The World of the Married
Title: 부부의 세계 / The World of the Married
Also known as: The Married Life / The World of Married Couple / The World of Husband and Wife / Couple’s World
Genre: Romance
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: jTBC
Broadcast period: 2020-March-27 to 2020-May-16
Air time: Fridays & Saturdays 22:50 KST
Ji Sun Woo (Kim Hee Ae) is a family medicine doctor. She is married to Lee Tae Oh (Park Hae Joon) and they have a son. She seems to have everything, including a successful career and a happy family, but she is betrayed by her husband and others. Meanwhile, Lee Tae Oh dreams of becoming a famous movie director. He runs an entertainment business with the support of his wife Ji Sun Woo. Even though he loves his wife, Lee Tae Oh falls into a dangerous relationship.
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Yang WEBDL mohon dikecilkan lagi sizenya. Terima kasih.
pake 360 aja di lapak sebelah lebih hemat :”)
Nggak usah banyak komplain, udah dikasih link gratis aja harusnya udah syukur.
Gomawo! Saya suka drama ini, mirip misty banget taste nya?
Does web DL have embedded subtitles?
Untuk web-dlnya gak nyediain 480p ???
ke tempat sebelah aja kalo mw 480
Bedanya next sama web dl apa yaah ?
Source video yg nanti di encode
THANK YOU!! was looking for this :’
Gimana caranya bisa download subs di subscene walau kena “internet baik”?
pakai aja link mirror di samping subscene itu
min kalo lewat dddrive data2 kita aman ga si?
aman, app nya ga punya akses ke data user dia cmn bantu bikin copy-an file yg mau di download
klo masih parno bikin aja akun google baru
thank u min
oke makasih min 🖤
Why is the WEB DL Version is always late?
the embedded subs are from viu
if they are late then it will be late for here too get it now?
Thanks admin.. i dont like netflix eng sub good to hear its viu sub
this drama is not available on netflix
Cepet banget rilis yg baru. Mantapp poll
versi HDTV NEXT tidak part-nya yg” Base upon the original series Doctor Foster”, kalau versi WebDL Apple Tor ada…kenapa ya @admin ?
do you have any social media account?
if you mean fan page, no we don’t have
Min subscene ep 3 dan 4 subnya error ga bs di extract tolong donk fixin
subscene bkn bagian dari situs ini, yg upload sub jg bkn aku
knp lapor nya kesini coba
Maaf min saya kira ada video ada disediain subnya makasih.. sekali lagi mohon maaf
coba aja di download ulang kali aja corrupt
soal nya kecil sekali kemungkinan kesalahan dari subscene nya
Hi. Downloaded the 540p x264 files but vlc on android won’t let us add/play with subtitles though. Can you help/suggest another app for the phone? Thank you.
I also use vlc so idk about other app to recommend, just make sure you extract the subtitle .srt file from zip after you download it from subscene
then open the .srt file from vlc subtitle menu while the video is playing
Gogo, utk indo sub ep 1-4 versi web-dl download di mana ya? Di subscene cuma nyediain dari ep 5 sampe seterusnya, tq.
coba pakai sub versi next
Admin, thank u for uploading this video, I was finding for 1080p but I couldn’t found it, except in this website.. thank u so much, If I can send u a coffee I will donate it..
makasih banyak admin udah upload yang 1080p, saya suka saya support sekali website ini.. terima kasih admin I love u <3
What is better Next or Web-dl? Thanks Admin
Next is fantastic quality, from SBS. The file size is usually a decent indicator
1080p web-dl dengan 720p-Next lebih bagusan mana ??
Min web dl appletornya sub nya sama kayak next ga yah?
ep 1-2 bisa pakai yg next
Ok siap, gampang dah resync sendiri beda selisih sedikit
gumawo dr malaysia ^-^ amat hargainya sekali
No Subs on your WEB-DL EP.11?
