Revolutionary Sisters

Revolutionary Sisters

Title: 오케이 광자매 / Revolutionary Sisters
Also known as: Okay Kwang Sisters
Genre: Family, Romance, Comedy, Thriller, Mystery, Melodrama
Episodes: 50
Broadcast network: KBS2
Broadcast period: 2021-March-13 to 2021-Sep-18
Air time: Saturday & Sunday 19:55 KST

The series opens with the murder of a mother that is committed during a parent’s divorce proceedings and all members of the Lee family and the extended family are suspected of murder. This series further tells the suspenseful humorous story of aftermath of murder.

Subtitles: SubdlMirror

Episode Quality Download
(+2 Special)
1080p NEXT
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720p x265
540p x264
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Main Cast

Hong Eun Hee as Lee Kwang Nam
Jeon Hye Bin as Lee Kwang Sik
Go Won Hee as Lee Kwang Tae
Kim Kyung Nam as Han Ye Seul
Choi Dae Chul as Bae Byun Ho

Supporting Cast

Yoon Joo Sang as Lee Chul Soo
Lee Bo Hee as Oh Bong Ja
Lee Byung Joon as Han Dol Se
Sul Jung Hwan as Heo Ki Jin
Kim Hye Sun as Oh Taeng Ja
Ha Jae Suk as Shin Maria
Joo Suk Tae as Heo Poong Jin


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  1. 1

    Hi, admin. Ngrasa ga sih, kalo NEXT untuk drama ini agak beda dari NEXT drama lainnya? aku sadar klo NEXT memang bukan yang terbaik, tapi di drama ini warnanya pudar dan lebih pecah, bahkan utk 1080p. Klo punya source lain yg lbh baik, mohon dishare. Trims. Ini bukan drama weekend biasa kayak Homemade Love Story. Yang ini ditulis oleh spesialis drama makjang, saingannya Kim Sun Ok (Penthouse). Karyanya selalu dapet rating tinggi, kayak Liver or Die & Wang Family.

      • 3

        ngaco! niatnya mau ngejilat tapi ngawur bin sotoy.
        gak ada sejarahnya dramaday nggak menganaktirikan drama akhir pekan KBS. ini diposting aja udah formalitas yg bagus banget. jadi yg mau cari source lain selain next, jgn kesini lah. itu Appletor udah ada noh yg 5GB lebih per episodnya

        • 4
          Gogo Administrator

          jgn negatif dulu lah mungkin krn dia baru di sini
          untuk drama kbs 50 ep aku emang selalu pakai versi next aja.
          alasan knp aku ga pakai web-dl krn ga ada yg nge sync sub nya, untuk drama lain emang aku jg yg nge-sync sub inggris nya kadang sub indo nya jg kek rwtmr tapi mengingat jumlah drama weekend yg jumlahnya bisa sampai 6 per hari aku ga sanggup untuk handle semua sekaligus

  2. 7

    Thanks min Gogo update revolutionary Sisters , sehat selalu❤️❤️❤️, jadi suka drama KBS2 50 Eps gara gara selesai tamatin Homemade love story😁😁😁,hehehe

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