Memories of the Alhambra
Title: 알함브라 궁전의 추억 / Memories of the Alhambra
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Mystery, Action
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: tvN
Broadcast period: 2018-Dec-01 to 2019-Jan-20
Air time: Saturday & Sunday 21:00 KST
After suffering a setback following his friend’s betrayal, Yoo Jin Woo (Hyun Bin) travels to Spain for a business trip. There, he stays at a hostel owned by a former guitarist named Jung Hee Joo (Park Shin Hye); and both get entangled in a mysterious incident.
Drama ini ada tak versi webdl?
ada, sabar dulu ya nanti ku upload
720p gk ada x264 kah?
ga ada, 720p yg di re-encode semua nya x265
Hello Thank you for your Upload.
Could you please upload the same in WEBDL 720p HEVC Format… ?
It will be really helpful for me to store this.
Waiting for your response.
I don’t really get what are you trying to say here…
do you mean how the file shared in gdrive?
Untuk versi WEB-DL, dari sourcenya ada sub indo ga min? Kalau ada, tolong sekalian diembed dong 🙂
ga ada cmn ada sub inggris
Makasih Min Lumayan Puas ni di 1080p, Jangan ilangin link Gdrive nya yak wkwkw.
Gatau ya padahal ini web udh enak bgt udh mudah bgt dan komplit bgt list dramanya, kualitasnya juga beneran oke bgt dan ga basa basi mega sm gdrive yg bikin gampang, tp kenapa masih ada yg request ini itu dan lain hal. Cuma mau bilang makasih aja untuk adminnya, sehat terus, semangat terus ya admin 💗
Senang rasa nya baca komen support kek gini ^ ^
There is no subtitle in episode 3..
my mistake, you can download it here http://bit.ly/2UtJF83
sub on E03 540p-WEB-DL is now fixed
perbedaan durasi antara NEXT dan WEB-DL kok kadang gak pas yah subtitlenya. subtitle sudah di sync biar pas untuk WEB-DL, tapi pertengahan perlu disync terus dan terus untuk WEB-DL. versi WEB-DL banyak skipnya ya?
kurang tau sih klo bagian yg di skip apa ngga nya, tapi di subscene kan udh ada yg upload versi web-dl jadi ngga perlu kamu sync sendiri
Gogo, upload juga dong film-film Korea-nya ^.^
wah ngga sempat kak, soal nya semua nya ku handle sendiri
Oiya min, ente encode sendiri atw nggak? terus kalo encode sendiri kira2 ada rencana nggak bikin yg 720p web-dl ke x265/hevc, lumayan min ngirit space hehe, btw ini web keren dah, mudah bgt g ribet, mantulll
itu kan udh di encode ke x265 HEVC, klo soal ukuran memang di sengaja di buat agak besar biar kualitas gambar nya lbh bagus
oalah, pantesan min kok gede, sorry ane g baca dulu tak kira ukuran segitu masih x264 hehe, soalnya ane eps 1 sama 2 download ditempat lain ukurannya sama segitu jadi ane pikir sama2 x264, tenyata pas ane download ada perbedaan frame rate, 23/sec vs 29/sec pantesan aja ane nonton yg dari sini kok smooth banget hehe
Situs keren dah, mudah dan engga ribet. mantull
Thank you so much for ur uploading admin.
Min Gogo, bisa tambahin drama HELLO MONSTER (KBS-2015)? Terima kasih. 🙂
Hello Monster aka I Remember You
next itu maksudnya apa min?
itu versi HDTV yg ngga di re-encode jadi ukuran nya lbh besar
paling suka dengan website ini, karena ada versi web-dl nya .. semangat terus adminya, semoga sukses
Min, ini updatenya tiap jam brpa ya klo sabtu minggu, kdg gk sabar nungguin wkwkw
ngga ada jam pasti nya sih, tapi ku usaha kan update secepat nya tiap hari
Ini tgl rilisnya min
December 1, 2018
December 2, 2018
December 8, 2018
December 9, 2018
December 15, 2018
December 16, 2018
December 22, 2018
December 23, 2018
December 29, 2018
December 30, 2018
January 5, 2019
January 6, 2019
January 12, 2019
January 13, 2019
January 19, 2019
January 20, 2019
I am just curious; what does NEXT stand for?
it’s just a release group name
if I rip and release the video myself I can name it like this Memories.of.the.Alhambra.720p-Gogo :p
something like that
Thank you very much for your reply and for this great website.
