Mafia Game in Prison

Mafia Game in Prison

Title: 호구들의 감빵생활 / Mafia Game in Prison
Also known as: Prison Life of Fools
Episodes: 26
Broadcast network: tvN
Broadcast period: 2019-Mar-16 ~ 2019-Sep-07
Air time: Saturday 18:10 KST

“Prison Life of Fools” is a variety show where the cast members will divide themselves into different teams and play various games to find the hidden “mafia” member.


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Cast Member

Kim Tae Jin (MC)
Lee Soo Geun
Jung Hyung Don
Hwang Jae Sung
Jang Do Yeon
Lee Sang Yeob
Kim Jong Min (Koyote)
Seungkwan (SEVENTEEN)
Choi Ye Na (IZ*ONE)
Han Bo Reum

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  1. 3

    hi, i can’t seem to download any videos as the links direct me to a website with no sorts of download links. Could i get any other ways to download from here?

    • 4
      Gogo Administrator

      On the shortlink page click on “I’m not a robot” after you solve the captcha click on “Continue”
      on the second page wait for the countdown then click “Get Link” and you will be directed to download page
      note: there will be 1 popup page, do not click anything and close it immediately

  2. 9

    Could you please bring us the Show Love Me Actually? I would like very much to see it at last I
    thank you in advance for your answer.

    • 15

      kalo mau gampang nyari rilisan reguler NEXT, ke idfl aja.

      oh iya min, kok sering banget ya yg rilisan x265 itu gambarnya pecah kalo ada scene yang banyak bergerak pemainnya? selain pecah, warnanya juga jadi aneh.

      • 16
        Gogo Administrator

        sama aja mrk jg source nya dari public tracker, sekarang public tracker banyak rilis NEXT palsu yg ada iklan nya

        iya itu jg salah satu alasan ku ganti ke versi web, klo kamu bandingin dgn versi NEXT yg web-dl ga ada masalah

  3. 21
    omar said

    hi, can you please upload show me the money season 8 on your page, it will honestly be the icing on the cake, or at least tell me where to download it from. thank you admin for your thoughtfulness.

  4. 29

    Thankyou ADMIN!!
    if you liked this show please watch Master Key too (Very Funny)
    I am lucky to be able to find this website

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