Dinner Mate
Title: 저녁 같이 드실래요 / Dinner Mate
Also known as: Would You Like To Have Dinner Together
Genre: Romance
Episodes: 32
Broadcast network: MBC
Broadcast period: 2020-May-25 to 2020-July-14
Air time: Monday and Tuesday 21:00 KST
A man and woman wait in line at a restaurant to eat. They are mistaken for a couple and end up having dinner together. After their first unexpected meeting, they meet and have dinner together weekly. They get to know each other through their dinners.
Subtitles: Subdl – Mirror
Learn How to download
Thank you min
thank u min
DDDrive is not safe… It askes for permission to delete all of our files in Google Drive !!??
Please use other download systems…
the app has no access to user files
ask other user whether they ever lost their files
if you still feel paranoid about it you can always create a dummy empty google account to use the app
or maybe you had already maxed out your permitted quota. try deleting the old ones that you won’t be needing anymore manually in your gdrive account and try downloading again to see if the problem is resolved. hope that helps.
You can go to G-drive and remove your recent download, even you don’t store directly to you G-drive, G-drive sees that as if you store it.
min untuk versi WEB-DL-AppleTor, subtitle indonya pake yg mana ya di subscene?
Los subtítulos de donde los descargo? Los de la descripción no está bien la sincronización.
Abelardo, ¿para qué versión quieres sincronizar? Yo te puedo ayudar
Ya harusnya pake yg keterangan nya weddl
Gak ada yang pas cuy T_T kaga ada yang WEB-DL appletor so far di subcene
Gomawo bluesky 🙂
Re-sync aja sendiri
Thank you very much for this drama !
Honestly it very well done and highly recommended !
are there subs for 720p x265?
download it separately from subscene
min, klo upload tolong sertakan file batch nya dong kalau bisa. makasih
web-dl for ep 15-16 will be late
Thanks will wait for web dl !!
No WEB-DL for the latest episode?
Will it be uploaded soon !? The web dl for 15 -16 !
no web download for the latest ep?
yeah appletor not so active lately
this week 1080p web-dls are a bit huge size than the normal epi09 was 5.4gb , episode-10 was 5.16gb
just temporary, I’ll replace it with appletor later
Thank you !
how we can download ??
Adtival Network disconect ?
How we can connect Adtival Network ?
no proper engsub for ep 27-28 due iqiyi sub rip turn into some weird code
you can check it yourself here https://downsub.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.iq.com%2Fintl%2Fplay%2F19rzg0zjaw
so I’ll just upload ep 27-28 web-dl without embedded sub
When will the sub be uploaded for ep 27-28 NEXT or WEB-DL?
no idea. I’m not a subber why ask me
nvm found the sub now working on re-upload
Untung nya sub indo ada yg mau ketik manual
salut deh buat mereka
Can you please reupload in uptobox Dinner.Mate.S01E23-E24.200630.720p-NEXT.mp4 to the episode 32 720p NEXT. It’s was erased. Thank!
Dear Gogo.. Sori.. Yang di mega sudah diremove semua kah?
mati semua, pakai host lain aja
is it possible to fix ep 1-3 720p WEB-DL. These are dead.
Please review the files, not all of them can be downloaded
all gdrive are still working there
read the instruction under how to download button on dddrive page if you don’t know how to use the app