Produce X 101

Produce X 101

Title: 프로듀스 X 101 / Produce X 101
Episodes: 12
Broadcast network: Mnet
Broadcast period: 2019-May-03 to 2019-July-19
Air time: Friday 23:00 KST

Produce X 101 is a 2019 boy group survival reality show on Mnet. This is the 4th season of the TV franchise. The public (called ‘national producers’) “produces” a boy group among the 101 trainees from different entertainment companies and independent trainees through online voting and live voting with multiple elimination rounds. The public will also choose the group’s concept, debut song and group name.


Episode Quality Download
00-12 1080p WEB-DL
720p WEB-DL
540p WEB-DL
Link 1 | Link 2
Link 1 | Link 2
Link 1 | Link 2

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  1. 13

    Hello ♥ I was wondering if you could upload the pdx group reality show called: X1 FLASH that aired this days

  2. 14
    han ji min

    Can you upload the reality show World Klass (월드 클래스) that aired this days?
    Thank you so much for your hard work😘

  3. 15

    hi, please help me, i’m trying to download every single episode in 1080p but i can’t really download it. Is it because of the files themselves or just my network? also can you help like give smaller size of the episodes, i mean make it consume(?) less GB? thank you very much.

    • 16
      Gogo Administrator

      bisa kasih detil masalah download nya dmn?
      klo untuk ukuran itu jg krn durasi nya rata 2 jam lbh, klo di encode lbh kecil ga enk di liat nya buram

  4. 19

    Hi, the files on episode 0 (both 1080p) seems to be deleted or removed. i still havent checked the other episodes yet. can you help me? you dont need to rush, i can wait. thank you~

  5. 26

    Hi. Can you update the links? I can’t download episode 1. Will you also upload older variety shows like Heart Signal and if possible other version of Produce 101?

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