Title: 아이템 / Item
Genre: Fantasy, Mystery, Crime
Episodes: 32
Broadcast network: MBC
Broadcast period: 2019-Feb-11 to 2019-April-02
Air time: Monday & Tuesday 22:00 KST
What if normal items which belong to normal people are able to do extraordinary things? Unbelievable things are now possible due to items contain special powers. Kang Gon, a prosecutor who can’t stand injustice, investigates paranormal events. He must continue investigating to save his cousin, whom he loves very much. While trying to save his cousin, Thankfully, Kang Gon gets the help of a brilliant colleague, Shin So Young. Even when she is in the horrendous crime scene, she is still collected, competent, and decisive. The duo faces individuals who are aware of the power and danger of these items. One of them is Jo Se Hwang, a man with power and status. He appears to be a successful and progressive entrepreneur on the surface, but he is a sociopath who craves bloodshed. He wishes to use these dangerous items to murder others as he pleases. While there are who help Kang Gon and So Young uncover the mysteries behind these items, it will be a strenuous and difficult journey for them.
Bakal ada 720p x 265 webdl gak ?
ada, sabar dulu ya
Like! Thank you
google drive lagi gak bisa didownload ya emg?
Itu sudah selesai atau masih ongoing?
ongoing, total 32 episode
Min WEB-DL Source nya darimana?
Can you use https://sweetlantern.com/ instead of https://pinkhindi.com/…I got hi·ack twice have to reboot my computer
don’t click on ads & close the popup tab immediately, you should be fine if you do so
Tapi di viu episode 1 sama 2 gak digabung min
Trus pas pakai subtitle original dari viu juga gak sinkron
asli nya emang kepisah…
aku gabung biar gampang di sync dgn sub versi next yg ada di subscene
Min, knp Drama yg versi WEB-DL audionya agak kurang SEPERTI ada kresek² gitu kalo ga lagi ada dialog. Terasa bgt kalo pake earphone. Yg paling jelas terasa yaitu di “ITEM” ver. WEB-DL. Apa itu efek dr encoding x265 yg size kecil, gambar bagus, namun audio kurang karena utk memperirit size? Berharap kedepannya ada peningkatan audio.
Ini hanya sekedar saran, meskipun ga penting² bgt.
Tapi bukan berarti saya INGIN dibilang “Ngapain sih lu repot2 urusin hal yang ga penting? Tonton aja udah! Lagian lu nonton ga bayar a.s GRATIS”.
Terima kasih.
astaghfirullaaahhh…verifikasi robotnya nyebelin.
Link google drive Webdl 720p error please fix it
Can you add WEB-DL VERSION please,,, if you have available time..🥺
Hi Dear! all Videos link is broken . I can’t download it! please update !
Kak, kualitasnya bagusan 720p next atau 720p x265?
720p NEXT itu untouched jadi kualitas lbh bagus tapi size besar,
klo cari yg size kecilan download yg x265 tapi kualitas lbh rendah krn hasil re-encode