Thanks min.. udah bisa download lancar lagi..
oh ya, itu episode special bahas episode sebelum sebelumnya kan? jadi gak ada keterkaitan dengan episode selanjutnya kan?
kek nya sih gitu, aku blm sempat nonton, tadi pagi cmn ku skip2 bntr… takut spoiler aku baru nonton sampai ep 2 lol
pengguna avistaz juga toh min. berarti samaan haha.. aku pengguna juga.
Dear, admin. Can you invite me to avistaz.to ? I really wanted to be a member. If it’s okay for you. Here’s my email [email protected].
I am really looking forward to your acceptance. I really wanted to be a part of the community. T_T
Sincerely yours
I can’t invite anyone since I don’t have invitation token
there is sub reddit r/invites for this kind of stuff
if you so desperate to get in you can also purchase the invitation, there are plenty of forums specialize on this just google it
Thank you very much. I sincerely admire your work. I wanted to be like you or else work with you. You really helped me this time. thank you for the suggestion. 🙂
Makasih kak admin…semangat terus buat adminya…ini website mantul deh pokokny
Can you please upload the English sub for the special episode? And what exactly is this special episode? Just BTS or some other thing?
Terimakasih banyak min 1080p uhhh mantep 😍 Fighting min 💪 Sehat selalu ya min…
Ommo.. Admin, you’re so amazing :D, I can’t believe it is really a raw h264 1080 NF rip. I am downloading it right now. Thank you for uploading
Since the drama request forum is down
Can u please upload ‘heart to heart’s pl
Thank you in advance
Untuk MoA update mingguannya setiap hari apa ya Noonim?
Hello. Thank for all the files.
But, It will be better if you guys upload K-Drama Series in 720p HEVC NF/WEB/HD-Rips around 200MB or so (Will be really helpful for many Indian K-Drama Lovers also it will Save Space).
Please consider my suggestion.
Thanks & Regards
Thanks so much admin for uploading all video 😀
Error messages to access the loading sites
error message :
” Not Found
Error: The requested address ‘/ 6RCoAq’ was not found on this server.”
” An Internal Error Has Occurred
Error: An Internal Error Has Occurred.”
good luck
the problem is from shortener server, I already report it to the owner
they said they are working on it hope it get fixed soon
I change the shortener with other for now
Could you please upload all dramas in 1080p WEB-DL from now on? Especially The Last Empress, which is great.
Thank you very much for your hard work!!! This is by far the best site for K-drama.
Aku cuma mau ngucapin terima kasih banyak sama mba yang sudah baik hati posting Memories of Alhambra 720, ya Allah seneng banget anjir akhirnya dapet resolusi gambar yang cerah merona HIKS!1! SEHAT SELALU MBA, AKU AKAN JADI PENGUNJUNG WEBMU YANG SETIA MMMMMUAAAHHHHHH😚😚😚😚😚😚😚
thank you very much admin for uploading 1080 web-dl netflix in raw format (H264) 🙂 I sincerely loved it. Even if the size is partially huge, It’s still worth it. I really loved FHD formatss.. specially web-dl and very raw 🙂 Hope to see more of the RAW 1080 web – dl in the future. 🙂
No. 1 fan,
subtitle buat yang special eps gimana ya? gada di subscene 🙁
krn episode special ga ada di netflix arti nya ga ada official sub nya, jadi harus nunggu fan sub yah klo ada yg mau ngesub jg
Min ,ep 10 jam berapa keluarnya?? Udah gak sbar ni 😁
Why episode 5 1080p WEB-DL version is only 1.8GB? Is there anything wrong with it? 🙁
nothing wrong there
Perfect then! I checked the file and it doesn’t seem there are any problems with the resolution. It must be a Netflix thing.
