Title: 마우스 / Mouse
Genre: Action, Suspense, Thriller, Mystery, Crime, Sci-fi
Episodes: 20
Broadcast network: tvN
Broadcast period: 2021-March-03 to 2021-May-19
Air time: Wednesday & Thursday 22:30 KST
Jung Ba Reum (Lee Seung Gi), a steadfast police officer, whose life changes when he encounters a psychopathic serial killer. This drives him and his partner Go Moo Chi (Lee Hee Joon) to unearth the truth behind psychopathic behaviours. This also raises the questions, whether it is possible to scan a psychopath in the mother’s womb using fetal genetic testing? And if the child in the womb is a psychopath, will it be wise to have that child?
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Gyurii wangy wangy
Min, bukannya site ini punya internal release sendiri, kadang aku liat juga punya yang nggak ada di tempat lain,,, tapi… kok kayaknya masih ketergantungan sama appletor ya? penasaran aja sih, soalnya aku liat semalem utk drama ini appletor paling lelet rilisnya, dibandingkan yg ada di public tracker
krn ada yg upload ke tracker ya aku pakai itu, sekalian bantu nge seed toh sumber video nya sama aja
klo telat nya sampai pagi blm ada baru nge rip sendiri
yg ketergantungan itu cmn rilis nf
hehehe, ternyata mimin sukanya repot 🤪
Nge-seed dimana min? Avistaz? Kalo nge-Rip sendiri, pake nama rilis apa? Phanteam kah?
kenapa yg 520p sma 720p ga dikasih tag phanteam min?
1080p NEXT vs 1080p Webdl lebih jernih mana ya? ukuran hampir sama
WEB-DL jernihhh, bersih jugaa. Aku suka pakai 1080pWEB-DL ketimbang 1080pNEXT
di up setiap hari apa ini min
Jadwal tayang sudah tercantum jelas di atas kak jgn malas baca
gk bisa bahasa inggres ka maap 🙁
The movie is super interesting but rate of dropping the episodes are very slow which can make one to lose interest
lul, are new on kdrama?
2 eps each week is a blessing and already make drama staff team pretty exhausted. some even pass away from overworking in past kdrama series if you follow kdrama “Hospital Playlist” while it air 1 eps for the whole week, then you will know how it feel.
she probably talking about the story pace
1080p hdtv next for ep 5 will be a bit late
kak, yang versi web-dl kok agak kecilan ya ukurannya belakangan ini (1080p)? itu sama dengan yang appletor kan?
Noh appletor baru di upload.. telat sehari..
ukuran tiap episode beda* tergantung durasi dan scene
admin sini nga pernah campur* sumber video klo tving ya tving semua sampai tamat
jgn cuman karena dia pakai rilis sendiri lantas di pertanyakan
Hey, thanks for these. Are there going to be WEBDL subs uploaded for episode 5 and 6? thanks
if you need eng sub it’s already embedded with video
Ohhh thank you, i had no idea.
1080p next will be late
Kenapa sub inggris doang yg include, selain rilisan netflix dan original viu sub indo nya ga pernah include, kenapa min ?
krn sub indo selalu keluar belakangan
tanya ama subber viu.. knp datelinenya gk kaya iQiyi ato netflix
Link episode 9, safelink nya eror semua
episode spesial ada?
nanti ku tambahkan
cover nya berubah seiring jalan ceritanya ,mantap min
I feel sad for the people who are sleeping on this drama. This is so much better than Vincenzo & Sisyphus.
Beda genre sih kalau dibandingin ama Vincenzo yg nyindir banget ke kehidupan nyata.
coba ah
min kok muncul “unable to copy file”? padahal gdrive ku masih ksong
semua 3 kemungkinan penyebab nya udh di jelas kan di halaman troubleshoot tolong di baca
Min ada gak web-dl 720p x264 ? masih butuh x264 soalnya 😀
ga ada
Episode Spesial: The Predator ini gimana? Tetap nyambubg ke cerita utama? Atau macam Spin-Off?
klo ngikutin kan itu ternyata si ba reum kan killer aslinya, di eps the predator diceritain gimana dia ngebunuh korbannya, gitu lah intinya
Min mau nanya
Drakor yg kaya mouse gitu tayang dan ada versi Netflix nya biasanya berapa bulan setelah di koreanya selesai?
sekitar 4bln-an
Okok makasih min,
Oot ini drama mouse nya mimin yang versi 1080p webdl full eps ada sub indo nya kah?
klo maksud mu internal sub nya ga ada
Eksternal min full yg appletor mksdku
ya tinggal download di subscene aja
Admin help , ini adblock udah saya matiin tapi masih ketedeksi. Gimana mau hilanginnya
Hello. What is the difference between Web-DL 720p and 720px265? Which one has better quality?
