Joseon Gunman
Title: 조선 총잡이 / Joseon Gunman
Also known as: Gunman In Joseon / Gunfighter of Joseon / The Joseon Shooter
Genre: Historical, Melodrama, Action, Romance
Episodes: 22
Broadcast network: KBS2
Broadcast period: 2014-June-25 to 2014-Sep-04
Air time: Wednesday & Thursday 22:00 KST
In 19th century Joseon dynasty, Park Yoon Kang (Lee Joon Ki) is the son of the best swordsman in the country. His father and younger sister then get killed. To take revenge, Park Yoon Kang gives up his sword and become a shooter.
Can you upload drama by netflix just like are you human too, descendant of the sun, ect… please
They only upload korean. whether it is up on netflix or not.
Check for other titles you are requesting.
Thank you so much. I have been looking for this one for a long time.
Makasih min,,, ku sedang cari2 drama lee jun ki dg resolusi bagus ❤️❤️❤️
Hi Admin,
Could you please re-upload the links for “Joseon Gunman”.
Thank you
Hello. Can you please check and repair these links, they don’t seem to be working. Thank You.