Title: 하이드 / Hide
Genre: Thriller, Mystery
Episodes: 12
Broadcast network: Coupang Play / JTBC
Broadcast period: 2024-Mar-23 to 2024-Apr-28
Air time: Saturday & Sunday 22:00 KST
Na Moon Young (Lee Bo Young) and Cha Seung Jae (Lee Moo Saeng) seemed to live a pretty normal life. But when Sung Jae disappears without a trace, Moon Young is left with far too many questions and far too few answers.
Determined to uncover the truth behind her husband’s disappearance, Moon Young sets out to do just that. Searching high and low, Moon Young does everything she can to unlock the secrets surrounding her husband’s sudden disappearance, completely unaware that a man by the name of Do Jin Woo (Lee Min Jae) holds an important key.