How to Download
We use one annoying ads shortener for every link to keep this site running, follow these steps to get your download link
– Close any popup ads tab/windows immediately! do not interact, download or even install anything from it!
– Click Close/Tutup on small popup window (if appear)
Shortener model 1:

Shortener model 2:

Please note ads shortener page are NOT part of this site, everything you see there (ads, pop up, server uptime etc) are out of our control.
Hi there, thanks for your quick uploads and hard work.
I’ve been having problems accessing the links since yesterday; I can’t get to the adsnesia page and it keeps telling me that the connection has timed out. Would it be possible to check the links at your end?
Thank you.
just tested the link and work just fine here
Can you grant me access for google drive?
google drive files asking for access mean its dead
so do mine. I can’t access the link since yesterday…
are there eng sub or other language subs on the videos??
most WEB-DL ver already embedded with eng softsub, and for HDTV you can download the subs separately from
Can you add the new show of Street Women Fighter Leaders? The title is We Wont Hurt You
sorry i don’t add show by request
Why?i think everyone will like to watch that show please 🥺😭
i don’t accept requests, its literally written on comment box
pls I need to the film, but no subtitles
you can download subtitle from
Why did you set the region limit now?? Could you fix the link limit on the shortlink page?PLEASE!!! I can’t get any video now!!
Thanks (It says ” You are not allowed to access this site. ” on the shortlink page)
everything you see in shortener page are out of my control, if you’re using vpn/proxy try to turn it off
I’ll use current shortener until I find a better replacement
Hi admin,
After verifying the captcha, the page asks if you want to leave the page and if clicking yes, it’ll do another countdown (not the same as the second page screenshot you put up) and it does not re-direct to anywhere else.
Not had this problem until last few days, please help?
I can’t reproduce the problem, tested with chrome and firefox both work fine on my end
what browser are you currently use?
Thanks for checking, have re-tried and it seems to now work!
I could download without problem before, but now the links just direct me to a site like an advertisement or something, there are several “download” or “click here” buttons and none of them works 🙁 what should I do, is it because of my region? Please, help 🙁
ignore all download buttons
just scroll down and click on “click here to continue”
It worked after I closed the ad window and clicked on “click here to continue” for the second time, thank you very much for the quick reply!
do we give you any credit for these eps?
the shortlink page is not working for me…where m meant to click is in red
what do mean by “in red”?
Bro i was going to download alchemy s2 e1 , i just wanna know which of the file is bettet ? , for 720p there are 3or 4 options which one should i try & does it all have subtitles with it ?
if you need 720p with embedded subs go with 720p web-dl
hello, by web-dl you mean downloading on pc or?
web-dl refer to the video rip source which is streaming site service like viu, viki, netflix etc
it can be downloaded on any device
I have downloaded Korean movie and with art file. How do I embed the art file in movie not by hard subbing?
if you mean embedding subtitle to video then you can use MKVToolNix for that
it just says cant verify token
where do you get that error?
Hi. first thank you so much for all the content. appreciate it all!!!
I was trying to DL Graceful Family and when i finish with the captcha and hit Get Link, I dont get google drive anymore I get DDDrive. do you have instructions on how to use DDDrive to download? I tried logging in with a gmail account but the it says it needs full access to all my account including downloading and editing.
it’s a google drive file sharer app, just login with your google account and make sure to allow all permission asked by the app
when you click download the app will create a copy of file into your drive and initiate download directly from it
the app has no access to your files but if you fell paranoid about your account safety you can always create a new google account just for downloading
hello, very good your website, a question, because the files are no longer in google drive
the link is dead for DDDrivew
which drama exactly?
I can’t download. 😩 when i click the Get Link, It’s only redirecting to Shopee and Lazada. 😭😭😭
close those popup ads and keep click on get link button till you get directed to the file
Hello! I’ve downloaded before with no problems, but unfortunately the links are not working for me now (no matter which drama or episode I try). Whenever I click on the links, they all take me to this site What can I do please? Thank you!
