Strangers from Hell
Title: 타인은 지옥이다 / Strangers from Hell
Also known as: Hell is Other People
Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Horror
Episodes: 10
Broadcast network: OCN
Broadcast period: 2019-Aug-31 to 2019-Oct-06
Air time: Saturday & Sunday 22:20 KST
This drama is based on webcomic of the same name by “김용키 / Kim Yong Ki” which was published from 2018-March-10 to 2019-Jan-09 via webtoon.naver.net
It tells the story of a young man in his 20’s, who moves to Seoul for a new job and decides to stay in an ominous dormitory. It is the residents of the dormitory that would creep you out.
Subtitles: Subsource – Subdl
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Wuihhh keren ada x265 nya. Mantapp.. Knapa gk dari dulu nemu web kyk gini hahahah
WEB tersembunyi ini XD
ngga mau dilanjutin ta min ini?
minggu lalu ga tayang krn chuseok, epiode baru hari sabtu-minggu
no eps 5 1080 webdl?
mungkin kamu masih dapat halaman yg blm terupdate, coba bersihkan cache browser mu (ctrl+F5)
Ep 8 WEB-DL pls
waiting E8 web version
i don’t know why ep8 web-dl is not uploaded yet
Kak kalo GD kok file not found terus yak,,,
minta pencerahanya dooong… mkasih
hi, still waiting Graceful Family E12 web version.
the source from tracker are late, making this kind of comment here won’t make it any faster
source dari avistaz? kalo di sana telat rilis webdl, di sini juga belum rilis ya
iya, ini sekarang lagi ku encode
Hi! @Gogo, I’m curious what is the source of WEB-DL’s here? Is it from Avistaz and lastly what is AppleTor?
video source from tving vod, appletor are release group name their home tracker are avistaz
min link yang di dddrive gabisa save to my drive ya?
klo kamu klik download kan file nya ke copy ke drive mu
min link episode 8,9,10 mati
coba deh kasih detail yg jelas host nya apa, kualitas video nya apa. biar enak ku ngecek nya
this is just a scam site..the do not give the correct link
this site have been around for 3 years now, and you are the first who claim it as a scam
maybe take your time to read https://dramaday.net/how-to-download/ first if you don’t know what are you doing here
LOL noob!! some people are just blind or plain idiot
@Gogo thank you for keeping us updated with all this great drama keep up the good work.
Episode 7 web-dl 1080p ver not available.
review it
try again
Mega link’s are not working.
kak file not found untuk 720webdl, can you please help me? thanks 🙂
thank you so much 🙂
Min, Yang Webdlnya versi Tving kan? Kalo dipasangin ama sub dari NF bakal pas kah? Atau ngak? Durasinya beda atau sama aja?
ga yakin aku, kemungkinan beda di bagian intro nya
Ouhhhh, iyakah? Hmmm ok2 thanks ya min.
why any old dramas links are not working?
please give more details what’s the problem
in case the shortener link unreachable on your end try changing your dns or access it with vpn
Could you fix the 1080p WEB-DL Uptobox Links? None of them seem to be working…
google is blocking dddrive. How to bypass?