SKY Castle
Title: SKY 캐슬 / SKY Castle
Previously known as: 프린세스 메이커 / Princess Maker
Genre: Family, Comedy
Episodes: 20
Broadcast network: jTBC
Broadcast period: 2018-Nov-23 to 2019-Feb-01
Air time: Friday & Saturday 23:00 KST
The drama is set in a four-story apartment building in Seoul’s suburbs, which is inhabited by some professionals such as judges, prosecutors, doctors, professors and their wives.
It will depict their efforts to have their children admitted into good universities. Some grew up in families with many generations of doctors or lawyers. Thus, their ambitions will be shown with comedy and realism.
the highest rated kdrama in cable history…..
halo admin, saya udah download ep 10 sampe 14 pake mega yg 720p x265, tapi hasil downloadnya jadi file rar trs dia minta password, itu gimana ya? tolong bantuannya makasih
password nya dramaday.net
Everyone watches this show.. Love it
Kak, ep 17 yang 720p mega kok gak bisa di download ya?
udh ku coba bisa kok
Punyaku kok gak bisa ya kak, tulisan “open in browser” sama “mega in app”nya gak bisa di klik.
udh coba dgn browser lain?
atau download dari google drive, jgn bergantung dgn satu host aja
Belum kak.
Ini lagi kucoba pake google drive.
Utk WEB-DL VIU belum ada ya, Kak?
Kabarnya ini drama akan tersedia di Netflix juga. 🙂
tgg tamat aja baru ku tambahkan
Website favorit untuk K-Drama saat ini. Kualitas 1080p NEXT/WEBDL dengan link Google Drive. Gomawo admin.
kak eps 17-19 1080p dan 720p NEXT kok gada “icon copy to my drive’ nya ya?
biasa nya episode baru aku taruh di team drive jadi ga bisa di copy
tujuan nya biar visitor bisa langsung download file nya tampa buat salinan nya dulu
Kak, eps 1-16 540 x 264 mega version kok ga ada ?
Aku ga tau cara download versi uptobox dan google drive :'(
sama aja kek mega tinggal klik tombol download, masa ga bisa -_-
Itu versi WEB-DL VIU / NF min?
Sub Indo WEB-DL:
hello, can I know when will you upload web-dl 1080p? Love from Malaysia.
Min kualitas videonya lebih bagus 720p x265 atau 720p WEB-DL?
re-upload ke mega dong min
apa bener ini ada scene yg dipotong2,,soalnya kadang ada scene yg langsung gelap dan gantung gitu ceritanya,,karena sensor ato apa ya??
min mau tanya quality next sm web dl bagus mana ya?
bagusan web-dl
If it is possible to re-upload Episode 3 x264… please. Thank you very much.
try again now
where can i get web dl eng subtitles? since i converted the file into mp4 i dont have the subs anymore
try this https://downsub.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.viu.com%2Fott%2Fsg%2Fen-us%2Fvod%2F116546%2FSky-Castle
Can’t open 1080p WEB-DL Google Drive links. Please fix them! Thanks!!
the 1080p web dl, are broken in google drive, please fix them
Ada NETFLIX nya kah min,,,
yg 1080p nf
Yg 720 ngk ada plan upload Ver. NETFLIX 🙏🙏🙏