I had read the guide and all the comments before posting, thank you very much Gogo. I had followed the steps and it kept taking me to another site that was not at all as you had described. I will read the guide and comments AGAIN and keep trying, I am sure your helpful reply will get me through the shortened link and to the downloads. Thank you so much for your very helpful response!
some click will trigger popup ads before you reach the destination page, make sure to close those popup page/tabs immediately and you should be fine
Is the download speed with dddrive limited ? because i think its now very slow to download from dddrive than usually from normal google drive ? can we just normally download it from google drive ?
dddrive is not a file host, it just a google drive filesharer/protector app
the files you download are actually stored at your own drive
I don’t know where is the wrong…. I’ve tried downloaded using all the links but all files only showed as audio in my laptop? is there anything I need to change?
maybe problem with codec, try to play it with VLC media player
Kak untuk dots yang web dl 1080p subtitle nya kucoba dimana2 gaada yang cocok, nge play pake mx player akunya
klo ga yg cocok ya coba di re-synce sendiri
untuk drama lama emang agak susah untuk versi web-dl nya
can you give me permission to download school 2015 ( by google drive) , thx very much
asking for permission = dead link
I’ll re-upload it later
Can’t get ur link why??
I have a LG smart tv but it can’t play any x265 files. Do you know if there is anything I can do to play these files on tv? I don’t want to downgrade to 540 due to quality. Thanks!
Put your media on Plex and stream it on your tv from your Plex server.
can you for uploads ?
I love drama and i want to learn korean language
Please upload OST from Drama Touch (2020) couldnt find it anywhere i am searching for “Make up your mind and make up your feeling”
it’s not released yet. go to to track newly released ost
Hi, since last week the DDRive black download link does not appear, and when we try to downlod the blue link, the following message appears: File was not Found!
This happens in the Chocolate, Crash Landing on You, Stove League, Touch, Queen: Love And War dramas, and on the Jung Hae-in’s Walk-documentary TV show.
have you grant/allow all permission asked by the app?
Yes, I always did the downloads normally, in the last week this started to happen.
merci a vous pour votre travail et la facilite de télécharger
Hi, may I ask for an update for the last 4 WEB-DL episodes of Chocolate? I’ve not seen those uploaded.
I am not getting English subtitles
download it from
request Hello Monster 2015, 540p & 720p
aku ga terima request
drama yg kmu cari udh ada di sini
Hello! Mega links for Mr Sunshine were not not working. I wanted to download 720 WEB-DL since it has already English subtitle. Terima kasih semua!
I’m not sure if you’re taking requests right now, but could you upload “How Are You Bread – 하와유브레드”? (720p x265)
I’m no longer accepting any kind of requests
however I already planning to upload that series after it finished
Hi, I am having problems with getting the link to download “He is psychometric” episode 11. I did everything from what you told us to do but it won’t let me go the site for downloading. I don’t know what to do!
give a more detailed information on what the problem is so I can help
When I press “Get Link” it doesn’t take me to the site i can download the drama. It takes me to some porn site☠
keep click on “get link” till you get directed to file host of your choice
close any popup ads that appear
Hi, I’m just wondering if the admin don’t mind, can I request variety show? It’s 1 Day 2 Night but it’s season 1, 2, and 3. Thank You :”)
I know its hard, but… can you? please :”
I’m not accepting requests
hi admin can you please update the tale of nokdu thank you
I don’t get it, what update?
Hi, i used to download with no problems at all. But now, my google account and password is being asked to continue. Is it really necessary?
if you mean by dddrive app, yes you need to login with your google acc and make sure to grant all permission asked by the app
it will help to create a copy of files you want to download directly into your gdrive
I would like to suggest using a web host called (not MEGA). It’s been around quite awhile. It’s as fast as google drive but more stable with almost zero problems. Perhaps you can replace with Uptobox.
Thank you for listening to my yesterdays suggestion. Hopefully all future upcoming dramas will remain using these web hosts. Racaty is also pretty good web host. I’ve yet to see how reliable Racaty is compared to Thanks again.
