The Tale of Nokdu

The Tale of Nokdu

Title: 조선로코 녹두전 / The Tale of Nokdu
Also known as: Mung Bean Chronicles / The Joseon Romantic Comedy: Tale of Nok-Du
Genre: Historical, Romance, Comedy
Episodes: 32
Broadcast network: KBS2
Broadcast period: 2019-Sep-30 to 2019-Nov-25
Air time: Monday & Tuesday 22:00 KST

Jeon Nok Du is a man of ambition, who desires to have a successful career. Nok Du is the whole package. He is very strong, good-looking, and clever. One day, he happens to sneak into a mysterious village for widows. Dong Dong Ju is being trained to be a gisaeng in the village for widows. Although she is tone-deaf, bad at dancing, and has no sense of rhythm, she is still very dexterous and speaks against anything unjust. After Nok Du crosses paths with Dong Ju who has been living with a deep secret, they go through tumulous happenings.

Subtitles: Subdl | HDTV STIИSOИ | NF WEB-DL

Episode Quality Download
01-02 1080p NEXT
720p x265
540p x264
1080p WEB-DL
720p WEB-DL
540p WEB-DL
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
03-04 1080p NEXT
720p x265
540p x264
1080p WEB-DL
720p WEB-DL
540p WEB-DL
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
05-06 1080p NEXT
720p x265
540p x264
1080p WEB-DL
720p WEB-DL
540p WEB-DL
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
07-08 1080p NEXT
720p x265
540p x264
1080p WEB-DL
720p WEB-DL
540p WEB-DL
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
09-10 1080p NEXT
720p x265
540p x264
1080p WEB-DL
720p WEB-DL
540p WEB-DL
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
11-12 1080p STIИSOИ
720p x265
540p x264
1080p WEB-DL
720p WEB-DL
540p WEB-DL
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
13-14 1080p STIИSOИ
720p x265
540p x264
1080p WEB-DL
720p WEB-DL
540p WEB-DL
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
15-16 1080p STIИSOИ
720p x265
540p x264
1080p WEB-DL
720p WEB-DL
540p WEB-DL
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
17-18 1080p STIИSOИ
720p x265
540p x264
1080p WEB-DL
720p WEB-DL
540p WEB-DL
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
19-20 1080p STIИSOИ
720p x265
540p x264
1080p WEB-DL
720p WEB-DL
540p WEB-DL
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
21-22 1080p STIИSOИ
720p x265
540p x264
1080p WEB-DL
720p WEB-DL
540p WEB-DL
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
23-24 1080p STIИSOИ
720p x265
540p x264
1080p WEB-DL
720p WEB-DL
540p WEB-DL
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
25-26 1080p STIИSOИ
720p x265
540p x264
1080p WEB-DL
720p WEB-DL
540p WEB-DL
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
27-28 1080p STIИSOИ
720p x265
540p x264
1080p WEB-DL
720p WEB-DL
540p WEB-DL
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
29-30 1080p STIИSOИ
720p x265
540p x264
1080p WEB-DL
720p WEB-DL
540p WEB-DL
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
31-32 1080p STIИSOИ
720p x265
540p x264
1080p WEB-DL
720p WEB-DL
540p WEB-DL
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | Uptobox
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA

Learn How to download

Main Cast

Jang Dong Yoon as Jun Nok Du
Kim So Hyun as Dong Dong Joo
Song Gun Hee as Jun Hwang Tae
Jo Soo Hyang as Kim Ssook
Kang Tae Oh as Cha Yul Moo

Supporting Cast

Jung Joon Ho as King Gwanghae
Park Min Jung as Queen Inmok
– Oh Ha Nee as Queen Inmok (young)
Lee Seung Joon as Jung Yoon Jeo
Kim Tae Woo as Heo Yoon
Ko Gun Han as Yeon Geun
Yeon Woo as Mae Hwa Soo
Yoon Yoo Sun as Chun Hae Soo
Lee Moon Sik as Hwang Jang Koon
Lee Joo Bin as Mae Hwa Soo
Yang So Min as Ahn Jeong Sook
Song Chae Yoon as Min Do Rae
Han Ga Rim as Noh Yeon Hoon
Park Da Yeon as Aengdoo
Yoon Sa Bong as Kang Soon Nyeo
Hwang Mi Young as Park Bok Nyeo
Yoon Geumseona as Lee Mal Nyeon
Hwang In Yeop as Park Dan Ho


Add yours
  1. 2

    Kak, untuk yg versi webdl bs displit link per eps ga ya , soalnya ga ad app 7z extractor yg gdrive yg bs extract lgsg di gdrive

    • 3
      Gogo Administrator

      klo kamu klik download di app kan file nya langsung ke save di gdrive mu, nah extract aja file yg ada di drive mu

  2. 4

    Ad app yg bs lgsg extract gdrive kah? Sy da cr yg via list 3rd party apps di drive & cb bbrp ga ad bs extract 7z. Atau kakak tau app ap di drive yg bs lgsg extract di drive, kl yg cloud convert ga bs kl limit file 1gb maks, zip & unzip jg ga bs, app dr 123apps jg ga bs krn connect drivenya error

  3. 6

    😀 sy biasa ntn di hp kak, ga pny laptop, kl sblm dddrive sy add to drive trus make a copy trus upload subnya, tgg stream available & tgl ntn stream pk sub yg diupload hehehe..

