Title: 배가본드 / Vagabond
Genre: Action, Thriller
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: SBS
Broadcast period: 2019-Sep-20 to 2019-Nov-23
Air time: Friday & Saturday 22:00 KST
A mysterious plane crash kills over 200 civilians, including Cha Dal Geon’s (Lee Seung Ki) nephew. Determined to find out the truth behind the accident, Cha Dal Gun embarks on an investigation that leads him to a tangled web of corruption. His life intertwines with Go Hae Ri (Bae Suzy), a covert operative for the National Intelligence Service.
Is that possible have Appletor version?
I can’t handle too many version so I’ll just stick with NF ver
Admin episode 2 (1080p WEB-DL) doesnt work
error is gone. I’m sorry to bother you
WOWOWOWOWOWWW i just saw the episode and it was SICK, the waiting was totally worth it! thank you so much for bringing the opportunity to watch this drama, thank you soso much ❤
Vietnamese please
on bit.ly link
Tolong dong upload versi 4K UHD / 2160p juga,,
biasa nya klo udh tamat baru ada rilis 4K
Versi 4K biasanya nyari di web mana min?
torrent di private tracker jarang ada yg upload ke web kegedean size nya bisa puluhan giga satu episode
torrent tuh web ato software?
biar ga oot bahas torent di sini tanya google aja ya
link in google drive ?????
login to the app with google account and it will create a copy of file you want to download to your google drive and start download from it
Terima kasih untuk mimin mengambil drama ini 🙂
Baru saja selesai nonton episode 1 dan 2. Bagus dramanya.
Ditunggu episode 3 & 4 di hari sabtu & minggu depan 🙂
EP01 & 02 Google Drive: File Was Not Found!
^WEB-DL 1080p both episodes
allow all permissions asked by the app
Terima kasih admin buat episode 3 & 4.
Sampai ketemu lagi di episode 5 & 6
this is my first time using your helpful site however I do have a question
I am an editor and was wondering if you have the 1080 files without the SBS all around the borders? i don’t know if there is a way to get it without the watermarks but it makes editing very hard since i have to pan in and ruin the proportions
again, if not it’s ok was just wondering ty 🙂
have you try web-dl version?
hello, thank you it’s 1080p and without watermarks!
sorry for the inconveniences tho but there is no audio now?
is it because it’s in mkv and I have to convert it to mp4? im trying it now hopefully it’ll work
NEVERMIND! IT DOES WORK! just downloaded VLC so i can convert the files, I opened it in the program and the audio and everything is perfect!! didn’t expect it to work like that, so easy and efficient 🙂 thank you for uploading these files! <3 I appreciate ur hard work
please Episode 5
Min itu gak salah episode 5 yang 720p web-dl ukuran nya dua kali lebih kecil dari episode sebelumnya
Min, episode 5 720p WEB-DL terlalu kecil bit rate nya, videonya jadi ga setajam biasanya. File size 600-700mb kayak biasanya aja min ga masalah, yg penting tajem videonya. Thansk min
bntr aku coba encode ulang dgn source yg lbh bagus
min itu sdh diperbarui kh vagabond ep 5 yang webdl
Min, kok mulai dari eps 5, size nya yg 1080p web dl udh gk 3 gb an lagi. malah jadi 1,6 gb. dari kualitas source nya yg nurun apa gmn min?
iya dari netflix nya
min, knp vagabond eps 3 yang webdl 720p ko gambarnya ga jernih, kaya ada bintik bintiknya gitu
klo menurut mu masih kurang jernih mungkin sebaik nya kamu download yg 1080p yg tampa encode
hi plz add 1080p mega.nz
Oh my God! thank you very much admin for uploading the H265 HDVN version. I was so amazed <3 . Hope to see more episodes of that version! Thank you very much and I love you!
please upload h.264 not h.265 because it doesn’t play in other video players hehe
the h.265 codec doesn’t play in my laptop. Please help me. Can’t watch episode 6 from netflix
Try to install latest video codec, even my 7 year old potato laptop are able to play x265 flawlessly
Min, 720p webdlnya tambahin yang h.264 dong 🙂
wah ngga sanggup aku handle terlalu banyak versi
i tried to download the latest video codec in VLC, but it doesn’t play and it doesn’t play on my Internet TV.
Install PotPlayer, easy life https://potplayer.daum.net/
are 5 and 6 web-dl versions dubbed in spanish?
only on 6, it missing on 5 deep release no idea why
Thank you admin for h.264 codec of episode 06
yo where is ep 5 & 6
uptobox ep5 1080p not found
for the web-dl version
weird, it work just fine here
give it a try again
Works fine now. Thanks!
When to fix ep06 proper audio?
webdl version
min untuk yang 720p NEXT Uptobox diganti Mega bisa gak?
Epi – 08, 1080p web-dl for both Google drive and Uptobox is down admin. Please fix.
work just fine here
It works now. Thank you 🙂
Ini dilematis. 1080p NF lebih bagus gambarnya tapi yg HDTV lebih mantab sound nya.
iya semua rilis web-dl selalu kalah soal kualitas suara di banding hdtv
Yup betul sekali, yg web-dl soundnya tipiis dan kering, diakalin pake eq juga tetep lebih enakan yg hdtv. Yg rilisan netflix masih mending bisa 128kbps, yg lain ada yg cm 96kbps .. ampun pelitnya..
