

Title: 메모리스트 / Memorist
Genre: Detective, Mystery, Thriller, Fantasy
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: tvN
Broadcast period: 2020-Mar-11 to 2020-April-30
Air time: Wednesday & Thursday 22:50 KST

Detective Dong Baek (Yoo Seung Ho) has the supernatural ability to read people’s memories, when he touches them. Armed with this power, he tackles a mysterious serial murder case.

Subtitles: Internal eng softsub embedded | SubsourceSubdl

Episode Quality Download
01-16 1080p WEB-DL
720p WEB-DL
540p WEB-DL
Link 1 | Link 2
Link 1 | Link 2
Link 1 | Link 2

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Main Cast

Yoo Seung Ho as Dong Baek
Lee Se Young as Han Sun Mi

Supporting Cast

Jo Sung Ha as Lee Shin Woong
Go Chang Suk as Koo Kyung Tan
Jun Hyo Sung as Kang Ji Eun
Yoon Ji On as Oh Se Hoon
Son Kwang Up as Byun Young Soo
Kim Yoon Hee as Jung Mi Ja
Im Se Joo as Lee Seul Bi
Jung Ha Joon as Hwang Bong Kook
Kim Seo Kyung as Im Chil Kyoo
Moon Jung Ki as Kwon Woon Jang
Park Ji Hoon as Kim Min Gon
Kim Mi Kyung as Mrs. Gong
Yoo Gun Woo as Woo Suk Do


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  1. 8

    Thank you for listening to my suggestions for adding web host like All new drama should use these from now on. TQ

  2. 15

    Among the on-going series, is there anyone that has Korean subs in it? I’m asking this because I am learning Korean (Korean subs and audio quality is more important than video quality to me). Anyway, thank you for the uploads. I’ve already like got two series from you.

  3. 16

    Min , kenapa syaa download 1080p web dl dari google Drive selalu error , errornya gagal-dilarang , udah saya cari solusi nya gak Adak yang tau min , itu gmana min ? Jaringan syaa jugak stabil kok min pakai WiFi

    • 34
      Gogo Administrator

      seriously why reporting mega app problem here?
      also there are other file hosts provided, you don’t have to stick with the one that doesn’t works for you

  4. 38

    Can anyone tell me was there noticed what happened to the Dong Baeg’s female friend from his childhood (I dont remember the name)?

    • 39

      Cho Won?
      Wasn’t she hit by the woman who run for the election? I remember the dump her body near the tunnel which Dong Baek found while shaking her hand the day after

    • 41
      Gogo Administrator

      if you’re on phone make sure to refresh the page. browser on phone tend to serve cached page instead of updated one

  5. 46

    Ada yang tau subtitle web dl appletor yang cocok buat episode 10 keatas pake sub punya siapa ya? luvstar cuma 1-8 doang mulai episode 9 udah gak ngesub lagi, episode 9 cocok pake sub punya viteru17, episode 10 keatas gak ada yg cocok nih

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