Title: 스타트업 / Start-Up
Also known as: 스타트업 / Startup
Genre: Romance, Comedy
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: tvN
Broadcast period: 2020-Oct-17 to 2020-Dec-06
Air time: Saturday & Sunday 21:00 KST
Seo Dal Mi (Bae Suzy) is a second-generation heiress who drops out of college to start her own company and be as successful as Steve Jobs. She also gives up her privileges and takes various jobs to raise the money she can use as capital.
Meanwhile, Nam Do San (Nam Joo Hyuk) is the founder of Samsan Tech. He is excellent with mathematics. He started Samsan Tech two years ago, but the company is not doing well. Somehow, Nam Do San becomes Seo Dal Mi’s first love. They cheer each others start and growth.
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terima kasih banyak, semangat!
mantappp, makasih ya min😊
Thanks Admin!
Mantap, kusuka TVING ..
which is the best TVING or NF?
nf release
merci pour le premier
mau tanya dapet drama gini sourcenya darimana sih 😉
YES YES YES! You’re the best admin
biasanya NF WEB-DL 1080p muncul jam berapa ya?
episode 2 pls. thanks
Thank you admin
TVING Web-Dl or NF Web-Dl, which one is better in video and audio quality?
NF WEBDL is better than TVING
Netflix audio better than TVING, DDP vs AAC. For video, usually netflix better than other web-dl.
It is without a doubt, netflix when it comes to video and audio.
min mau tanya ep 3 NF WEB-DL blm ada ya?
Please upload episode 3 of Start-up NF version. Big fan of your work.
Sub indo web-dl tving cari dimana ya min,, di subscene gk ada yang upload ,, plzzz 🙏 info
@Nam do san Kalo saya sync sendiri sub nya.
Why is NF WEB-DL so small in size this time?
it’s netflix what do you expect
they compress their file unlike korean streaming sites
Thanks for clearing my misconceptions. Greatly appreciate it!
Hi guys, why is NF better than TVING? i can see no difference ^^
You will see the different when u watch it on tv
hahaha… all NF web-dl worshiper in this thread suddenly dissapointed and disappear after episode 3
which the best quality between TVING WEB-DL , HDTV or NF WEB-DL ?
It’s nf web-dl. You should see it for yourself.
yg NF web dl sudah ada indonesian subtitlenya ka ?
Tanya nih. 720 NEXT sama 540 WEB-dL Mending mana ?
Download dua duanya, trus bandingin sendiri mana yg lebih bagus. Tonton yg menurut mu paling bagus
Thanks for the release admin. Are the sh3lby ones directly from avistaz or do you get them elsewhere?
Woahhh…. Are you also member?
I think all the resources that the admin gets are all from avistaz
can I request for m countdown episodes for 1080p or if you know a website that uploads it pls
Min kok aku puter audio nya gak muncul yah.. terus ada tulisan format audio tidak didukung karena hak cipta, udah ganti pake player video lainnya tetep gak bisa? Gimana yah min? Saya download yang webdl nf 1080p
udah coba di device lain?
itu harus dwnload mx player aio zip di google.Mx player yg sekarang ga support EAC3 audio format. liat ini tutorialnya
min mau tanya dong, cara registrasi ke AvistaZ gmn ya?
kenapa di suruh mematikan ad block, padahal saya gak ada adblock?
update tiap hari/jam berapa Min?
1/3 Malam
IMHO TVING Ripper better than NF, stable at 3GB, look at the shitty ep 3 & 7, the audio doesn’t make much difference since it just 2 Channel
true, appletor id better
ditunggu update eps 10 nya min
Please add movies to complete your site .
thanks .
min episode 10 yg 1080 webdl google drive bermasalah…tolong diperbaiki
Unable to copy files min. Ada solusi kah?
klo akun ku udah kena limit ya gitu jadi nya
link download bkn cmn google drive aja, jangan cmn bergantung dgn satu host
Kalo limit nya di refresh tiap hari atau gimana?
ga yakin aku kesan nya random gitu
Limit 2TB traffic per day, mending pake rrs auto dl biar aman
What a series…really enjoyed it
Too too predictable. Disappointed for the poor orphan … No originality. The writers are completely flat.
kenapa gabisa donlot? padahal aku ga pake adblock 🙁
Coba ganti browser
Makasih Min
ddrive ssl broken
min kapan apdet nya?
kok ga update lagi sih ep14
Dddrive error min.
the rest will be added later, need to sleep now
makasih ya min
Bdw, IOTNBO HDTV Ep. 11 di menit 18.51 kyaknya rusak tuh Min. I’m a big fan, so its a matter. Could you please re-encode? Hehe. Big thanks.
hdtv ada 4 tepat nya yg mana
Oh yeah right, sorry. 720p x264 & 720p x265 . Nggak tahu 1080p x264 bermasalah atau nggak, soalnya its too big. Hehe.
di versi yg ga di re-encode jg ada, jadi bkn masalah dari encode ku tapi dari source video nya
itu glitch yg umum terjadi di rilis hdtv next krn video nya hasil capture dari siaran tv korea
Ah begitu ya? Yang nggak di re-encode itu maksudnya yang 1080p itu ya? Atau RAW nya. Baiklah. So be it. Hehe. Thanks for your hardwork!
dua next yg di atas itu ga di re-encode, makanya size nya besar2
Min kenapa ga ada batch? Adain yg batch dong min khusus yg udah completed
Halo mau tanya bagusan HDTV atau NF Web dl yang 720p? Karena kalau dari memori nya gedean yang HDTV . terima kasih
yg 720p web-dl itu hasil re-encode makanya size nya lbh kecil
coba bandingkan sendiri aja, soal bagus ngga itu beda2 untuk tiap orang
Hi admin , sorry to ask you that but can you put the french subtitle in the NF version please I didn’t find it.
thank you!
I don’t have access to netflix to rip the substitles myself so I can’t help with that
What difference b/w NF web dl and TVING in file size?
Min kenapa dr eps 10 sampe eps 16 gk bs download 720px265 mega ?
coba download dari host lain, jgn cmn bergantung dgn satu host terutama untuk drama2 lama
dear admin, link ep 11 720p tving web dl tolong bisa di re-upload lagi? link nya mati semua. terimakasih, semangat..
tolong di cek lagi link nya
dari awal gdrive jg masih hidup, emang nya gdrive bkn link?
Misi min, mau bertanya sedikit, kira2 kalau 1080p raw NF 3gb gini dibandingin sama yg compressan/re-encode misal di mov*eku dll yg jd 1gb itu penurunan kualitas nya ngaruh di patah2 nya ga min?atau hanya audio dan kepekatan visual saja?
krn fps selalu ku pertahankan sesuai sama dgn source jadi ga mungkin jadi patah2
kecuali klo device yg kamu pakai ga kuat untuk handle codec seperti x265
Iya min makasih, paham aku. Maksudku kalo ada yg compress dr 3gb jd 1gb itu ngaruh banget gasih? yg 1 gb pasti jadi patah2 kah? Seperti rilisan2 di web unduh2 film/series paket hemat itu.
aku ga ngerti patah2 seperti apa yg kamu maksud, mending kamu download aja dan coba bandingin sendiri
hi, can you please help in fixing nf web dl links for mega? thankyou
try again now
Kak ngga bisa di download..ep 12 buka ga bisa smua, ep lain kurang tau