Tell Me What You Saw
Title: 본대로 말하라 / Tell Me What You Saw
Also known as: Say What You Saw
Genre: Thriller, Detective
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: OCN
Broadcast period: 2020-Feb-01 to 2020-March-22
Air time: Saturday & Sunday 22:20 KST
This drama is about an eccentric genius profiler, Oh Hyun Jae (Jang Hyuk) who works with a detective with photographic memory, Cha Soo Young (Choi Soo Young) and a police chief, Hwang Hwa Young (Jin Seo Yeon) to go after a serial killer who was thought to be dead.
Thriller, Detective lagi,, gak pikir panjang langsung doownload
do you have webdl subtitles in english pls? since i converted it to mp4 i dont have subtitles anymore it would be really helpful if you have them 🙂
why not try to extract the subs instead. here the tool https://www.videohelp.com/software/Video-Updater-Tools
I wonder why do you have to go through all the troubles by converting it into mp4 in the first place
you will need to re-sync this
my laptop doesnt seem to support other files :/
what video player you use?
window media player. my computer is very old maybe that is why it not support new files. but its file ill just download next links instead.
WMP can’t play mkv file. I suggest try install MPC-HC or VLC media player
if you get error or sound issue intall video codec from here https://codecguide.com/download_kl.htm
saya mau tanya min. kalo cari sub web dl apple tor di subscene ada gak?
ada, yg di kasih label web-dl itu harus nya cocok
Min kenapa gak yg x264 720p webdl nya?
untuk encode 720p aku selalu pakai x265
Untuk kualitas gambar bagusan x264 atau x265 min?
menurut ku x265 tapi alasan utama aku pakai x265 itu krn hasil size nya lbh kecil
I have to thank you for this work.
thank you Admin!Your website is very good in this world .one of my life expectancy is your web site .types of quality and versions of films, Quick update and strong archive and support for OST .You are best site in internet.
Min, kalau boleh tau, yang video versi WEB-DL sumbernya dari mana ya? Saya pengen downloadnya yang 720p x264 langsung
Yang androidnya phi (9.0 ke atas) , pakai saja pengaturan dns pribadi, atau yang androidnya 9.0 ke bawah, akses saja subscene pkai operamini old version (V.7.6.4). Atau sebagai apternatif vpn karna vpn menghambat laju data, pakai saja app warp+
Semoga membantu.
VA-OST Please 🙏
I have a question I didn’t find the answer on the net and I gathered up my courage to write this comment… what’s the difference between 1080p NEXT and 1080P WEB-DL? I Hope for your website to reach more people and I see myself lucky to be able to watch my favorite K-Dramas with such a good quality. I can’t thank you enough!!!!
Mod, 720p x265 sama 720p NEXT kualitas gambarny bagusan mana ya ? gw pernah coba download dua2ny, setelah gw tes kok bedany tipis sekali ya… pdhl kalo size-ny bisa selisih sampe 4x lipat…
di divice jg ngaruh sih, tapi gmn pun yg ukuran nya lbh besar pasti lbh bagus baik dari segi gambar atau suara
tapi klo yg di re-encode udah ckp bagus buat mu ya download yg udh di re-encode aja
Min BTW NEXT itu maksudnya apa ya?
itu nama release group khusus HDTV
G drive isn’t working
i don’t have any backup of this
so its will take some time to recover everything
all fixed
We need subs for the 1080p NEXT files. The ones at subscene do not work. They are for a different file and do not work even when renamed.
that’s not how it works
once you downloaded from subscene you need to extract those zip file into .srt file, not rename it
I know how sub files work. Once they are extracted they must be the same name as the file in order for them to work. There are no working sub files for the 1080p NEXT files here. The ones here for the §080p files were created at a different frame rate and do not work.
subs on subscene are not uploaded by myself, i just link you guys to that site
idk which subs language you downloaded but i tested with engsub uploaded by ruoxi and it synced just fine
web-dl version already embedded with eng softsub just in case you don’t know, maybe you better grab that one instead of NEXT version so you don’t have to deal with separate subs file
I tried the 1080p.WEB-DL.x264.AAC-Deresisi . Ok thanks for the info appreciate it. 🙂
hi, can u put new link for 1080p web dl ? google block acces for dddrive cannot download…uptobox also dead..can u put all episode in 1 box folder?
thank u so much admin .may god bless u