Jewel in the Palace

Jewel in the Palace

Title: 대장금 / Jewel in the Palace
Also known as: Dae Jang Geum / Great Jang Geum
Genre: Historical, Melodrama, Romance
Episodes: 54
Broadcast network: MBC
Broadcast period: 2003-Sep-15 to 2004-Mar-23
Air time: Monday & Tuesday 21:55 KST

“Jewel in the Palace” is based on a true story about a legendary girl (Jang Geum) who became the first woman to be the supreme royal physician of her times. Despite her poor condition as a low class girl in the male dominated society, Jang Geum overcame a series of social discrimination and landed herself as a royal cook, later becoming the royal physician, then ultimately the physician in charge of the king. She was even given by the king the title “The Great Jang-Geum”. The story of her checkered life on her success and breakdown as well as her love story beautifully unfold. “Jewel in the Palace” is sure to touch your heart.

Subtitles: SubdlMirror

01-54480pGoogle Drive | MEGA | Pixeldrain

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Main Cast

Lee Young Ae as Seo Jang Geum
Ji Jin Hee as Min Jung Ho
Hong Ri Na as Choi Geum Young
Im Ho as King Jungjong

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    • 8
      Gogo Administrator

      I don’t think subtitle has anything to do with codec
      after you download the subtitle file from subscene extract it then load the .srt file from your video player, it should be work that way

  1. 13
    Jennine Armistead

    I’m trying so hard to watch this series as I love it but I am having an impossible time, I have manage to watch season 1 up to episode 5, but I simply cannot find a place to watch it from now, can anyone help me.

  2. 16

    there some problem on the subtitltes starting episode 6 to 9 as i am watching it. at the latter part the sub titles disappears im using vlc playerwhile watching it. how should i fix this? same goes to episode 7 up to 9

    • 19
      Gogo Administrator

      I don’t understand why do you need it that way…
      there are 54 episodes, it will be more convenient to download it directly

      • 20

        Because I wanted to save this show in my drive as I have access to GSuite so I keep most of the things in my drive…
        I love this show and many childhood memories are connected with it…
        Anyway thanks for the reply I guess I will have to download them and upload on drive 🙂

  3. 27

    Episode 33 on GD and MEGA are both damage. Can u fix it? Thank u so much ADMIN, this is my all time favorite Sageuk drama.:)

        • 30
          Gogo Administrator

          give the timestamp where it happen so I can check it
          though it’s most likely an problem from the source video, don’t expect much from hdtv rip of drama back in 2003

          • 31

            I’ve watched on tv when its distorted, now I’m watching it on PC seems to be ok. Thank you so much anyway ADMIN for answering my query. It’s ok I just love this drama I watched it so many times, I hope it gets remastered or something. 🙂 YOUR THE BEST! If I may ask if you have Cruel Palace: War of the Flowers, can you please upload it? I would much appreciate it. AGAIN THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL OF YOUR HARD WORK. 🙂 🙂 🙂

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