Hospital Playlist 2
Title: 슬기로운 의사생활 2 / Hospital Playlist 2
Genre: Medical
Episodes: 12
Broadcast network: tvN
Broadcast period: 2021-June-17 to 2021-Sep-16
Air time: Thursday 21:00 KST
Related series: Hospital Playlist S1
Inside the hospital, where every patient and every story matters, the five friends confront the ups and downs of life as doctors — and as human beings.
Yes, already wait for release
Hello! Will you also be uploading a TVING ver. of the episodes? Thank you so much 🙂
Finally, thanks min
gan maaf https://tknk.io/kAWC kok gak bisa dibuka. anti virus bilang pishing. terima kasih
false positive alarm tuh, udh ku ganti bit.ly btw
av apa yg kamu pakai?
avast gan. sekarang sudah bisa kalo bit.ly bisa aman dan lancar. kalo tknk kena alarm. thx gan
saran ku sih mending ganti kaspersky
dan klo cmn butuh sub indo itu udh di tempel di video nya tinggal aktifkan lwt player mu
Kok semua link episode 1 WEB-DL nya 404, ya?
Terharu aku tuh 😭😭
Hello, thank you for the upload^^ It’s my first time using this. Could you teach me how to download? Thanks!
I just saw it now… I’m so sorry for not looking at it carefullyTT Thank you again for the download link!
The best lah
biarpun sampai sekarang ga ngerti kenapa gagal terus daftar di netflix, syukurlah bisa nonton di sini. drama kesayangan banget….
Gogo, I can’t open Episode 2 link
Dear Admin, will there be an update on episode 2? Because I noticed they changed the video on Netflix. They corrected some part so it’s different than the one being aired on June 24. Thank you.
fyi yg ngerip video nf bkn aku, klo pun ada perubahan kecil mrk biasa nya ga ambil pusing untuk ngerip ulang
Eps 3 masih saya tungguin 😉
Kena 419| page expired Mulu ya
halo min, yg ep spesial emg ga ada sub dmna2 ya? thank you
untuk drama2 yg eksklusif di ambil netflix klo ada ep special pasti ga ada sub nya krn mrk ga pernah ambil ep special
kecuali klo ada yg mau nge fan sub atau bayar menerjemah
simpel nya klo cek di subscene ga ada sub nya ya ga ada di manapun
Untuk jadwal jam nya jam berapa ya ? Jam 3 pagi kah ?
there’s a hiccup in 1:34:47 of ep9. 720p webdl
i don’t see any issue there
Ep 03 and 04 is not found. GDrive link.
ka ini udah tamat kah? kok dicoret gitu yang di hospital playlist? atau eror?
di coret krn minggu ini ga tayang
1080p WEB-DL turkish subtitles please
ep11 1080p web-dl are to large for pixeldrain so I replace it with letsupload
Gracias por subir este excelente drama saludos desde Colombia