Love With Flaws
Title: 하자있는 인간들 / Love With Flaws
Also known as: Defective People / Doctor People / People with Flaws
Genre: Romance, Comedy
Episodes: 32
Broadcast network: MBC
Broadcast period: 2019-Nov-27 to 2020-Jan-16
Air time: Wednesday & Thursday 21:00 KST
Lee Kang Woo (Ahn Jae Hyun) is a handsome guy, who enjoys being the center of attention. In his past, he was dumped for being ugly. Since that moment, he has been obsessed with his appearance. Meanwhile, Joo Seo Yeon (Oh Yeon Seo) is an enthusiastic P.E. teacher. She does not like handsome men, because she went through a lot of trouble due to her 3 handsome brothers. Her ideal guy is someone who is closer to normal. Lee Kang Woo and Joo Seo Yeon happen to meet. They initially argue about everything, but they develop romantic feelings for each other.
thank you, admin
Ep 4 720 web-dl seems corrupted. Last part of the file can’t play up to end of runtime.
sorry about that, it fixed now
here ep 4 only http://bit.ly/2st6teR
Link said it’s “403 Forbidden”
mega link http://bit.ly/2L7ofKZ
What version of subtitle? next-kcw or next-viu?
pakai bhs Indonesia aja kak
aku ngga ngerti maksud pertanyaan mu apa
What’s better Next or Web-DL
di subscene ko blm ada sub web dl eps 5 6 7 8 y udh berhaari hari:((((
di rip sendiri aja pergi ke downsub.com
copy link video nya dari viu https://www.viu.com/ott/id/en/all/playlist-love_with_flaws-playlist-26139034
ok, makasih min berhasil, udh bisa
Eps 1 kenapa gak bisa di proses ya untuk MEGA. Makasih min
ga bisa di proses gmn maksud nya? ga bisa di play atau ga bisa di download?
min Gogo emang susah ya cari subtitle yang singkron buat versi web-dl yang baru dirilis di subscene 🙁
tiap nonton pake sub yang udah di subrip di vid nya 🙁 min Gogo kalo boleh atau tau share dong dimana tempat unduh subtitle yang lengkap, thank you ^^
bbrp komen dia atas kan udh ku jelas kan gmn caranya ngerip sub langsung dari viu
Min, eps 13-14nya nggk bisa di download min.☹
ga bisa di download gmn?, klo laporin masalah kasih detail yg jelas dong
setelah buka link download, pas di klik download malah ngeload ke dddrive.me , ga langsung ke download juga filenya
setelah klik download masuk aja ke gdrive mu download file nya dari sana
ternyata ada yang kejadian sama..
Which raw is good for rakuten viki subtitles?
idk but you’ll need to re-sync it for sure
viki episode are separated, try with web-dl version here
Admn kindly upload MBC SBS KBS drama awards 2019. This is my sincere request. Thanks.
this dddrive is very slow cant downlod form it nd mega is not working …..plz use any other gdrive…
get your facts straight, dddrive is not file host it just an app that help to create a copy of file into downloader gdrive acc
also all mega links are still working
Lol dddrive is works fine for me!!
merci a vous ete genial et au top
admin, 1080 next dan 720 next google drive file not found… tolong di benarkan….
maksudnya yang episode 27-28nya.. tolong di check
udh ku tes ga ada masalah kok
di coba download jg bisa
sorry salah episode, masde 29-30 google drive 1080 next dan 720 next
sama aja, gak ada masalah di aku
coba deh akses dgn browser lain
logout/login dari app atau cob pakai akun google lain
pastikan jg kasih/allow semua izin yg di minta app nya
masih kaga bisa, setelah di klik download masuk halaman yang tertulis file not found, dan ga tersimpan di drive google nya, tp aku uda download lewat mirror linknya, thanks.
eps 29.30 link 720p x265 yang gdrive file not found. tolong di cek. terima kasih
udh ku coba update link nya
coba lagi sekarang
Semua episode yg 1080p NEXT & WEB-DL cuma mentok di portal DDDrive, ngga ngedirect ke Google Drive dan ngga mucul download button. Mohon bwt admin bisa dicek kembali
di sini file gdrive di share melalui app dddrive
tinggal login dgn akun google, pastikan kasih semua izin yg di minta app nya
setelah klik download file akan ter-copy ke gdrive user
Knp ga bisa auto download yg gdrive ya ?
The links for Ep 17-18 720p x265 are both not working.. 😢
Well, it was a server problem and is now fixed 💜
540p web-dl mega links aren’t working, pls check. Thank u.
Admin ep dr 17-18 ke atas linknya hilang, bs difix? Tq sebelumnya
gdrive nya di pakai, jgn cmn bergantung dgn 1 host
pls. re-upload all 720 x265. Thanks!