The Sound of Your Heart
Title: 마음의소리 / The Sound of Your Heart
Genre: Romance, Comedy
Episodes: 10 (Netflix)
Broadcast network: Naver, Netflix, KBS2
Broadcast period: 2016-Dec-09 to 2017-Jan-06
Air time: Fridays 23:10 KST
This drama is based on a Korean manhwa/webtoon “마음의소리 / The Sound of Your Heart” by Jo Seok which has been being published online since 2006.
It’s about the delightful stories about writer Jo Seok (Lee Kwang Soo) himself, his brother Jo Joon (Kim Dae Myung), and Aebong (Jung So Min), who is Jo Seok’s girlfriend and becomes his wife later in the story.
Subtitles: Subdl – Mirror
Learn How to download
Ini bukannya sampe episode 20 ‘min?
yg ini versi netflix 10 episode
oh okok.. kamsahamidah..
terima kasih
link dead
all links are working just fine
read https://dramaday.net/how-to-download/ if you don’t know how to download here
do you have the 1080p version got this drama, thank you.
really really thanks!!
why I can’t see the list of eps and their download links?
mana linknya
klo ga ngerti cara download di sini ikuti ini https://dramaday.net/how-to-download/
Link-nya emang gak ada, tapi ajaibnya pas saya mau reply komen disini, link tiba2 muncul.
Min, link ke shortener nya ga ada.. udah direfresh jg ga muncul.
ga ada gmn maksud nya?
aku tes di sini lancar aja kok
Udah ada min. Nongol sendiri ga tau kenapa.. thanks
min, ko linknya ga keluar ya?minggu kemaren masih ada tapi udah aku coba dr kemaren malah ga ada link download semua episode.kenapa ya min?
min, setelah aku komen linknya keluar…hehehe
subtitle indonesia yg versi netflix belum ada ya?
ga ada
Thank you always.
All files on the 1080p Google drive are missing. Please check.
Thank you min, baru ketemu nih dramanya. kirain admin gak punya filenya.. padahal aku udah bolak balik ke situs ini tapi gak nemu filenya..
Min tolong banget, diupdate dong file drama ini.. soalnya Server ERROR 525 di Adtival Network di GoogleDrive.. maksih banyak
Episode 2 ddrive link error
try again
mega link dead
Doesn’t this show has 20 episodes?
netflix version merge 2 eps as 1
Thank you