Thank you! ^^
episode 11 kapan ya kira-kira?
nyesel guee… kenapa gak kemarin kemarin tau websitee ini!
bedanya yang next sama webdl itu formatnya aja apa gimana ya? dari kemarin sih gue downloadnya yang next tapi jadi sayang memory huhu
beda source nya, yg NEXT dari HDTV sedangkan WEB-DL dari streaming site
untuk versi WEB-DL ngga ada logo channel/iklan nya
hai admin, bedanya file yang web-dl dengan yang lain itu apa ya? apa udah ada hardsub-nya?
kan udh ku jawab di komen ku di atas
untuk subtitle versi web-dl udh di embed dgn softsub inggris, di sini ngga ada video yg di hardsub
Nungguin episode 12 nya
yang web dl nya kapan min ?
Akhirnyaa… kkkkk episode 12… berkah orang setia ni..
Where’s the link for Episode 11 & 12 the Netflix 1080p version?? I can’t wait longer XD And btw, thanks a lot for the hard work I love how organized everything is!
“1080p WEB-DL” files seem to be down/blocked… 🙁
(BTW: Thank you, Gogo, and all the best! :))
it just temporary when too many ppl download the file. seem working just fine now
That’s right! Thank You very much 🙂
Upload Varioust Artistnya juga kak!
Menunggu EPS14 up :’))))))
thanks for 1080p web dl
keep working
thank you so much..love it
kalau dari segi kualitas lebih bagus 1080p next / 1080p webdl min? soalnya dilihat dari ukuran file nya 1080p webdl lebih besar
wah binggung aku jwb nya… sebenar nya masing2 punya plus-minus nya, misal nya versi HDTV NEXT frame rate nya 29 sedangkan NF WEB-DL cmn 23. contoh lain versi WEB-DL bersih ngga ada logo channel nya sedangkan HDTV ada logo channel watermark dsb
Knp gk bisa di download “kuota melampaui”
pakai link mega aja, klo terlalu bnyk yg download emang gitu dia
Webdl rilis jam berapa biasanya ?
I hope we can copy the file to google drive, so we don’t need to wait for that quota exceeded (i mean sharing between google drive account)
Episode 15 1080p WEB-DL overload (gak bisa di download)
this is like the worst fucking ending ever for korean drama……. idiot …………… what the fuck man …… so dissapointed
Thanks! Youre the best!
hope this web site add batch 😀
Admin-nim, aku menulis disini untuk mengucapkan terima kasih banyak. Padahal aku udah ngikutin website ini dari Mr. Sunshine, aku baru tau kalau adminnya orang Indonesia. Aku seneng banget ada website yang ngasih video sampai kualitas 1080 begini, udah gitu lengkap banget dramanya, dan updatenya cepet. Makasih banyak, admin! Semangat terus untuk upload-nya <3
Buat yang nyari sub indo buat special episode. udah ada di subscene #SekedarInfo
Hi, Could you please tell me if it is possible to obtain the subtitles in Spanish of Netflix in any way since since you only add in English … for me it is very difficult since it will not be ripped from Netflix. Thank you so much!!!
not sure since I never try it myself but I think you will need netflix subscription to be able to rip the subtitle
kok saya ga bisa download ya?
nunggu sampe 1 jam hasil download nya ga selesai2. padahal kemaren bisa. kira kira masalahnya apa ya ?
jaringan nya padahal kenceng
udh kamu coba download dari filehost lain?
please bantu responnya
Min ep 9 web dl 720p link nya mati,,
pakai gdrive, klo kena limit ikuti guide https://dramaday.net/how-to-bypass-google-drive-quota-exceeded/
Link Mega sudah pada tewas
Ada yang bisa kasih tau saya gimana caranya munculin subtitel? saya cuma nemu tombol subtitel yang off aja…
versi HDTV NEXT ga ada internal sub nya, download sub nya dari subscene
untuk web-dl cmn di tempel eng sub harus nya langsung muncul pas di play
Terimakasih banyak admin. You did a really great work
saya sudah coba download, tapi selalu halaman kosong dengan nama full 1×1. Kenapa bisa demikian ya. Saya coba pake vpn jug tetap sama
udh coba dgn browser lain?
Thank You Brother. Loves from Bangladesh 🇧🇩
Best web ever!!! Komplit banget drama drama nya dan kualitasnya gambarnya paling bagus downloadnya juga paling gampang
all fixed
non trovo le raw di memories of the alhambra,volevo solo sapere se ci sono ancora.grazie
How do I get English subtitles for a special episode?
it’s not subbed
links are broken ,admin pls check the links