Do You Like Brahms?
Title: 브람스를 좋아하세요 / Do You Like Brahms?
Also known as: Liking Brahms
Genre: Music, Romance
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: SBS
Broadcast period: 2020-Aug-31 to 2020-Oct-20
Air Time: Monday & Tuesday 22:00 KST
Gifted classical music students pursue their dreams at a prestigious university and just may also discover love along the way.
Yay, thanks ^^
if u love music, i highly recommend this drama for you.
hi admin, which one of these have the intro?
none of them. most sbs dramas don’t have intro except for netflix exclusive one like vagabond or TKEM
Bisa req drama love revolution?
ngga terima request
min, aku cuman mau ngasih tahu kalo subscene udah ganti link lagi jadi link kyk yg dibawah ini
itu cmn situs cloning-an nya sama kek yg lain, yg asli masih di subscene.com
ep4 webdl pls
min tinggalnya di mana? aku kirimin grabfood yaampun demi semua drama dan variety show yang aku tonton selama ini
Hi Gogo. It’s about google drive. Just my 2 cents. Why don’t you try use drive.klop/ zonafile/ sharerpw if ddrive cannot use?
google enforced the limit bandwidth to all google drive account, the problem is not the sharer app
Oooo i see. Ok😊
How to fix google drive error?
what error?
Where is the button to download???
Yes, as always, but this time it’s not there.
more detailed explanation or a screenshot would be great, since I have no idea what’s are you talking about
Button “click here to continue” it’s not there. Not show it up
it’s working just fine here
have you try with different browser?
or if you use adblocker try to turn it off
Ok, thanks. It’s all my fault. Sorry for bothering you.
please upload new series 18 Again
halo kak admin, mau infoin epsiode 10 videonya banyak macet-macet gitu kak. aku udah coba buka pakai beberapa player selain gom, sama kak tetep macet-macet gitu. bisa minta tolong diperbaiki ya kak videonya, nanti aku download ulang lagi gitu, hehe. makasi kak admin ^^
btw kak admin, video yang aku maksud yang versi 720p x265 ^^
semacam mozaik2/glitch di awal gitu kah?
udah ku re-encode dan update link nya
klo masih ada masalah laporin aja
I am getting this error when I click on the link –> article with domain not found!
Min, tanya Eps 11 kenapa belum update?
ini tayang senin-selasa malam
broadcast info jg udh tercantum di samping poster
Iya maaf saking serunya jadi lupa hari ckckck
hello, i’m not sure if this is the right place to ask, but the subtitles on episode 15 is a little delayed. do you have any tips on how to fix that?
Pls Edit the Subtittle TIME of Episode 15 WEB DL its Super Late
sorry I mess up the first half part
here the fixed sub https://bit.ly/3o7TcAQ
adblock issues, when i was turn off but the warns still pop up
same problem
Those people who use adblock are not helping this site at all yet here they are asking for help ironic
Hi there! Anyone knows where to download srt files other than subscene? I can’t seem to access both links provided. Thank you in advance 🙂
Halo kaa..ini yang webdlnya 720 semua di gdrive filenya not found kaa..apakah bisa diperbaiki? Terima kasih🙏🏻
tolong di cek lagi link nya sebelum lapor
klo ga sanggup nunggu silahkan di manfaatkan link host lain nya, jgn cmn bergantung download dari 1 file host aja
Admin, boleh dibantu ga.. untuk drama ini, find me in your memory atau dinner mate itu webdl versi nf kah? bisa dibantu subtitlenya ga min?