Hotel Del Luna
Title: 호텔 델루나 / Hotel Del Luna
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Comedy
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: tvN
Broadcast period: 2019-July-13 to 2019-Sep-01
Air time: Saturday & Sunday 21:00 KST
The Hotel Del Luna, located in Seoul, is not like any other hotel: its client are all ghosts. Jang Man Wol (IU), stuck in the hotel for the past millennium, meets Goo Chan Sung (Yeo Jin Goo), the new manager.
Subtitles: Subsource – Subdl
Learn How to download
Hi, I’m having trouble downloading the chapters.
give more detailed info on what your problem is so I can help
Selalu nunggu update dari Dramaday, soalnya udh include sub English. 🙂
Tapi sekarang update nya agak sedikit lama. Waktu episode awal awal, jam 10 atau jam 11 udh ada link nya.
Terima kasih. Sampai jumpa di episode 7 & 8 🙂
The links for the captcha system are broken, please repair admin, please!!!
Error 522 Ray ID: 4fd97af30ae799b9 • 2019-07-28 20:08:06 UTC
I can’t reproduce this issue, works just fine on my end
thanks a lot!
720p WEB Dl untuk episode 7 kok blm ada ya?
Terima kasih. Sampai jumpa di episode 9 & 10 🙂
i cant find the subtitle for episode 8 🙁
ep 8 engsub synced for NEXT http://bit.ly/2YG5vdt
thank you so much
Can the drama be uploaded to MediaFire? Google Drive is hard to download as many people is downloading it.
Actually, you can Add the file to your Drive by clicking “Add to My Drive”. And then, make a copy of the file, so you can bypass the limit and download it.
But when you created copy of the videos too many times, you will get error creating a copy.. i was doing that all along until error occur..
download the copied one from another browser
Terima kasih. Sampai ketemu di episode 11 & 12
Baru selese nonton eps 11, 12 udh uploaded. Terima kasih 🙂
Terima kasih 🙂
thank you ADMIN!!! your the best… 😉 😉 😉
Hi there, I can’t seem to make the English subtitles work once I download it. The ep 8 english subs you linked for another user worked for me but the other remaining episodes don’t. Can you please link me all the sub links to download if possible? Thank you so much!
there is no subtitle embedded in NEXT release, you have to download it separately from Subscene https://subscene.com/subtitles/hotel-del-luna-hotel-delluna
Admin, utk episode 14 Web-DL 720p—audionya bermasalah. Dari awal video suaranya agak mendap dan pelan. Dan baru kembali normal di durasi ke 1:17:38. Bisa tolong diperbaiki? 🙏
itu dari source video 1080p jg begitu jadi ngga ada bisa ku perbaiki
Kalau utk versi NEXT apa audionya normal? Anyway, thanks, Admin.
kualitas audio HDTV jauh lbh bagus dari WEB-DL jadi harus nya ngga ada masalah
Admin, kalo kualitas video bagusan NEXT atau WEB-DL?
wts.pw is down :/
Akhirnya tamat juga.
Saatnya pindah ke Arthdal Chronicles 😀 selama 3 minggu ke depan
Thank you for giving me so many weeks of joy
admin, this is most probably a noob question but, what is the difference between next and webdl versions?
the source video are different, NEXT release are from HDTV while WEB-DL from streaming site
Is WEB_DL better than NEXT ?
I think you should find out which one is better for yourself
as for me I prefer NEXT for faster release, everyone have their own preference 🙂
Hi! Have some trouble with the videos. I’ve got the link but then when I tried to open it in my g-drive, it says there that: “THIS VIDEO CANNOT BE PLAYED” or “YOU DON’T HAVE ACCESS TO THIS VIDEO”. I really dont know what’s happening. I don’t have other problems with the other videos though
which episode is that exactly?
I’ve tried episode 1&2 with the same result
have you try this? https://dramaday.net/how-to-bypass-google-drive-quota-exceeded/
or just download it from other host
It worked. This solves my problem. Thank you so much 😊
when i click google drive, it directs me to this link https://lewat.club/post/top-android-phone-games?lOeB3VZKEH=1&d=0 🙁 what should i do?
oh my bad. i didn’t let the page load fully that is why i didn’t see the captcha. ty!
The Ecpatcha is fine but the timer for 5 secs isn’t moving for any of the 720p mega download links…please fix that, Admin
just tested and no issue on my end
try with other browser (recommended firefox or chrome), most shortener are not working on browser like UC browser
and fyi everything you see on shortener page are out of my control
Bypass google drive download limit no longer works. I think they fixed this. Can you please confirm this?
post the file link so I can check it
Thank you. I figured it out. It seems that DDDRIVE copies into my google drive all the episodes that i download which made my Google Drive full. Created some space by deleting some items and then followed the method to bypass google drive download limit. This method still works and it works perfectly! Great site by the way.
thanks!!! 🙂
Min tolong dong link nya diperbaiki yg WEB-DL 1080, tidak bisa diakses
“Access to doc-14-8k-docs.googleusercontent.com was denied” itu tulisan yang muncul pas mau download min
link masih hidup semua kok… ep brp itu biar aku cek
episode 6 min
lancar aja kok di aku
Udah bisa min, makasih yah
Are these links still working? All I keep getting are endless popup pages, which never take me to a download link. Hoping to get the 1080 versions.
have you read https://dramaday.net/how-to-download/
hey admin, I didn’t see the timer on the 2nd website when I try to download the video
have you try with different browser?
Link GD ada tulisan ‘you need acces’ ini gimana min?
gdrive link re uploaded
Ep. 08 web dl 720p file not found
fixed now
I’m having this trouble while downloading
“Error 520
Web server is returning an unknown error”
and if I got past through this then
file is not available
from episode 11-16
EP 05 1080p WEB-DL UPTOBOX file not found
Please fix it.
lots of dead mega WEB-DL links switched to x265-NEXT a few dead mega 720P ended up with a mix of 720P/540P The links might need a refresh.
Please fix Mega 720p links. Links are not working anymore.
Google Drive 1080 (WEB-DL) links are not working can you fix it please? 🙁
-Says 404 Not Found
work just fine on my end
It’s Working again 😀
Thanks for responding btw!
any chances for us to get the nf version? thank u sm for your hardwork
episode 7 and 8 “540p WEB-DL” in mega, were deleted
(don’t about the rest yet.)
Thank super much ^_^
Episode 1 web dl does not seem to work