo much gogo…..
thank u min, mantap jiwa

Gogo…720p web dl versions also netflix???
Kdrama yg lain udh bisa versi netflix juga, atau cmn Crash Landing on You aja?
cmn ini
Hi Gogo. Have checked the DDrive links for webdl versions, not working. The file seems to be deleted as it cannot be accessed.
Why can’t i save it through Google drive? As soon as i hit the “get link” button, im redirected to dddrive.me and from there, i get this instead once i try to download the file…
My google drive is barely used and so it has a large capacity and yet this dddrive.me page keeps telling me otherwise. I even tried 2 gadgets already to see where the fault lies. Pls help this computer illiterate coz I’ve been on this problem for 3hrs now.. :'(
did you grant/allow all permission asked by the app?
Aahhh i see… i only allowed three coz the rest seemed so invasive. Ok, thanks admin!
Dear Admin,
I would like to request a Hungarian subtitle for episodes 13-16
I don’t have it
Hi Admin, is there any difference in the WEB DL version and the other NEXT version? Are the scenes same? Thank you.
just no logos and ads on web version the rest are the same
all available subs for web-dl e13-16 updated
min,,bagaimana cara downloadx..dri tadi z pelajari belum mengerti..mksh sebelumx
Dear Admin, Thanks for the subtitle for episode 13-16
min ini gak di encode lagi yah ?? biar 1080 p nya 600-700mb gitu?? kaya di psa, pahe atau crazy4tv
aku ga encode yg 1080p ckp 4 aja yg di encode, ga sanggup klo harus nambah lagi
hello, can i ask why when i try to download it redirects me to https://www.lewat.club? thanks
thank you!
bedanya apa itu next sama web dl
dari kualitas diatas paling bagus yg mana? Next/265/264/web dl?
kamu cari nya yg resolusi brp?
klo begitu nanya nya yg jawab jg binggung…
Web DL Netflix had the best quality according to video bitrate, i have both AppleTor and Netflix release.
but the highest quality available for Crash Landing on You is 4K UXN release, i recently just replace all my CLOY NF release to 4K UXN x265 release with size varies in 3 to 4 gb per episode. SS : https://allthepics.net/image/mpv-shot0001.6yMfD
Where can I find the 4K UXN release ? Also, Crash landing On You in 1080p x265 quality available anywhere ?
Hi, admin, by any chance you can upload Crash Landing On You in 1080p x265 quality ?
no, I don’t re-encode 1080p stuff since it take a lot of time
But 1080p x265 looks so much better than x264, also size would be less too. Most of the recent shows are available in 1080p x265, but couldn’t find Crash Landing On You anywhere.
as I said before I never share re-encoded 1080p video here, it muxed/non re-encoded version from the original source
I think link has broken.After going to 1080p webdl on miuii page there is no captcha.I don’t use any add blocker.Cant you tell me whats the problem
there’s no captcha just click on “click here to continue” button
is there any batch verison ?
Hello, Please can you fix episode 12 in 720p x265 MEGA ?
It’s the only episode in 720p x265 MEGA that doesn’t work.
Thank you
Min kok yang 720×265 pake Mega datanya uda gaada ya?
klo file nya lama ga ada yg download ototmatis di hapus sama mega
jadi sebaik nya jgn cmn bergantung dgn 1 file host aja untuk download drama2 lama
hello adm, I’m trying to download the 1080p WEB-DL in google drive but its getting a error everytime, could you help me?
I will re-upload it laterfixed now
thank you so much adm <3
Admin mau nanya dong.. ini 720webdlnya berubah ya dr versi nf ke appletor? soalnya dr eps 1-8 versi nf, eh eps 9-16 uda bukan versi nf
Hello, links MEGA are broken for episodes 9 to 16 in 720 web-dl version. Can you reupload the links please?
Episode 13 and 14 540p*264 Mega download file is not available for Crash landing
Hi! Is there any way you could upload My Lovely Kim Sam Soon?
sorry, we don’t accept request
Uptobox is dead and the google drive links for the 1080p also do not work.
Please reupload to another site maybe perhaps like mediafire.
Thank you!