Title: 프리스트 / 牧師 / Priest
Genre: Supernatural, Thriller, Horror, Medical
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: OCN
Broadcast period: 2018-Nov-24 to 2019-Jan-20
Air time: Saturdays and Sundays at 22:20 KST
Oh Soo Min (Yun Woo Jin) is a dutiful young Catholic priest, filled with energy. He is a member 643 Regia. The group performs exorcisms unofficially. In the past, his own mother was possessed by a devil. She could not receive an exorcism and she consequently died. After that, Oh Soo Min was taught by Priest Moon Ki Sun (Park Yong Woo) on how to perform exorcisms. Moon Ki Sun is the person who formed 643 Regia.
Meanwhile, Ham Eun Ho (Jung Yoo Mi) became a doctor after her family went through an unfortunate accident. She wants to save the lives of people. Now, Ham Eun Ho works in the emergency room of a hospital. Ham Eun Ho does not believe in God, but she witnesses a supernatural phenomenon and meets Priest Oh Soo Min. She faces a big change in her life.
Halo kak, nanya dong dari semua kualitas video diatas itu yang paling bagus yang mana ya?
maksud mu yg udh di re-encode?
Iya kak.
klo kamu mentingin kualitas download yg web-dl aja
Berarti kalo sama yang x265 itu lebih bagus yang web-dl ya kak? Klo web-dl itu udh ada subnya kan kak?
iya, yg web-dl udh di embed sub inggris
klo mau pakai sub indo harus kamu re-sync sendiri
Oh gitu ya kak, oke makasih kak atas penjelasannya ☺
thanks for this drama.
you are the best.. 🙂
Thank you for your hard work!! <3 <3 This drama seems scary but I think it's worth my time. ;)<3
Min 1080p NEXT google drivenya limit
I can’t get get 5th and 6th 540p x264 files on mega it’s showing Files Are no longer available
Mulai dari episode 6 link-ny bnyk yg mati. Tolong di-upload lagi mod. Terimakasih bnyk….
ga ada backup nih jadi harus harus di re-encode semua
ga tau kpn baru bisa ku perbaiki ini
min subtitlenya ga bisa d download, tolong dong?ma kasih sebelumnya
klo ga bisa buka subscene kamu tinggal ganti aja domain nya jadi indexsubtitle.com
contoh dari https://subscene.com/subtitles/the-priest-peuriseuteu
ke https://indexsubtitle.com/subtitles/the-priest-peuriseuteu
ma kasih min berhasil
Min, apa kdrama ini ada versi WEB-DL 1080p nya?
Can I ask you to upload in pixeldrain for 720p x265?
Min Gak Ada Yg Bisa Di Download. Linknya Mati semua