Secret Forest 2
Title: 비밀의 숲 2 / Secret Forest 2
Also known as: Stranger 2
Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Legal
Broadcast network: tvN
Episodes: 16
Broadcast period: 2020-Aug-15 to 2020-Oct-04
Air time: Saturday & Sunday 21:00 KST
Related series: Secret Forest
This is the second season of the 2017 hit “Secret Forest” about a prosecutor who has lost his emotions delves into the secret of the District Attorney’s Office to track down the real criminal.
Terima kasih updatenya. 🙂
finally Stranger season 2, thanks min😊
Ini web-dl nya tving atau nf?
lain kali bukak dulu lah sebelom nanya, jelas NF gitu
NF pastinya bro, karena realesenya gak lama setelah tayang di platformnya. Kan tahu sendiri NF kualitas videonya terbaik sejauh ini 😀
pernah bandingin semua 1080p WEB-DL? Aku pernah, dan kesimpulannya menurutku sih paling bagus versi TVing. utk 3 stasiun publik: KBS > MBC > SBS. Versi NF tergantung dramanya. Yang Stranger ini memang bagus, tapi coba liat Was It Love?, walau sama-sama dari NF, kualitasnya setara VIU, alias video-audio dikompres ketat, jadi turun kualitasnya.
Why not AppleTor
the Netflix version is better
I agree, NF video quality is much more superior than AppleTor’s and it’s uses the correct frame rate (23.97) whilst TVING has duplicated frames (29.97) although the audio quality in NF is underwhelmingly low (128kbps) plus the subs are horrible due to localization.
gi mana mau download dari tving ya?
Hi. I’m trying to download ep 2 but there is a lag between the video and audio. Can you please check? I tried versions 720p x265, 540p x264 and 720p NEXT.
it’s a common issue from NEXT release, they didn’t release a repack to fix it so I can’t do anything about it
Mau nanya, series ini apa berhubungan sama yg season 1 nya atau engga?
no nf release for the latest episode, so I’ll use tving ver instead
Admin, gimana ya mahu download dari tving??
krn rilis nf ga konsisten semua web-dl udh ku ganti tving kok
Episode 3 gak ada versi netflix ya min ?
Ane cari keliling belum nemu, tapi di subscene subnya versi netflix ada
min tolong benerin / perbahurui link dowanload joseon survival dong
Min yang di link mega sub buat versi nf apa tving ?
itu untuk versi nf, krn semua udh ku ganti tving jadi ku hapus aja
Min, minta link page guide GD penuh. Makasih.
sharer.pw buka link itu trus login akun google kamu,trus hapus file yang bikin penuh.
langsung aja hapus file2 yg ga guna di google drive terus bersihin jg tempat sampah nya kenapa ribet banget
Ko bukan wendl NF min?
ga konsisten waktu rilis video dari ripper nya
kadang bisa telat berhari2
Dear admin, In EP02 720p NEXT version, the sound and video does not sync. May I have your help to reupload this episode? Many thanks!
read comment no. 13
Can you upload the version from Netflix 1080p NF WEB-DL DDP2.0 x264? Please, really needed!
Mega kog gk jln pas download eps 1 min?
coba download dari host lain aja
min, adtival network error pengen download jadi ga bisa
di aku lancar aja, ga ada masalah kok
Untuk download subtitlenya dimana ya? Saya coba download di subscene pake VPN tapi loadingnya lama akhirnya coba yang mirror tapi tidak bisa juga, lagi eror sepertinya. Apa admin punya website rekomendasi untuk subtitle?
dari kemarin bermasalah server subscene
coba https://indexsubtitle.com/subtitles/stranger-2-secret-forest-2-forest-of-secrets-2-bimilui-soop-2-2/?title=stranger-2-secret-forest-2-forest-of-secrets-2-bimilui-soop-2-2
kak reupload dong
Gdrive isn’t working
Can you please refresh download links, none of them are working.