Your Honor
Title: 친애하는 판사님께 / Your Honor
Also Known as: Dear Judge
Genre: Legal
Episodes: 32
Broadcast network: SBS
Broadcast period: 2018-July-25 to 2018-Sep-20
Air time: Wednesday & Thursday 22:00 KST
Han Soo Ho and Han Kang Ho were born as identical twins, but they live totally different lives. Han Soo Ho works as a judge and he is guided by principles. Meanwhile, Han Kang Ho’s extensive criminal record contains 6 different arrests. One day, Han Soo Ho suddenly disappears. Han Kang Ho secretly takes his brother’s place as a judge. Han Kang Ho, who was once considered trash, becomes “Dear Judge” and highly respected.
Subtitles: Subdl – Mirror
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Dear mas/mb admin, mau tanya donk.. apakah versi 720p x265 suaranya kurang bagus ya??soale saya dah donlod smp eps11-12 suaranya kresek kresek gitu, ga bersih. apa emg begitu dari aslinya ya mas/mb??kl mau yang bagus suara dan sizenya tidak terlalu besar, sya donlod yang versi apa ya?? mohon pencerahannya..trm ksh.
bisa kasih waktu tepat nya di menit ke berapa yg ada masalah dgn suara nya biar aku cek…
Bom eu queria perguntar uma coisa ,eu baixei pelo o mega e percebi que não tinha legenda …
Eles tem legenda???
Eles tem legenda???
Click on subscene link…
you can download the subtitle there
Links are not working, it says too many people are relying to download the file.
It will back online after some time, try to use MEGA for now
Thanks for your response admin
Google drive link need permission to to access. Can fix it? I love this series so much.
om, episode 3-4 linknya expired semua
min, tolong dibuatkan link download subtitle indonesia versi web dl
masalah nya drama ini udh ga ada di viu, jadi kek nya harus kamu re-sync sendiri dari subs yg ada di subscene
Min, versi web dl per episode ada dua potongan video
Kalo bisa tolong digabungin jadi 1 tanpa mengurangi kualitas di videonya.
Please re-upload this drama, I can only download episode 1-2 to 5-6 🙁
Thank you so much!