Weekly Idol

Weekly Idol

Title: 주간 아이돌 / Weekly Idol
Broadcast network: MBC
Broadcast period: 2011-Jul-23 ~ Ongoing
Air time: Wednesday 17:00 KST

K-pop fans around the world, unite and watch Weekly Idol! See a new side to your favorite idol group members with exciting segments where they participate in challenges, take on intriguing competitions, and show us their best moves as they dance to their debut songs. Weekly Idol is the first Korean variety show for K-pop fans, by K-pop fans. Hosts Hwang Kwang Hee and Eunhyuk guide fans through all the irresistible charms of idol groups.

493-5421080p NEXT
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720p x265
540p x264
Google Drive | Pixeldrain
Google Drive | Pixeldrain
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
Weekly Idol 2021 Guest list: https://bit.ly/3QjmKuQ
543-E5931080p NEXT
720p x265
540p x264
Google Drive | Pixeldrain
Google Drive | MEGA
Google Drive | MEGA
Weekly Idol 2022 Guest list: https://bit.ly/4bfXM7C

Subtitles: Subdl

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  1. 3

    Hi Sis, boleh upload variety show mbc yang baru gk ya ? Judulnya Birds Of a Feather atau nama lainnya itu klo gk salah : Kkilikkili; Like Likes Like; Together Together
    Maaf sebelumnya ya nyasar disini komen’y 😀
    Makasih Sis…

  2. 16
    I kun

    Episode 547 isi nya 548 episode vivid harus nya epiaode kep1er. Dari minggu tadi nungguin di web ini buat x265 nya tolong di perbaiki min

  3. 22
    Ho Jun Fei

    Pengen banget tahu bagaimana bisa dapetin episode 398 Weekly Idol dengan quality 1080-NEXT. Udah dicari-cari kemana mana, cuma disini doang yang video Weekly Idol-nya berkualitas paling bagus. Tapi gak ada episode 398. Bisa minta tolong share link google drive-nya gak ya, Min? Kalau admin-nya memang ada? Berharap banget. Terima kasih, admin. Maaf merepotkan.

  4. 24
    Ho Jun Fei

    Ah terima kasih banyak ya Admin. Terbantu banget koleksi episode favoritku karena Admin. Kalau masih bisa minta tolong buat share 2 episode request Weekly Idol lagi ya Admin. Kali ini request-an terakhir deh, maaf merepotkan lagi. Episode 403 dan 416. Pakai link yang ada iklannya juga gpp koq Admin. Terima kasih banyak telah membantu, semoga web-nya tambah ramai. 🙂

  5. 27

    Admin can you please upload all the episodes with TWICE… PLEASE I looked everywhere but can’t find a good quality copy…

  6. 43

    Halo min upload weekly idolnya Cha Eun woo ep. 434 sama Ep.279 donk. Soalnya di sini ga da Ep. 434 sma 279. Di tunggu ya min videonya.

  7. 44

    Hello, I really appreciate your work and for all the content that you have shared with us, but one question, is there a possibility that you will ever upload idol room?

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