Welcome 2 Life
Title: 웰컴2라이프 / Welcome 2 Life
Also known as: You Only Live Twice
Genre: Romance, Fantasy
Episodes: 32
Broadcast network: MBC
Broadcast period: 2019-Aug-05 to 2019-Sep-24
Air time: Monday and Tuesday 21:00 KST
The story is about a lawyer who helps the law-enforcement authorities enter a parallel world due to an unfortunate incident.
Lee Jae Sang (Bi) is a lawyer at JK Law Firm, which is one of the biggest law firms in South Korea. He is an excellent lawyer, but he only cares about winning for his benefit. One day, he has a mysterious car accident and he is drawn into a parallel world. There, Lee Jae Sang finds himself working as a prosecutor. He is strict in carrying out the law. He is married to Ra Shi On (Im Ji Yun), who loves Lee Jae Sang and is faithful to him. In the world where Lee Jae Sang came from, he broke up with Ra Shi On ten years earlier and Ra Shi On works as a detective. Lee Jae Sang struggles to cope with his different selves.
Min, link gugel derefnya ditaruh di klop ato sharer gitu biar gak gampang dead ato di ban, juga gampang donlodnya. Saran aja sih.
jangan, mending ditambahin link sharer nya sendiri. soalnya lebih enak gd langsung. mending semuanya ditambahin uptobox aja biar jadi alternatif gd limit. uptobox nggak ribet + kenceng, apalagi pake premium
Justru Kalo GD langsung jadi lebih riskan kena DMCA notice. Sekali kena filenya bisa terlacak karena ada link referensinya, apalagi ada previewnya. Juga pelaporannya bisa langsung karena file yang dibagi ke publik terekspos langsung. Uptobox juga sama kalo kena DMCA notice bakal langsung ilang. Tapi kalo ada proteksi sharer lebih awet dan gak ke track sumbernya. Bahayanya kalau akun GDnya kena ban sih, kayak kasusnya pahe bulan kemarin.Barusan download episode 25-26 aku gak ada masalah tuh. Filenya ke-copy langsung ke folder DDDRIVE.ME di dalem GD.
minggu lalu aja 3 akun gdrive kena banned
Wadidaw… Padahal udah redirect link masih ada aja yang ngebet ngelaporin. Kira-kira kenapa tuh min bisa sampe kena 3?
bkn baru2 ini, sebelum pake sharer
Ooh… Gak heran kalo gitu. Semoga setelah pake sharer bisa awet sampe lama. Lanjutkan min… Ntaps..
Hi, a few days ago, this new DDDrive server has errors downloading. After all the way, when you click download, or you get the error “File was not Found!” or an error appears saying Drive is full and asks to delete some files even though the Drive account is new and has no files.
have you try it again? can you make it work now?
That’s weird. Works just fine for me last week and just now. It automatically adds a folder under the name DDDRIVE.ME.
I tried again after your order, and now i got it normally. The “Mirror (Multiup)” option below the “Download” option now appeared and through it i was able to download normally. Thank you very much.
file not found >> GD 720p NEXT ep 25-26 > 31-32
1080p WEB-DL or 1080p NEXT which has the best quality to watch it on my giant screen
720p web-dl & 540p web-dl for Ep-15 has wrong subtitle….. please fix it or give a link of the sub
Some Web dl 720p Links (for example ep 3-4) are not working , please re-upload when you have more time, thank you. I understand, that you are busy, but please consider my request.
Episodes 27-28 1080p Web-DL Uptobox link is reporting “404 Not Found”.
Thank you.
try again
Many thank yous to you.
Buon giorno il ventunesimo episodio non si riesce a scaricare potete fare qualcosa Grazie………….
there are a lot of links up there please be more specific which ep 21 you’re referring to and give details what the problem is
Scusa Gogo ho sbagliato io era episodio 21 di un altro drama o.O ma ho visto che hai gia messo apposto grazie di nuovo …
Buona sera Gogo si scusa ho sbagliato io comunque i sottotitoli in italiano di questo drama Welcome 2 Life sono fino al 4 dove li trovo dal 5 al 32 Grazie …..Buona serata