The School Nurse Files

The School Nurse Files

Title: 보건교사 안은영 / The School Nurse Files
Genre: Mystery, Comedy, Fantasy, Supernatural
Episodes: 6
Broadcast network: Netflix
Broadcast period: 2020-Sep-25

An Eun Young is a new nurse teacher at school. She has a special ability to see jelly like monsters that are made from residue of human desire and she can also eradicate these jellies. She uses a toy knife and a BB gun to take out the jellies. She senses that a mysterious event takes place at her school.
Hong In Pyo is a Chinese language teacher at the same school. Hong In Pyo has a special energy. In order to protect the students, An Eun Young and Hong In Pyo work together to eradicate these jellies.


Episode Quality Download
01 1080p WEB-DL
720p WEB-DL
540p WEB-DL
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
02 1080p WEB-DL
720p WEB-DL
540p WEB-DL
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
03 1080p WEB-DL
720p WEB-DL
540p WEB-DL
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
04 1080p WEB-DL
720p WEB-DL
540p WEB-DL
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
05 1080p WEB-DL
720p WEB-DL
540p WEB-DL
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
06 1080p WEB-DL
720p WEB-DL
540p WEB-DL
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA

Learn How to download

Main Cast

Jung Yoo Mi as Ahn Eun Young
Nam Joo Hyuk as Hong In Pyo

Supporting Cast

Lee Jong Young as Han Ah Reum
Yoo Teo as McKenzie
Choi Jun Young as Kim Kang Sun
Hyun Woo Seok as Seung Kwon
Shim Dal Gi as Heo Wan Soo
Kim Mi Soo as Ga YoungKim Bum Joon as Kim Bum Jun


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    • 2
      Gogo Administrator

      sama dgn rar atau zip
      btw klo kamu cmn butuh sub indo udah di tempel di video nya, tinggal aktif kan aja lwt video player

    • 9
      The Me Yik

      Kalau di Batch lu cuma 1 kali klik Aditival Network nya dan hanya 1 aja admin dapat uang.
      Kalau per episode kan enggak.

      • 10
        Gogo Administrator

        walau klik puluhan kali dari ip yg sama yg di hitung jg tetap cmn 1x
        masalah nya bkn uang tapi admin nya yg malas nge batch

        • 11

          Kalo admin mikirnya uang, setiap buka halaman pasti banyak iklannya, disetiap klik. Disini g ada, paling klo mau ke pilihan download. Terima kasih banyak min, udah ngeluangin waktu buat encode, cari situs utama buat download. Semangat!

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