Hyori’s Bed and Breakfast

Title: 효리네 민박 / Hyori’s Bed and Breakfast
Episodes: S1: 14 / S2: 16
Broadcast network: JTBC
Broadcast period: 2018-Feb-04 to 2018-May-20
K-pop diva Lee Hyo-ri and her husband open up their home on the beautiful Jeju Island to welcome travelers for free stays, meals and late-night chats.
Subtitles: http://bit.ly/38tzB69
Terima Kasih kepada Admin. Season ke 2 nya ditunggu ya
Tambahin sub Indo dari Netflix dong, min
ga ada, klo ada udh ku tambahin dari awal
min, aku request variety show nya baek jong won sama yang se hyung, kim hee chul, judulnya delicious rendezvous. Request juga master in the house yang ada lee seung gi, yang sehyung, lee sang yun, sama yuk sung jae. Terima kasih ^-^
Thanks for the upload – it’s just a shame Netflix has issues with licensing the original broadcast music. So many moments on this show hinge around specific songs being played, and they lose all context when it’s replaced by generic BGM instead.
Can you upload the Season 2 E14~E16 Chi Subtitles? thanks
the chinese subs for some episodes are missing on 1080p so I don’t have it
I already upload all subs I have on the subs folder
OK, thank you 🙂
Thank you Admin, terbaik lah pokoknya..
Admin request Variety Show “Heroes (2010)” dong..
Is this all for Netflix version? In Netflix version the musics was censored. Are you planning to upload TV versions? I hope you’d upload it. Thank you for the uploads as always. If you’re not uploading please let me know.
please reply admin 🙁
I dont really have time to add another version of this
okay. thank you for your hard work 🙂
Admin, can you please reupload the Google Drive link? File was not found.
I can’t re upload it right now, try to grab it from another host
Hello, can you reupload this how?
Seems all links from the season 1 & 2 are deleted.
all fixed
Subtitles S1 Ep-5 is wrong.Please Fix.