I do n’t know when the webmaster will announce the release of Korean dramas 어쩌다 가족 ???
i’ll leave it out until it get subbed
there seem to be no streaming site take interest to license it mean chance it get subbed are small
May i request drama shark (2013) i cant find this drama , please . I have been seraching it for a long time
Can you tell me how can i play online or download if my Google drive is full? I mean i deleted everything from g drive but still its showing full dont know why or can you suggest any websites where i can play or download in 1080p please ty
logout from the app then login again. make sure to allow all permissions asked by the app
There is a trash folder in google drive which acts like a recycle bin. You have to double delete your files there.
Hello, just wondering if you could upload Kdrama’s in 1080p in MEGA as I find that their servers work the fastest.
I’m not going to use mega for large files
If that”s the problem then would it be possible that you could make the 1080p files smaller by encoding them in x265?
I’ll never re-encode 1080p for any dramas
Thank you very much for sharing this drama and the other ones.
hi im confused
what do you mean by shortlink page??
when i click on any link to download a drama it connects to a different website called adtival
can you let me know what this mean??
adtival=shortlink page
can you upload high kick all seasons
Hi admin, can you add drama quiz from god reboot in WEB-DL version? Thank you
hey I am not able to find “Witch’s Romance” this drama here, starring – park seo joon , uhm Jung hwa , please add that here, thank you
Press Google Drive How to Download “Click here to continue” to display a warning virus webpage for unknown reasons ???
popup ads containing adware are usually blocked by av
all you need to do are just close those popup tab/windows
I can’t reproduce this issue but some said it can also caused by adblocker so try to turn it off
500 server error?
Not working file you trying to download does not exist
dead link. where do you get that?
google drive links is dead (what happens to my family drama)
can you re-uploading it please
grab it from mega it’s still working, don’t just stick with one host especially for old dramas
My Downloads always stop in mega😅
But thanks i will try 💕
Unfortunately the download from Mega failed because my internet is very slow.
So I would be very thankful if you fix the Google Drive links.
Can you upload some drama’s 1080p resolution? Drama name –
Deserving Of The Name
Another Miss Oh
Please upload them!
please, this is not a requests section
also I’m not accepting any kind of requests
Hello Admin, I can’t download. After click ‘Get Link’ open add pages. I can’t download. Please help me. I tried all links and 10 or 20 times. But it’s not working
there should be only 1 or 2 add pages when you click on get link, close those add pages and keep click get link till you get directed to file host page
Hello… While downloading from Google Drive server IDM frequently gets disconnected… stuck at ‘send get’ and unable to resume download. Repeated downloads by starting afresh often result in same issue! Is there a download limit imposed on Google Drive server?
I have no issue here, so it might be just you. have you try to restart your router?
thanks ………………
There are no English subtitles. What to do? :/
there are link to on every post, just click on it and you can download the subs there
Hello, i would like to say thank you so much for making this website.. i really enjoy it a lot, and you make it easier too.. but i have question, did you delete some variety show? Because i saw several variety show times ago but i can’t find in your page again.. I was looking for Coffee Friends.. did you save it in other page or something? And do you perhaps have Kang’s Kitchen season 1 and Roommate season 1 too?? Thank you so much! Have a nice day!^^
all of the links are dead and I have no plan to re-upload them so there is no point to keep the page up
Alright, thank you so much! Have a nice day^^
Min sekedar nanya atau mungkin bisa jadi saran, kenapa gabuat web dl x265 min? Biar 720×265 nya web dl
binggung aku sama pertanyaan mu ini
dari awal 720p jg udh selalu ku encode dgn x265 bahkan di file name nya selalu di label x265
I downloaded While you were sleeping but it cannot open why?
if downloaded file with .7z extension you need to extract it first
Hello, just discovered your site! Keep up the good work, it’s so good 😀
Hi Admin did you change lewat club to apk.miuiku ? i cant download now.please back lewat club shortener
work just fine here, it’s the same shortener after all I never change anything here. that page name changing from time to time and I have no control over that
give more detail what the problem is… no one can help if you just saying you can download
I was able to download The World of Married before but now it doesn’t work anymore.. every time i click “get link” it goes to this
close the popup tab then click on the get link again still working?
