Backstreet Rookie

Backstreet Rookie

Title: 편의점 샛별이 / Backstreet Rookie
Also known as: Convenience Store Saet Byul / Convenience Store Morning Star / Convenience Store Venus
Genre: Romance, Comedy
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: SBS
Broadcast period: 2020-June-19 to 2020-Aug-08
Air time: Friday & Saturday 22:00 KST

Choi Dae Hyun (Ji Chang Wook) runs into a group of female high school students, including Jung Saet Byul (Kim Yoo Jung). The girls look like troublemakers. Jung Saet Byul asks Choi Dae Hyun to do an errand for them, which is to buy cigarettes from a convenience store. Choi Dae Hyun buys the cigarettes for them and Jung Saet Byul gets his cellphone number, but he never gets a call from her.

4 years later, Choi Dae Hyun is now 29 years old. He runs a small convenience store after he quit his job at a large company. He is looking for a part-time worker to work the night shift at his convenience store. Jung Saet Byul comes to his store and she soon starts to work there. She is not a troublemaker anymore. Jung Saet Byul is now a university student and guided by her strong morals.

Subtitles: SubdlMirror

01-161080p NEXT
720p NEXT
720p x265
540p x264
1080p WEB-DL
720p WEB-DL
540p WEB-DL
Link 1 | Link 2
Link 1 | Link 2
Link 1 | Link 2
Link 1 | Link 2
Link 1 | Link 2
Link 1 | Link 2
Link 1 | Link 2

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Main cast

Kim Yoo Jung as Jung Saet Byul
Ji Chang Wook as Choi Dae Hyun
Do Sang Woo as Jo Seung Joon
Han Sun Hwa as Yoo Yun Joo
Ahn Sol Bin as Jung Eun Byul

People around Dae Hyun

Kim Sun Young as Gong Boon Hee (Dae Hyun’s mom)
Eum Moon Suk as Dal Sik
Lee Byung Joon as Choi Yong Pil

The Fourth Great King

Woo Hyun as Kwon Ui Chu
Lee Yoon Hee as Cha Gi Bok
Bae Ki Bum as Go Gwang Tae

Yoo Yun Joo’s Family

Kyun Mi Ri as Kim Hye Ja

Choi Dae Hyun’s Friend

Seo Ye Hwa as Hwang Geum Bi
Yoon Soo as Cha Eun Zo


Heo Jae Ho as Manager Bae
Ji Chan as Kang Sung Tae
Shin Yoon Jungas Kim Jung Ha
Lee Joo Haas Oh Hyun Ji


Kim Min Kyu as Kang Ji Wook
Lee Joon Young
Jung Eun Ji


Add yours
    • 4
      Gogo Administrator

      kebanyakan drama episode awal emang besar ukuran nya
      aku ga mau terlalu ambil pusing soal ukuran yg paling penting kualitas nya

  1. 12

    Hi, Could you add the 1080p NEXT for the 2016 completed ‘The Gentlemen of Wolgyesu Tailor Shop’? Thanks so much.

  2. 21

    hey when you add shows from netflix can you add the korean subtitles too along with english and Indonesian? it will be really useful for korean learners.. only netflix has korean subs.. thanks so much..

    • 24
      Dwi Cahya Pertiwi

      Backstreet Rookie rilisan FLTTH cuman sampai episode 2 ya? atau ada yang punya torrent nya? soalnya rilisan IQIYI Watermark nya agak ganggu hehe

      • 25

        Bagi link untuk versi FLTTH nya dong,,, aku juga sukanya yang versi gaada watermarknya ngeganggu soalnya hehehe

      • 27
        Gogo Administrator

        FLTTH itu group rilis china masih sodara ama Ao
        rilisan nya ga konsisten kadang keluar 2 episode terus ga di lanjutin
        mirip mystic pop-up bar kemarin, keluar 2 episode sampai sekarang ga di lanjut lagi

        • 28

          Min, ane udah dapat Lanjutan Versi FLTTH nya, sampai epsiode 8, kalau mimin mau, ane bagi linknya terus mimin Upload dsni untuk Link Server Gooogle Drivenya😁 hehe, soalnya waktu ane download di server itu kecepatan downloadnya Lambat banget min, tolong ya🙏

          • 29
            Gogo Administrator

            ga usah kak makasih, aku punya akun di home tracker nya kok klo mau bisa ku download dari sana
            aku rasa satu versi web-dl aja udh ckp untuk drama ini

    • 37
      Gogo Administrator

      gara2 mereka mulai pake popup current tab jadi agak ribet
      klo pas klik get link nge buka iklan di current tab langsung klik back aja di browser untuk balik ke halaman 2 shortener nya terus klik get link nya lagi

  3. 42

    njir … ko masih ada watermarknya ya , plis um ilangin dong watermark nya untuk kualitas 11 12 lah ya sama sebelah bedanya di sini ada watermarknya

  4. 43
    Aku Cinta Rika

    ko sub episode 3 dan 4 gak ada yang cocok ya ??? ada yg punya gak
    ini knpa gak ikut netflix aja ya biar tampilanya bersih dan subnya juga langsung nancap

  5. 47
    Faldy Rizaldy

    wow mkish admin, ini yg aku cari. best web drakor! bnyak drakor yg sedang aku cari dan disini kualitas nya bagus banget, semangat updatenya! khamsamida:)

  6. 52

    Most of the drama focus on Views and Rating but this drama has highest complaint.. Ha Ha ha.. But for Me, i love this drama!!

  7. 58

    Mau saya pinjami min akun avistaz? Kebetulan nganggur dan saya gak paham torrent. 🙂
    Di sana up to date dan kualitas bagus”.
    Tapi entah bisa apa kagak pinta user..

  8. 60

    ada yang tau download drama thailand di mana ? yg khusus download aja no streaming kaya web ini , klo tau kasih tau dong

  9. 81

    Can’t you guys provide a zip or a single file of the series containing all the episodes when the drama ends it would be awesome, through drive or torrent it would be awesome…

    • 93
      Gogo Administrator

      krn re-encode (x265) selain ngurangin ukuran file jg ngurangin kualitas video ya bagusan yg ga di re-encode 720p NEXT (.mp4)

  10. 97

    I watched it for the actor that I really like. I didn’t like the webtoon but the drama is nice.
    Would it be possible to repair the links 720p from episode 11 (the links MEGA and Uptobox have disappeared ) please?
    Thank you so much for sharing these dramas.

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