Lovers of the Red Sky
Title: 홍천기 / Lovers of the Red Sky
Also known as: Red Sky
Genre: Fantasy, Historical, Romance
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: SBS
Broadcast period: 2021-Aug-30 to 2021-Oct-26
Air time: Monday & Tuesday 22:00 KST
During the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910), a young woman named Hong Chun Gi (Kim Yoo Jung) is a painter – a true rarity in Joseon Korea, where Confucian values dictate that such pursuits are unsuitable for a woman. She was born blind but somehow managed to acquire a sense of vision. And now she has been accepted to the most prestigious art college in the land.
One day, she meets Ha Ram (Ahn Hyo Seop), an astrologer whose fate is the polar opposite of her own: Although he was born sighted, he lost his vision in a childhood accident. Regardless, he is also in possession of an astounding talent: Despite the fact that he is blind, he can still read the future by tracing the movement of the sky at night. Hong Chun Gi falls for Ha Ram, and is determined to win his heart. But the duo is sucked into the machinations of the royal court, particularly those involving two princes, the free-spirited Prince Anpyeong (Gong Myung) and the cruel, scheming Prince Sooyang (Kwak Si Yang) – a man who longs to become the next Joseon king.
Akhirnya drama historical terbaru yg paling kutunggu ada disini…
Makasi banyak min sdh upload drama ini…
Oya, drakor produksi MBC “The Second Husband” udh tayang blm ? Pernah baca digoogle katanya tayang 9 Agustus kemarin…
Mohon penjelasannya…🙏🏻😊
aku ga pernah ambil drama senin-jumat silahkan cari di tempat lain
Ohh… begitukah ???
Thanks ya min untuk drama LOTRS nya, saya sangat menanti drakor hostorical yg 1 ini ceritanya pasti MANTUL. kemaren rating perdana drakor ini tembus 6,6% berdasarkan nielen korea.
thanks min
Sankyuu min
Min, upload drakor Master’ s sun dong min please …
fungsi search atau page index nya di pakai https://dramaday.net/drama-index/
Sorry min,,, soalnya pas aku cri di search nya ga ada.
Lupa klau ada Index. 😀
Drakor ni ” Cheongdamdong Alice” aku search di keduanya kyk nya g ada y min??
Boleh up drakor ni min??
Thank you so much , but is there a higher quality like now ? E.g 1808P
there are 2 1080p up there, idk what else you’re looking for
E.g masters-sun just 720P & 540P
which tracker are you using?
hi are you diy-ing it or using a tracker? your phanteam releases are appletor ones with embedded subs.
is this real? will i get virus if i download this
Min ini yg webdl lovebug source dari mana min? Viki? Viu?
Ouhhhh ok makasih min🤗
both red sky and police university did not air this week due to chuseok
Min LOTRS eps 7-8 ko blm diupload
udah ku bilang di komen di atas minggu ini ga tayang krn chuseok
bisa jg cek di jadwal mingguan yg udh ku coret yg arti nya ga tayang
Oh… begitu rupanya, kukira eps eps selanjutnya dari LOTRS tidak admin lanjutnya. Terimakasih ya min infonya.😊
Hello. This is not a complaint. I just have personal issues. Where did you get the subtitle in Episode 9? Thank you.
the sub from viki was late when ep9 come out so i use viu sub for that episode
if you need subs from viki can you get it here https://downsub.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.viki.com%2Fvideos%2F1185184v-lovers-of-the-red-sky-episode-9
Thank you for responding. Wow how surprising they (VIU) have detailed subtitle in a period drama. Fan of your site by the way
Episode 16 – 720p WEB-DL : it’s seem the file is the unedited version with blue screens and mics. For example, at 13:48:00.
lol you are right no cgi at all
I checked two other web-dl version (viu & SBS VOD) and they don’t have such issue
i’m working on add SBS VOD version now (it will take some time btw)NVM, viki re-uploaded their video to fix the issue so I decided not to so
ep 16 web-dl are now replaced with viki latest stream
Info klo udh dpt yg fix y min (cgi nya). 🙏
Siiiippp,,, mkasih y min. 🙂
Haha,,, aku serasa nnton BTS nya tau g pas tiba scene without cgi nya tu min. 😀
Episode 16, versi WEB-DL nya kok aneh, CGI film nya kok kayak belom jadi, beda sama versi NEXT nya.
klo kamu download nya kemarin sblm di perbaiki viki silahkan di downmload lagi versi repack nya
Min soundrack yg “AILEE – when your tears wet my eyes” 😊
And then no Chinese Subtitles this time?
i’m not a subs uploader go search it on subscene.com or rip it yourself from viu or viki using downsub.com
I see , THX…..
Assalamualaikum dan selamat siang. saya newbie dunia drakor dan mau download drama ini tapi hanya bisa yg eps 1 dan eps selanjutnya link expired, knp ya?? terimakasih
jgn cmn bergantung dgn satu filehost, coba download dari filehost lain
halo kak, boleh bantu arahannya untuk lewatin web perantaranya gimana yah? aku udah click 2x tapi ngga muncul apa apa. makasii sebelumnya 🙏🏻