When the Devil Calls Your Name
Title: 악마가 너의 이름을 부를 때 / When the Devil Calls Your Name
Genre: Melodrama, Supernatural, Fantasy
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: tvN
Broadcast period: 2019-Jul-31 to 2019-Sep-19
Air time: Wednesday & Thursday 21:30 KST
To become one of the entertainment industry’s most sought after songwriters, you have to have talent, inspiration, and passion. But to reach the level of popularity obtained by Ha Rip (Jung Kyung Ho), you also have to be willing to make certain sacrifices.
Ten years ago, as a struggling artist, Ha Rip found himself wondering if he would ever make his mark on the world. On the verge of giving up, he found himself face to face with the Devil himself (Park Sung Woong), who offered to give Ha Rip everything his heart desired, for a price. Desperate, Ha Rip agreed to sell his soul to the Devil and so began a decade of unprecedented success.
But those ten years are almost up and the Devil has come to collect his due. Learning that every deal you make with the Devil comes with a hefty price, Ha Rip tries to barter with his life but will that be enough to satisfy the debt he still owes?
Hi, is there a possible have Web AppleTor version of this drama?
no release from them so far, maybe after this series ended
Kak, kalau boleh tau sumber video WEB DL nya dari mana? Viu? Viki? Appletor?
Soalnya kalau dari viu videonya kaya macet2 (framedrop)
video nya dari viu singapore, klo masalah framedrop mungkin krn kamu nonton di viu indonesia
di viu indonesia fps nya 23 sedangkan viu singapore 29
eps 14 720p (google drive) – masuknya ke dddrive
mulai sekarang kita pakai drive sharer, tinggal login aja dgn akun google
yah kenapa ganti padahal pake google drive lebih enak…
dasar nya itu jg google drive tapi sebelum download file nya di copy dulu ke drive yg mau download biar ga kena limit
I cant download with dddrive, I login with my google account and click download but got msg “Your Google Drive account storage was full, please delete another file in your Google Drive or login with another Google account.” I check my google account storage 15G only used 25.2mb. I dont know what step I wrong?
make sure to clean up your trash files https://drive.google.com/drive/trash
try to logout and login again from dddrive
or try with other google account
udah coba lebih dari 5x – tetep dibilang storage gdrive full :'(
hapus file yg ngga berguna dari drive mu
jgn lupa hapus jg dari tempat sampah https://drive.google.com/drive/trash
makasiiiiiiih udah dikasih link alternatif. smoga smua kebaikanmu dibalas berlipat-lipat. aamiin…
min, kenapa nda ada batchnya?
is there an album cover for BLACK SEA by sondia?
all eps from 11 to 15 720p WEB-DL GD are down. ddrive must have some expiration or something.
Waiting for a fix soon. thanks
Episodes 11-16 NEXT version aren’t working, they give a 404 error. 🙁
If possible,do you have a fix for them? Thank you so much for everything you do! I really appreciate it ♥
Episodes 11-16 does not exit
Episodes 11-16 are not available anymore
None of the google drive files are accessible.
Min, kok file not found yg 1080 webdl & 1080 next