I haven’t checked these versions here but usually the x265 is better ans also smaller… It’s more about whether your device can handle the compression or not.
download both of the files, do comparison side by side, pick the one that suits you
Personally, prefer anything on Webdl… For me Webdl has more quality than HDTV. Also in this site if you choose webdl has subtitles embedded already, so you don’t have to find the sub in another place… Both webdl and 720p x265 are being encode in hevc anyway.
I have previously downloaded Mouse 1080p WEB-DL episodes and it has been 1080p quality. However, I tried downloading the same episodes right now and it is showing up as 360p quality. Is there something I am doing wrong? I understand if newer episodes (like 18 and 19) are lower quality, but this is for episode 2 which was released a month ago.
ignore the file preview/stream quality and just download it
if the file name says 1080p then it is 1080p
I trust that, but the file sizes have gotten significantly smaller. For example, a regular 1080p file would be at least 2GB but now it is only 930 MB and the graphics are very grainy.
then that obviously mean you’re doing it wrong way
which file host you downloaded from?
I downloaded the 1080p WEB-DL version for Google Drive and I convert it to mp4 using a program called Handbrake. I don’t know if this will add more clarity, but on my Google Drive it shows 360p quality for the mkv file. Previously, on my Google Drive, it used to show 1080p, so I am confused about this sudden change.
i have no idea how did you even manage to download a 360p file in the first place
if you right click on the file name and choose download you should be getting 1080p
and as i said before ignore the file preview quality since it will take time for host player to render the video to it’s original quality
re-encoding video with handbrake are different case the output varies depend on how you set up the encoding settings
nanti tambahkan juga ya episode spesial interview, gomapta.
Hi, thank you very much for uploading the episodes. Will you upload the special “Mouse – the last” broadcasted this Thursday?
Min mau nanya , rilisan appletor sama nettlix untuk drakor , bitratenya apakah beda jauh ? Atau sama2 bagus?
klo untuk nf ga konsisten beda2 per episode, sedangkan untuk yg dari vod korea seperti appletor dll selalu di 5000-5500kb/s
Ok, sangkyu min
Do you have any plans of adding korean moviese too?
And since you know so many good sources can you tell me where i can find korean movies like love lesson, good sister in law 2015 etc in highest quality possible i would buy those movies but i want some sources from where i can get it i have searched all over google but i have only found 720p with shitty bitrates.
Min mau nanya lagi ,
Aku udah download semua dan terimakasih , karena belum nonton mau tanya dikit itu yang versi webdl 1080p appletor kena sensor gak kaya versi HDTV?
aku ga ngikutin drama ini jadi ga tau pasti. tapi biasa nya web-dl ga di sensor sih
mungkin yg lain bisa bantu jawab
Okay thanks
Could not resolve host :www.googleapis.com
Its showing this error
server issue, it will back to normal by itself after a while
I hope Lee Seung gi next drama get popular like this drama
Min untuk link gdrive kayaknya error deh, eps 1,2,3 yang googledrive error 503 tulisannya, tolong diperbaiki min :_) hehe terima kasih.
Min, english sub tu adalah hardsub atau softsub?
Min, Ep 15 yg 720-NEXT Google drive file not found
Please fix DDDrive link for Episode 17 [WEB-dl 1080p]
Mouse E4 1080p next the links is not working at all. Can please fix the link as soon as possible.
try again now
min, redirectnya ga ke biasanya, malah ke modebaca?
lagi kacau ini shortlink nya pada ke 404
kira2 ada mirror link ga min? ini kurang 18 sampe akhir aja, yang 720 x265 min
lah ini ku ganti biar bisa works, udh di coba blm?
klo file nya yg mati coba dgn filehost lain jgn cmn bergantung dgn satu host aja
Oh, kayanya masalah cache browser min. nyoba buka dri browser lain aman. thankyou min
Admin can you fix link from episode 7, please? cause it’s not work
Hi Admin, Ep14,16,&20 1080p webdl gdrive is showing 404 file not found. Can you help fix this. Thank you so much in advance.