Little Forest

Title: 리틀 포레스트 / Little Forest
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: SBS
Broadcast period: 2019-Aug-12 to 2019-Oct-07
Air time: Monday & Tuesday 22:00 KST
From fine dust in the playgrounds to noise complaint issues in the apartments, children these days have fewer and fewer reasons to spend time running and playing outdoors. An eco-friendly childcare center in the woods is now open for children who don’t have places to run and play freely. Four celebrities, ‘Tsundere’ Lee Seo Jin, ‘Newbie babysitter’ Lee Seung Gi, ‘Energizer’ Park Na Rae, and ‘Sentimental’ Jung So Min, come together to create a Kids Garden and enjoy their time playing with the kids there. The children leave the stuffy confines of the city and come to Neverland in the forest, where there is plenty of green space to run around in and lots of eco-friendly food to eat. They will show the viewers how they learn to cooperate with their friends and grow through healthy competition. A childcare service taking place in nature, full of green grass and fresh air, Little Forest!
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OMG!!! Thank you so much ADMIN for granting my wish, you never fail to amaze me… More power, and hope you always have a nice day… 😉 😉 😉
Admin will there be a web rip for this series?…
it is already a web-dl
Just dl…its already web rip
Thanks ADMIN 😍
For some reason links for epidose 6 aren’t working
it work just fine on my end
I can’t watch using Google drive. Video plugin is disabled for episode 10 and 11
click download and steam from file on your drive
I get the great show Eps10 when I open Eps13 gdrive link
Thank you
Eps 12 file not found fix please thx
Need help! I try downloading using Google Drive link but I’m directed to DDrive. I tried following the instruction on how to bypass Google Drive quota but it says the link I’m getting is not Google URL.
it’s a google drive file sharer app, just login with your google account and make sure to allow all permission asked by the app
when you click download the app will create a copy of file into your drive and initiate download directly from it
Hey episode 1-8, 12 is not available please update
Can you please update all the 720 & 1080 links @Gogo ?
I tried Ep 1 720 & 1080 file not exist, so does the Ep 2, seems all the Eps are deleted.
Please… Episode 05 and 11 of 1080p uptobox/google drive
cek dulu file nya… udh di perbaiki itu
Linknya mati gan untuk Episode 05 dan 11 yang 1080p, baik google drive atau uptobox…
coba refresh cache browser mu
nieh Episode 05 1080p GD : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-9eeh1kY1245_nhVQ9yGUCGVyabiunVD/view?usp=sharing
Episode 05 1080p Uptbx : https://uptobox.com/y0f0bb3jxnjr
safelink nya tidak bermasalah gan…
namun link tujuan yang not found…
sudah saya coba di laptop dan PC yang berbeda..
iya itu link lama, maka nya aku suruh refresh dulu cache mu (ctrl+f5)
coba deh lagi, klo link nya balik biru seharus nya udh
Akhirnya setelah pake PC rumah… Link-nya aktif juga.
Sebelum-sebelumnya itu menggunakan Laptop dan PC kantor…
terima kasih banyak…
Episodes 01 – 04 1080p LoveBug Uptobox Links are not working (I have no access to google).
Thank you
Many thank yous.
min, bisa tolong diupdate gak ya yang 540p? aku baru cek sampe episode 4 yang send, tapi filenya gak ada semua. terima kasih
coba pakai gdrive aja, aku blm sempat re-upload