Akhirnya pilih yg hdtv, soalnya ini genrenya rada action gt .. apalagi SBS itu soundnya paling mantabs… hehe
I download Vagabond e09 web-dl but turned out to be HDTV, could you fix the link! Thanks
720p WEB-DL is the one HDTV
i think the 540p web dl.. is not a netflix version.
I put them in the wrong place, it fixed now
I fall in love with this series <333
Makasih minn… akhirnya ada website buat drama 1080p+ gak butuh yang hemat2 data penting kualitas terbaik tolong dipertahankan min, semangat dan sukses teross
maaf min untuk yg eps 5 yg 1080p web dl kok saya pencet pilihan gdrive keluar dddrive dan pas mau saya download file not foun gitu min, kalo pake up to box ada limiternya jadi gak enak
coba logout dan login lagi, pastikan untuk allow semua izin yg di minta app nya
tolong dong min benerin linknya yg episode 1-4 1080p web dl udh mati semua linknya gak ada mirrornya jugak
komen ku yg sebelum nya udh di coba?
aku udh coba download semua episode yg kamu bilang mati itu work di aku kok
Is there a way to download whole series instead of downloading every episodes on their own
Hello , Admin
Thank you so much for sharing the Korean series Files
for now I have a problem about downloading via google drive
I try to Download VAGABOND but every time the download is running, when it nearly finish the speed of downloading will be slower and then STOP and Show that NETWORK ERROR, now its happen every time i try to download
Please tell me How can i fixed that
I try with another Series, Rook Historiean , It have problem sometimes but still working if I retry.
But for Vagabond or another that downloading via DDDrive, the problem is happens everytimes
pretty sure it has to do with your network, dddrive is not a file host , it just an app to help create a copy of files into user drive.
try to download with download manager (IDM, etc) so you can resume your download if something goes wrong
very thank you
Now I restart my rounter, and everthing is now OK
The links doesn’t work, I tried with all the links for episode 9 and 10 but they didn’t work
Thanks For 1080p.
Thank you for fast updates. Be successful all the time.
Minggu ini cuma episode 13 aja ya?
min gogo sorry OOT, kalau mau download tv series kaya Netflix/HBO gitu dimana ya webnya?
west series kah? pahe.in mungkin
thanks bet min gogo, the best dah
Mimin gogo upload my daughter seo young sih. Pliiisss…
vagabond e14 only this week fix this week drama.
again baseball match coming 😣
thanks for the info
Gan updatenyateps 14 kpn
episode 14 tayang tanggal 9 November
di update di sini minggu pagi
min kenapa ko gagal trs ya downloadnya, pdahal jringan 4g, pke chrome gagal, pke mozilla jg gagal, di link google drive
maksud nya gagal gmn?
kan lagi download tuh udh 100 an mb trus tiba tiba gagal terus udh dicoba berkali kali
coba download langsung dari file yg ada di drive mu
di sarankan jg pakai download manager jadi klo ada masalah bisa di resume
I humbly request temptation with Park Ha Sun
I don’t accept request, please stop creating request comment here
Min website torrent khusus drakor ada gak, min?
I’m sorry I made a suggestion I hope you also like Park Ha Sun have a lovely day
but can I make suggestion just in case IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR OLD DRAMAS TO ADD
Please allow me to make suggestions somewhere also for other people PLEASE RESPOND
at least post it at related drama, I don’t understand why do you keep posting your suggestion here
People like Suzy Bae I’m guessing they also like Park Ha Sun also more people are reading here
I am sorry
Whatever I did wrong I hope you can forgive me because I am very polite and grateful for Everything you do for us please a friendly response from you would be appreciated
min ep 7 yg 1080p web sering error kalo download bs failed sendiri gagal
download dari host apa?
Minggu depan udah tamat ini Drama 🙂
Does anyone wish to share their top ten actresses here this. Would be fun
Hello. The file for uptobox link of episode 2 (1080p next quality) for drama catch the ghost has been deleted. Can you please fix it? Sorry for commenting under vagabond kdrama, I don’t know why but no matter what I did I couldn’t comment under catch the ghost post
fixed now
Thank you so much. You’re the best
EPISODE 11 stops at somewhere around 01:02 mins for me can you look into it if there is any issue with the encode or it is just an error from my side. I also checked with both potplayer and VLC and it doesn’t work. Thanks
Oh I forgot to mention it’s the 540p encode downloaded from Google drive
it’s work just fine for me
try to check the file size, see if it match with the one on file host maybe it corrupted when you download it
It’s kinda weird that my downloaded file size is bigger than the original(341.25 to be exact original 325.44). I’ll redownload it, thanks for the help
Min bisa gak ntar klo uda tamat upload versi batchnya ? yg 720 x265 ? soalnya di blog sebelah ga pernah upload 720 265 ,, eh pas masuk ke sini ternyata nyediain 720 bahkan 1080 ,, klo 1080 kegedean per episodenya hehe
kak episode 15 – 16 delay ya?
krn dua minggu terakhir slot nya di pakai buat baseball jadi ep 15-16 baru tayang jum’at-sabtu ini
ok kk makasi infonya, di tunggu update nya 🙂
No vagabond this week .. 😭 , from sources..
