Summer Vacation
Title: 여름방학 / Summer Vacation
Episodes: 11
Broadcast network: tvN
Broadcast period: 2020.07.17 to 2020.09.25
Air time: Friday 21:10 KST
We live in repetitive daily routines, and it is time to take a break to find the balance of our body and minds. To enjoy the summer vacation, the half-time of our lives, Yu Mi and Woo Shik go to spend a daily life in a new place. It’s a small village where the ocean spreads in the front yard and the sun shines warmly over you. They sometimes enjoy the moment by themselves or with their friends. It’s about eating healthily, working out, and looking back ourselves. Will you come to our house?
Kenapa subtittle nya cuma english aja min?
sub nya dari viu
sampai skr cmn ada sub inggris
ga tau apa nanti ada sub indo nya jg
timing sub indonya ga pas min, padahal udah ngambil dari downsub bukan yg next
yg dari downsub itu harus di re-sync lagi
video kmx itu source nya dari tving bkn viu
buka aja link sub di atas, sub indo udh ku tambahkan
please, episode 3
Kak, aku tunggu episode ke 3 nya yaa. pretty please…
Sebelumnya mohon maaf kalo request gak sesuai tempatnya. Admin bisa upload variety The House Detox gak ya? Terima kasih
Min, bisa tambahin sub Indo episode 5 gak?
Bisa di-upload ulang kah episode 1-3 yang 1080p di Racaty. File nya hilang di Racaty. Thank you. Google drive saya penuh jadi gak bisa download via DDDrive.
Gogo another na pd project yoon stay pleasee
Halo min.. Link utk eps 2 dan eps 8-11 kualitad 720p rusak. Apakah bisa diperbaiki. Terima kasih banyak ya min..