Title: 지리산 / Jirisan
Genre: Action, Mystery
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: tvN
Broadcast period: 2021-Oct-23 to 2021-Dec-12
Air time: Saturday & Sunday 21:00 KST
A mystery drama about people climbing the mountain against the backdrop of the vast scenery of Jiri Mountain. The story is about a national park ranger that roams through the mountains and saves survivors.
Subtitles: Subdl – Mirror
Learn How to download
web-dl release embedded with eng, ind softsub, turn it on from your video player
HDTV ver will be a bit late for this drama since it released on streaming sites first
Wah gercep banget min. Ini nih yang ditunggu. Makasih min 😍
Thank you admin Gogo 😍
Thanks min ❤
Terjemahan iqiyi kaku
Bagus mana sih min kualitasnya WEB-DL atau HDTV NEXT
Min makasih yg sebesar besarnya ya, berkatmu saya bisa nonton drama korea setiap hari, sdh lebih 1 tahun saya menyaksikan drakor dari situs “DRAMADAY” ini apalagi kualitasnya bebas memilih sesuai selera masing masing, skrg saya mau beralih ke kualitas 1080 NEXT untuk lebih nyaman dan bening. semoga sukses selalu ya…
Min kok 720p x260 nya bnyk fps drop yak? Apa emng dari sourcenya?
coba dgn video player lain misalnya vlc atau mpc-hc
klo masih sama kemungkinan device mu yg ga kuat
min moon maap nih, request God’s Gift: 14 Days (2014) bisa gak ya? 🙁 di Subscene ada linknya, nemu di web lain cuma pas di download / play rada patah – patah ( padahal spek Laptop bagus ) soalnya liat review di beberapa web banyak yang bilang bagus, wkwkw..
sorry aku ga terima request
episode 3 1080 g drive file not found
Min eps 3 1080p NEXT gada ya ?
hdtv next besok pagi
Min, Inspector Koo sama Chimera bakal upload kan?
Wondering if anyone’s experiencing an issue on the redirect page? The blue button you usually click to get to the file is not showing up.
the shortener are doing some maintenance on their side
seem like working just fine now
Gimana cara masuk link nya ni min?
Ngak kaya biasa nya?
Buka page how to download
Kak mau tanya, klo x265 ama x264 bagus mana qualitynya?
min gnti shortlink nya, kadang2 ngelwak gk ada tmbol continue nya
Podrias subir la serie Bite Sisters 2021 porfavor 🙏
its on youtube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRXdsS5E_8i3ntTeWS0YGupPC9pBo568s
Nice Series
Thanks you for uploading
Your website is really Perfect 🥰
There is no websites like this website
I am counting on this Website
Good Good Good
min episode 6 🙏🏻
Episode 6 have problem with sound, it’s not sync with video.
whick one? be more specific
All of HDTV. I don’t know about webdl Since I download only HDTV
most problem with next release are from the source itself
Thanks for your response.
Min, “LOVERS OF THE RED SKY 2” ada lagi ya…???
Love this drama!
Episode 7, Jirisan.E07.x264.540p.WEB-DL, the english subs are missing or out of tempo, between 12 minutes to 24 more or less. They talk and there is no subs, or some are late showing.
try this https://bit.ly/3qwOdxb
Working fine. 🙂 Thank you very much 😉
EP 11 webdl – google drive, bring me to troubleshoot page
read the page https://dddrive.me/page/troubleshooting
all possible causes already listed there
Has the subtitle for Hometown been fixed?
terima kasih admin..oh ya, mau tanya. apakah akan upload “the king of tears, Lee Bang Won”?
krn terlalu banyak drama yg harus di handle di weekend jadi ku putuskan ga ambil drama itu
Baiklah, terima kasih atas responnya ya. semangat selalu min…
Knp min ? Padahal itu drama saeguk THE BEST bnget beda sama yg lain, pleaselah min upload 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
cari di tempat lain aja, aku ga sanggup handle terlalu banyak drama weekend
Min sub indo “Artificial City” versi NEXT ko blm diupdate ya ?
krn source sub nya viki streaming video nya tersedia seminggu kemudian jadi sub nya pasti akan telat
Hey Admin
Which is better video quality?
1080p NEXT or 1080p Webdl?
Min link 1080p webdl nya tidak bisa di generate link e gd saya kenapa ya?
Please kindly fix the link!