Find Me in Your Memory

Find Me in Your Memory

Title: 그 남자의 기억법 / Find Me in Your Memory
Also known as: Memoir of the Man / Memoirs of a Man / The Way He Remembers
Genre: Melodrama, Romance
Episodes: 32
Broadcast network: MBC
Broadcast period: 2020-Mar-18 to 2020-May-13
Air time: Wednesday & Thursday 20:55 KST

Jeong Hoon is an anchor of a news show which has the highest ratings. Jeong Hoon’s handsome face and perfect body figure make him look good in a suit. Unlike his gentle appearances, he becomes a tyrant all of a sudden and starts asking aggressive questions to whoever it is. Because of hyperthymesia, he remembers every single thing happening in 365 days a year ever since his childhood. He can’t forget the memory of the woman he loved, Seo Yeon, who disappeared 8 years ago. A rising star who attracts everyone’s attention, Ha Jin, appears in front of Jeong Hoon at that moment. Despite all the attention, Ha Jin doesn’t waver and keeps her confidence. However, she has a secret that her memory is fading away. The man who cannot forget and the woman whose memory is fading away. Will they be able to overcome their difficulties, understand each other, and fall in love at the end?

Subtitles: SubdlMirror

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Main Cast

Kim Dong Wook as Lee Jung Hoon
Moon Ga Young as Yeo Ha Jin

People at HBN

Jang Young Nam as Choi Hee Sang
Lee Seung Joon as Kim Chul Woong
Lee Jin Hyuk as Jo Il Kwon
Han Da Mi as News Live assistant director


Cha Kwang Soo as Lee Dong Young
Gil Hae Yeon as Seo Mi Hyun
Jang Yi Jung as Yoo Ji Won
Jang In Sub as Park Soo Chang
Park Ji Won as Kim Hee Young
Yoon Jong Hoon as Yoo Tae Eun
Lee Joo Bin as Jung Seo Yeon
Kim Seul Gi as Yeo Ha Kyung
Lee Soo Mi as Park Kyung Ae
Ji Il Joo as Ji Hyun Keun
Shin Joo Hyup as Moon Chul
Kim Chang Wan as Yoo Seong Hyuk
Joo Suk Tae
Yoo Ji Soo as Jin So Young


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    • 2
      Gogo Administrator

      tergantung sumber nya sih
      aku lihat logo nya di daerah black border jadi ga terlalu ganggu jadi aku pakai yg ini
      klo yg dari viu tampa logo tapi kualitas suara nya ga bagus

  1. 3

    mending kalo gak ada webdl , gak usah kasih webdl min, kasih aja hdtv hevc, mlah clickbait klo kasih webdl dalemnnya hdtv

    • 4
      Gogo Administrator

      terus definisi video web-dl itu apa menurut mu?
      apa video yg di rip langsung dari situs srtreaming korea jadi hdtv krn ada logo nya?
      ada logo bkn berarti hdtv

  2. 10

    Sekedar menanggapi, kalo mau ngilangin logo kan tinggal di zoom aja, koq repot amat. Lagian web-dl itu kualitas videonya mayoritas diatas hdtv, di zoom ampe logonya ilang juga masih bagus gambarnya di layar besar, apalagi kl cm ditonton pk leptop..

    • 13
      Gogo Administrator

      it’s take forever to upload large files to mega
      not to mention their ridiculous quota limit, you won’t be able to grab large files without getting those annoying limit

  3. 15

    could you encode 1080p web-dl to x265 as well, like the 720p
    x264 size is overkill :O
    but its okay if you dont want too, thanks for your hardwork.

  4. 36

    Min untuk drama ini web dlnya versi apple tor kah? dapetin subtitlenya kira kira dimana ya min? soalnya rata2 pada ngesub versi tving. Mungkin adminnya ada saran?

  5. 41

    Hello, The 25-26 Wed-DL from google drive is not workink. After the secuencia the final link send me to a video of youtube.

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