Dust and Ashes

Title: 축복의 집 / Dust and Ashes
Genre: Drama
Director: Park Hee Kwon
Runtime: 1h 19m
Release Date: Feb 24, 2022

“Dust and Ashes” depicts the days after the death of Hae Soo’s mother, that she holds a funeral and reports her mother’s death. It is difficult to find traces of sadness or mourning in the faces of Hae Soo and her younger brother, and the funeral is just one of the formalities that they have to do. Instead, they have suspicious meetings and paperwork to get their mother’s death benefit. The film creates a more desolate atmosphere, with little dialogue or description of characters’ background. And it effectively portrays the main character´s anxious and breathtaking life just before being demolished like her village.

Subtitles: Internal eng softsub embedded | SubdlMirror

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Main Cast

Ahn So Yo as Park Hae Soo
Lee Kang Ji as Hae Jun

Supporting Cast

Kim Jae Rok as Detective
Lee Jung Eun as Insurance employee
Kim Na Young as Soon Yeong

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