Homemade Love Story
Title: 오!삼광빌라 / Homemade Love Story
Also Known as: Love Blooming House / Homemade Love Story / The Lovers of Samkwang Villa / Oh! Samkwang Villa
Genre: Romance, Comedy
Episodes: 50
Broadcast network: KBS2
Broadcast period: 2020-Sep-19 to 2021-March-07
Air time: Saturday & Sunday 19:55 KST
Story of the various people who gather at an apartment building called Samkwang Villa. The drama will show how these people who started off as strangers begin to open up their hearts and love one another. The story conveys the message that no matter how tough the world gets, the warm seed of love still exists in human relationships and will always be priceless.
Admin… a question. Do you will go to post web-dl version for this show? Thanks
OK, thanks for your answer. I will upload spanish subs only for NEXT version.
maaf OOT ,min zombie detective bakal di upload gak? soalnya di VIU udah sampai ep 4
Where is the eng sub for epi 9-10??
it’s uploaded by huebman
9-10 = 5
11-12= 6
lapor min Episode 2 720p x265 Zippyshare “File has expired and does not exist anymore on this server”
ambil dari host lain aja, aku blm sempat re-upload
Can you please upload all of them in a single mega folder then give us the link?
waduh aku sudah download sd episode 27 tiba2 digabung gitu? masih adakah link dari 27 keatas jadi sy tidak perlu download dari awal gitu tks
file nya tetap satuan kok, ini cmn buat gurangin link shortener nya aja
oh ternyata link semua sekaligus. malah lebih gampang download. tks admin
There is an issue with the links, can you post new links?
what’s the problem?
Thank you min, drama keluarga paling mewek 🙁 & menjadi favorit ♥️, walaupun Durasi nonton nya Panjang (September 2020 – Maret 2021)
links are down
try again
Thank you
“I have a question for you, admin. Where is your country of origin?”
Min subtitlenya
klik aja link subscene di atas udh ku arahkan ke subdl
kak tempat download pixel drainnya tidak lengkap banyak yang hilang