When My Love Blooms
Title: 화양연화 – 삶이 꽃이 되는 순간 / When My Love Blooms
Also known as: The Most Beautiful Moment in Life / The Happiest Time of Our Lives
Genre: Melodrama
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: tvN
Broadcast period: 2020-April-25 to 2020-June-14
Air time: Saturday & Sunday 21:00 KST
This is a melodramatic drama about a woman in her 40s coming face to face with her first love.
Han Jae Hyun is a man in his 40’s. He is handsome, ambitious, and a successful businessman. He pursues wealth and honor. When he was a university student in his 20’s, he was like a different person. He took part in the student movement. His first love around that time was Yoon Ji Soo. He meets Yoon Ji Soo for the first time in many years.
Yoon Ji Soo is a woman in her 40’s. She is a mother and a contract worker. Her life is not so easy now. Han Jae Hyun was her first love back when she was in her 20’s. They meet again for the first time in many years and have the second most beautiful moment in their lives.
Whoa Daebak!!!
Lee Bo Young udah 40 tahunan tapi masih aja kinyis-kinyis kayak ABG komplek sebelah. Cocok banget nih buat yang punya fetish Milf Lover hehehe.
Yang paling aku suka dari drama ini tu cinematography nya yang ciamik sekali. Tbh, kualitas teknik pengambilan gambar TV-TV berbayar (TVN, OCN, JTBC) sama TV nasional lainnya menurutku masih bagusan TV berbayar. (Ya iyalah premium dodol).
Walaupun untuk quarter awal tahun ini JTBC lebih unggul dari persentase rating. Well sepertinya memang bakalan jadi tahunnya JTBC. Soalnya rating drama-drama TVN pada melempem semua. Cuma hospital playlist doang yang masih nonjol, lainnya ya gitulah. Apalagi OCN sama TV A nggak pernah denger ada pelonjakan dari segi rating.
BTW masukin ya min komenku ini, biar selain bisa tanya masalah perihal downloadd kita juga bisa diskusi soal dramanya.
Jadi untuk yang suka out of topic mending kalian ke laut aja ya. :’)
Love Always,
Kang Galon.
JTBC always keren
Hi Admn the web DL HEVC quality do you encode it yourself?
Blm ada yah yg webdl nya
coba refresh browser nya
Oh iya baru ada, makasih
@Admin Do you get the HDTV/Next releases from Avistaz? The quality is great, that’s why I’m wondering
Admin, saya coba rip subtitle pake downsub.com buat download sub dr viu tp ko tulisan nya selalu invalid, kira kira apa yg salah ya?
lancar kok pakai link viu sg
klo yg viu indo jgn link playlist nya yg di paste, harus masuk dulu ke link video nya
Ok sudah bisa min, makasih info nya
Episode 6 WEB-DL please
Saya punya pertanyaan yg masih ada hubungan nya sama yg sebelumnya. Saya mau coba re sync subtitle nya sendiri, nah aplikasi buat edit sub gitu yg admin sarankan ada kah? Kalo ada sama link download nya hehe.
Makasih sebelumnya
aku biasa nya pakai subtitle edit
episode 7 web-dl please
Where is EPI 7-8 admin ?
refresh your browser
The subs in webdl are from VIU?
Min,,, daftar drama baru yg Upload Ver NF,,,
Drapa Apa aja Ya,,,
hi!! i think ep 12 hasn’t got any subs on it isn’t it? cus i’ve downloaded the video and the subs don’t even came up
I only embed sub in web-dl version,
for hdtv next you have to download it separately
Hi…can you also upload go hos starry night?…please
hi!! i tried to download from episode 11, 720p x265, 540p x264 version but “The file you are trying to download is no longer available” (MEGA) then i tried to download from google drive/ ddrive but it said “‘Unable to copy file’ please read Troubleshooting page”, would you mind fix it? Thank you!!
take some time to read it https://dddrive.me/page/troubleshooting
it won’t work if you don’t have enough space or don’t give permission asked by the app
Gdrive 404 (File Not Found)
I’ll fix it later
thanks Gogo-nim
EP15 1080p WEB-DL Uptobox is not available
Other Episodes works fine.
Thanks in advance if it could be fixed.
try again
You are the best. Thanks for saving the day