Hahaha.. kurang dua episode tapi ditunda-tunda terus…
Acara olahraga memang kadang merepotkan disatu sisi. Disisi lain, orang2 juga pada suka.
Sampai jumpa minggu depan 😀
Is it just me or the links don’t work? In the page (https://www.lewat.club/post/film-dokumenter) there is not captcha :/
there are no longer captcha, you can just click on “click here to continue” button directly
Hi, thank you for the reply but there is not button. It’s just a white page with some links about films
Ah nevermind. I used a vpn and now it works fine 🙂
Masih menunggu
Kebiasaan drama korea, klo ada drama yg bagus penonton banyak pasti ada aja ditunda penayangan pas episode” akhir haha,, kya yg dulu” apalagi tiap akhir tahun drama crime action bagus bagus
Admin, could you please upload 16th episode.
@Mas Ganteng: Acara Olahraga itu Ratingnya kadang lebih kuat. Makanya Acara Drama disuruh “ngalah” 🤣
Dan, akhirnya kelar juga ini Drama. Langsung Download, dan tidur. Nanti nontonnya
Terima kasih banyak buat Admin. Semoga Sehat selalu 🙂
where is the last ep?????
The ending is not even close to ENDING the drama. This is what happened when NETFLIX got its hand on kdrama. Look at The Kingdom, My First First Love, Arthdal Chronicle, and now Vagabond. Either there is another season or viewers are left speechless at cliffhanger.
Wasn’t it good if there is another season for this excellent drama? I’ll wait.
Amazing ! Suzy AND Lee reunited again WHAT to ask more ?, i’ve waited months for this to come out. Their acting got even greater and woah it was really fun to watch. I hope i will see both again next Season with a lil bit more romance (and less action?) !
Oh btw the show was nice.
hey im back here and want to download the eps again but most of em are gone can u pls reupload it?? the 1080p ver THANKSS 🙂 and i hope u can upload it on letsupload or file upload coz the others have limiter
please reupload i want to download all the epss :)) HEHEEE
coba deh klo lapor link mati itu kasih detil yg jelas, biar enak aku nge cek nya
I am trying to use MEGA to download, for some reason, I was able to download up to ep03. I was having problem on ep04 onward, any reason why I was not able to download?
maybe you reach the download limit, it can be tricked by changing your ip using vpn/proxy or use this app https://github.com/tonikelope/megabasterd
Thank you for your help! Have a nice weekend…
btw it will be much better if you not just stick with one file host, if one not working then use another one
min link google nya mati gak bisa di download
English subtitle for episode 10 please
download it from Subscene, the link already provided above
download dari google kenapa keluarnya dddrive terus min?
file gdrive di share lewat app
tinggal login aja dgn akun google mu nanti file nya di copy langsung ke gdrive mu
sudah.. tapi keterangannya selalu penuh. padahal spacenya masih cukup.
allow semua izin yg di minta app nya
The Cinematography is so good!!
kenapa diweb ini ga pake batch?
Min file 1080p google Drive tidak ada, file was not found
coba lagi sekarang
Masih file was not found min
tepat nya yg mana sih? coba link file nya di komen
I love this drama very much ♥️♥️♥️♥️, as well as reason of act Lee seung gi shii and suzy shii I love this drama both. Fighting bae suzy sis and seung gi oppa💖💖💞 we still love both of you very much. Saranghaeyo
Link Mega 404 720 webDL 404 Not Found . Tolong perbaiki min
Min maap cuman nanya…..min punya subtitle Malay ngak untuk Vagabond udah puas nyari tapi ngak ketemu di subscene cuman ada versi next tapi aku mau nyari yang Nf webdl ngak ketemu2 aku minta maap sekali lagi kalau gak ada juga ngak apa apa min
aku cmn extrak sub nya dari video 1080p bkn ngerip langsung dari nf jadi ya cmn yg di folder itu yg ku punya
Ohhhh ok makasih udah mau reply
Min yang Nf Webdl 1080p gdrive kok 404 file not found ya?
Wahhh makasih banget min, admin the best😘
Maap ya kalau udah banyak menyusahkan min……..
Thanks for the work. I love this drama and this OST but links MEGA to 720p WEB-DL has been deleted (from ep13 until final) .
Can you fix it, please? Thank you.
Wonderful! Thank you very much.
I’m sorry, ep13 WEB-DL in 720p is not found with Uptobox.
try again now
It’s good 👍
Thank you!
Min, eps 10 web dl subtitle yg di link subtitle indonesianya hilang min adanya yg (ita) minta tolong min. Terima kasih.
sub indo udh di embed dgn video
klo butuh external download dari subscene
Do you know a wonderful site like yours that we can download american series like Wednesday in 1080p?