No Sub Web DL Episode 11.. pls dont upload the latest WEB DL Episode if theres NO SUB
thankyou min gercep bgtt 💞😭
Untuk admin. Saya hargai Anda dalam me-encode ulang source videonya. Alangkah baiknya Anda menjaga konsistensi video hasil encodenya. Sebagai contoh di episode 5 ukuran video yang WEBDL 720p 350 MB, tetapi di episode 6 dengan format video yang sama ukuran file malah menjadi 550 MB. Terima kasih.
semua encode ku selalu ku pakai constant quality arti nya size tiap episode akan beda2 tapi kualitas setiap scene tetap sama
jadi klo kamu cari encode yg tiap episode size nya konsisten sama tapi kualitas tiap scene nya beda2 alias avg bitrate ngga akan kamu temukan di sini
yg ku utamakan itu kualitas, size urusan belakangan aku rasa pengunjung di sini udh tau itu
Sepertinya @helloworld ini gak terlalu ngerti soal encoding.. mmg jauh lebih bagus kalo kita pake yg CBR (constant bitrate dmn kualitas video tetap stabil apalgi dtambah 2 pass encoding) ketimbang VBR (variable bitrate, kualitas video bisa berubah-ubah krn bitrate yg tidak konstan)
Helloword @ coba dibaca baca dlu masalah perencokan ya.. rata” pemilik blog / web download mereka utamain kualitas.. jdi utk ukuran size itu mereka gk dipikir dlu yg penting hasilnya.. klo mau yg size konsisten / perepisode gajauh beda.. coba di blog sebelah.. tpi dia upload max 540p dan kualitas jauh sama sini . Karena dlu saya langganan di blog sebelah pas tau link disini akhirnga di sini.. karena saya sndri nyari yg bisa bikin mata nyaman 😄 movie” pun saya nyari hasil encoknya gmna masalah size ntar dlu
Episode 15 blum rilis ya sub nya?
Kalo dr viu emg gitu, paling sekitar sore baru ada
ep16 web dl kapan?
Variable bitrate itu nggak selalu jelek koq. Netflix itu variable bitrate videonya, tp dia kualitas gambarnya paling bagus karena maximum bitrate nya up to 20mbps. Kadang 1 episode bs sampe 5gb file nya. Cuma sayangnya kualitas audionya berbanding terbalik, kering kerontang, cm 128kbps, eAC3 lagi dia pake codec nya..
Apple Tor itu lebih kompromistis audio/visualnya (tengah2).
min knp 1080p webdl gdrive gagal trs downloadnya, pke idm ktanya alamat file tdk valid trs sesi kdaluarsa
itu di luar kendali ku. klo emang berulang terus coba restart router mu terus refresh alamat download nya lwt idm
Can you download the raw of Special episodes please ?
dear admin, x265 is WEB-DL or HDTV version?
1080p NEXT –> HDTV no re-encode
720p NEXT –> HDTV no re-encode
720p x265 –> HDTV re-encoded with x265
540p x264 –> HDTV re-encoded with x264
1080p WEB-DL –> WEB-DL no re-encode
720p WEB-DL –> WEB-DL re-encoded with x265
540p WEB-DL –> WEB-DL re-encoded with x264
Can you pls upload special episodes one…
I ‘ll add the special ep later
Apakah yang special episode sudah dilengkapi dengan softsub Indonesia? Karena di subscene tidak tersedia subtitlenya untuk yang versi webdl Apple-tor. Makasih
cmn eng sub, klo di subsnene ga ada silahkan di re-sync sendiri
Please re-encode the 2 special episodes with x264.
Admin-nim, will you be encoding the special episodes in x264-540p? Thanks for your help.
540p web-dl are x264
Sorry admin-nin for the confusion because of my statement but the special episodes are named AppleTor ver, so the NEXT versions will not be reencoded? Thank you for your reply. 😭
Please drama
* jewel in the palace 720p
* wild romance 720p
* jung yi 720p
* king and i 720p
I don’t accept requests
Episode 07 ko nggk ada berkas, mohon solusinya. Thks
Maaf saya mau tanya apa sih perbedaan diantara…
NEXT, 720×265 dan WEB – DL saya bingung sekali.
Mohon penjelasannya…🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
beda sumber video nya. hdtv next dari siaran tv korea sedangkan web-dl dari situs streaming semacam viu, netfkix dll
Are they not available anymore? It shows an error, or must I do something?
try again, should be working fine now
Hi! 1080p versions seem to not be available anymore, any chance of a re-upload? Thanks!
minta tolong link gdrivenya diperbarui min karena link gdrivenya mati, terimakasih min