Title: 루갈 / Rugal
Genre: Action
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: OCN
Broadcast period: 2020-Mar-28 to 2020-May-17
Air time: Saturday & Sunday 22:50 KST
Kang Ki Bum (Choi Jin Hyuk) is an elite detective. He is currently investigating the criminal organization Argos, but, when he comes home, he finds several men in masks. His wife and child are murdered by the masked men sent from Argos. They beat him and cut out both of his eyeballs. When he wakes up, he finds himself in the hospital and he is accused of murder. The NIS then approaches him. He is selected to become a member of Rugal, a special team organized by the NIS. Through biotechnology, he gains two artificial eyeballs with a special ability. Then, Kang Ki Bum and the Rugal team set out to take down criminal organizations.
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thank you so much for the uploads admin!!!
genre action ditayangin OCN dah download aja g perlu mikir
Keren ni drama.. Thanks min /\
Source nya Netflix kah?
tving. ga ada group yg ngerip drama harian nf sekarang
Thank you so much
Link WEB-DL untuk 720p MEGA salah min.. Itu 720p NEXT.
Mohon di perbaiki.
Istirahat yang cukup min.. Itu link WEB -DL dan NEXT (720p) ketuker 😀
Mungkin mimin lelah.. Hhh
Min 720p 265 tolong kasih uptobox juga ya,,
google drive kadang suka kumat,, karena akun premium saya cuma uptobox
What is the Best Next or Web-dl?
For me I found the Web-dl better.
subtitle untuk episode 5, 6, 7, 8 ngga ada yang pas tolong dong di adain subtitle nya
Saya tiap akses savelink ente kok selalu gabisa ya gan.. klo dari hp … coba dong ente tes pale.hp ente
aku tes di android pakai firefox lancar kok
yg ga bisa apa nya?
Ohh.. oke deh, ane pake chrome gabisa terus..
This site can’t be reachedwww.adtival.network refused to connect.
Checking the connection
gitu mulu… ane coba pake firefox aja klo gitu..
ku tes di chrome jg lancar kok, apa bkn masalah koneksi?
coba jg pakai mode incognito
kak Rugal lagi telat update apa ya?
Episode 10 WEB -DL is Broken.. FIX the link https://lewat.tautan.pro/post/film-action
I don’t see any broken link there so I assume you don’t know how thing work here?
if that so please read this https://dramaday.net/how-to-download/
Udah normal lgi kok Min.. kemarin” chrome sama Opera sama.. tpi pake firefox normal.. sekarang dah normal pake chrome..
soalnya akun gdrive loginya di chrome, jdi pas gabisa kemarin kepaksa estafet 😄
Min telat update ya? dan perasaan kemarin ane download episode 13 deh kok ilang disiini
klo kamu buka di hp biasakan refresh dulu browser nya
I decided to not add nf version of this so don’t wait for it
Ngapa memutuskan untuk tidak meng add versi nf min? Why ?
Thanks, admin. Still waiting for ep15-16 WEB-DL.
Oh nevermind. After my first comment, now it refreshed with ep15-16 links. Sorry admin. Thanks.
Bakalan nunggu lagi nih drama yg bergenre yg epic kya gini.. setelah vagabond. Dan drama” sebelumnya…
GD links are not working.plz check
which one? be more specific
apa ada yang pernah mengalami http error 403 saat download file dengan menggunakan FDM/ Free download manager?
Yang Versi 720p x265 Dari Netflix kh min,,,
Nyari sub indo eps 13-16 versi 1080p web-dl dimana ya, nyari di subscene cuman sampe eps 12, pake yang lain ga ada yg cocok.?
Episode 4 onwards 540p links are not working
What a pity! There are no more episodes 4 to 9 and 11, 12 in H265
i’ll fix it later