  4. 7

    halo min , koq sekarang kalau mau download 1080P menggunakan google drive linknya tidak bs streaming ya? jadi downloadnya besar sekali sampai 2gb lebih….kenapa ya? padahal enak pakai lgsg yang ada streamingnya min….

  5. 8

    Jika boleh kasih saran, tolong utk buat KATEGORI berdasarkan stasiun TV, jd enak tuh cr judul Drama dr stasiun TV favorite. 🙂

  6. 10

    Usul, min. Utk yang LoveBug ini, ketimbang dibikin 7z, mendingan file video tiap 2 episode itu disatukan aja dengan MKVToolNix, outputnya kan tetap sama karena cuma dimuxing jadi 1 file mkv, tidak dire-encode, dan jadi bisa dimainkan di GDrive nantinya. Thank you, semoga diterima usulnya.

    • 12
      Gogo Administrator

      mau di apain jg nanti pasti ada yg ga senang, klo di append pasti nanti orang yg malas nge-sync sub yg protes

  7. 15
    mrs. D.O

    I love you miin.. makasi banyak pokoknya , semangatt terus .. jangan dengerin netizen yg suka ngeluh gak ngehargain kerja keras orang lain

  8. 30

    Dulu di file warnet sy nemuin ada bbrp judul kdrama HDTV 1080p rilisan lain selain NEXT, namanya DoA. File nya mkv jadi nama belakangnya DoA.mkv. Di metadata tertulis: encoded by Elanor. Filenya sedikit lebih besar krn bitrate audio/video nya lebih gede juga. Kualitas sedikit diatas NEXT terutama untuk serial yg cable tv seperti tvN. Cuma nggak tau skrg masih rilis yg baru2 atau nggak.

    • 32
      Gogo Administrator

      itu popup nya pihak multiup, jadi di luar kendali ku
      untuk klik pertama masuk popup, klik kedua kali nya baru di direct ke file nya
      klo langsung ketutup tab nya coba matiin adblocker

  9. 35

    Would you please also upload the subtitles of previous episodes of STIИSOИ encoder? I appreciate it. (STIИSOИ has had the best audio and video quality so far.)

  10. 37

    Sy bantu jwb Boola. Coba anda pakai sub yg HDTV STIИSOИ. Udah dikasi linknya sm mimin itu diatas. 720×265 mungkin diencode dari situ. Atau anda bisa resync sendiri kalo ambil subnya dari subscene pakai aplikasi Subtitle Editor atau Subtitle Workshop. Di PC ya, bukan hp. Gampang koq, tinggal dimajuin atau dimundurin beberapa detik-milidetik sampai dialog dgn subnya pas.

  11. 40

    kak. kok ngak ad subtitle yang sesuai untuk episode 9,10,11,12,13,14,16,18,20,22, untuk versi wb-dl 540 ya? aku udah cari di semua link subscene tpi ngak ketemu yg pas…. mihon petunjuknya dong plisss!!!

  12. 44

    Tried since this morning until now still cant download. Error on website. It shown dns of adtival is offline

      • 46

        It’s not a network related issue for sure, must be IP restriction of some kind, but I even tried vpn and it won’t open.
        Idk, haven’t been able to download the latest 2 episodes from you and had to resort to other providers, I wish you wouldn’t use anymore, but the choice is yours after all.

  13. 49

    Min, adtival network kok offline terus ya dari kemarin? Koneksi internet padahal lancar, ga pake VPN juga. Cari solusinya di google ga nemu2. Ada ide mengatasi ini, min? Susah nih ga bisa download tale of nokdu dari sini.

    • 50
      Gogo Administrator

      ga tau knp nih shortener dua hari terakhir ga jalan untuk link mega nya
      sementara pakai host lain aja dulu
      kita udh coba kontak owner nya mudah2an bisa di perbaiki

  14. 51

    Hmm, nevermind. I have tried everything but still cant download. Wifi, mobile data, vpn, no vpn and everything. Its shown error 502 😭

  15. 52

    I can’t download ep 23-24 it keep showing either error or wrong url. I mean the MEGA web-dl version. rest work just not these ones

  16. 58

    min.. utk EP 11-12 subtittle pas lanjut ke EP12 nya telat.. saya udh cobain semua subttile di subscene utk EP 11-12nya.. tapi ttp aja.. pas lanjut ke EP-12 ga pas subtittle.. mhn pencerahannya min..

  17. 64

    For a while it was showing the website got suspended, i almost started crying, this is the best place i know to get all the latest dramas

  18. 70

    halo kak, untuk episode 27-28 dan 29-30 540p HDTV STIИSOИ untuk google drive, berkas tidak ditemukan. mohon pencerahannya. terima kasih.

  19. 72

    I cannot download any more episodes on google drive or Mega….. DD drive comes up and i cannot get past it even after making an account … On mega my quota has been exceeded … Is there any way to access the regular google drive ?

  20. 77

    Hi admin, I cant download episode 1-2. All links on WEB-DL says that the file cant be found. I hope you’ll notice me. Thank you.

  21. 78

    Hi Gogo,

    the 1080p WEB-DL links on Upt*b*x for episodes 11-12 and 13-14 are incorrect. They eventually lead to movies on G**gle drive and acefile. Any chance this could be fixed? (Unfortunately G**gle Drive is not an option for me because it’s impossible to create an anonymous account nowadays.)

    PS: Why do you disable comments on newer posts? How can one inform you of broken links?

    PPS: When your previous domain vanished, you really scared me 😱

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