Is 720p next means hdtv
And 720 webdl vs 720×265 is there major clarity difference
Which is better?🤔🤔
@puleeeeeeennn ku pindahin komen nya ke post biar yg lain bisa lihat
siap.. makasih min
Hi I really appreciate your work here. And understand how hard to maintain he website. Thanks for your hard work. Because of you I downloaded so much dramas. If you can please try to add “SAVE THE LAST DANCE FOR ME (2004)” and “ROYAL FAMILY (2011)”.
I’m not accepting requests
so after i click get link i go somewhere and i need to allow notifications in order to continue but when i allow it says it might not be safe and it keeps going to norton and im not getting the link so yeah
that is ad page close it immediately do not allow any push notification
you will get at least 2 popup ad on the second page before you get directed to the real download link
so just close those ad pages
Thank you very much for doing this! Your work is truly appreciated. I know it would be more work for you, but may I request an upload of Na PD’s previous variety series YOUTH OVER FLOWERS? After Hospital Playlist, I kinda missed seeing Yoo Yeon Seok and Jo Jung Seok being their dorky, adorable selves in reality tv. Thank you!!!!
hi admin! may i ask which version is the best?
heart signal s3 please
WEB-DL ny It’s Okay to Not Be Okay ep 4 bole minta tlg masukin softsub indonya gaa? plisss🙏🙏🙏🙏
tinggal download aja dari subscene
krn yg 1080p ep 4 ga ada di embed sub sama sekali jadi aku ga punya sub nya
How to i contact you?
i need something , please leave your email in [email protected]
thx bro
my norton has continue to flag the links as virus and I can no longer access the links. I had no issues for over a year until this week. I think it needs a new place
I use kaspersky and it detect nothing
some ads are marked as adware by av are common thing, as long as you know what are you doing and not downloading random .exe file and installing it you should be fine
how do you get to the Shortner page? I click on the drama I want, it takes me to the next that that give s me the option to download from Google drive, Racaty, etc. I don’t see anything else like “click this to continue”. Could you please share how I can get to the shortner page, or provide the link. I want to download the drama It’s Okay To Not Be Okay.
click on those file hosts link and you will be directed to shortener page
Hi, Administrator. Please, i don’t understand how to download from DDDrive. I do log in my google account, then allow all permissions asked, but still don’t get a link to download, just a regular dddrive homepage, although it shows i’m logged. Thanks in advance
it will redirect you to home page after login so just try open the file page again
I love this website! Thank you so much for your hard work. I was wondering if there’s something like this for CDramas and JDramas?
Can you add idol on Quiz 퀴즈 위의 아이돌?
CIAO, vi ho scoperto ieri, e vi ringrazio per tutto ti chiedo se sai dove potrei trovare i sub per le tue raw di goblin, per ora ti ringrazio nfinitamente ciao
click on Subscene link provided on the post it will direct you to subtitle download site
Hi aAdmin. Please help to check the 720p next version of Its okay to not be okay ep14. I have downloaded 3rd time, cannot be stream once finished. I think error/broken video. Please help to reupload! Thanks a lot
stream? did you mean you just copy the file and try to stream it online without downloading to your disk?
I tested downloaded and it play just fine on my vid player
Hai di sini bisa ReQuest drama korea gak ?
sorry aku ga terima request
Hi Admin. Does this web have the variety show, “Master in the House / All the Butlers”?
Is it possible to upload 1080p web dl
version voice season1 (2017) ? Thanks
Ka bole request potato star 2013 ?
Sama mau nanya , bedanya netflix version ama next itu apa ?
Makasi 😊
beda sumber video nya HDTV NEXT sumber nya dari siaran tv korea sedangkan nf dari situs streaming
Is it possible to upload 1080p web dl versions of life on mars 2018 Korean drama?
Thank you so much.
mau blg terima kasih in web drama dgn plihan size dan versi yang lengkap, apa admin atau web ny punya medsos buat update info ttg web ny, ud nyaman download dr sini dan tkt jika nanti web ny tb2 mati hrus kontak kemana sperti web2 sebelah (rer*ps dll cntohny), thanks admin
Hi there! Thanks for all the work you put on sharing new and old dramas. Would you consider putting Mr.Heart? (Same production that did Where Your Eyes Linger)
couldn’t find any video rip of it for now, maybe after it ended
but I can’t promise anything
nvm added now
Thank you so much for all your work in this website it’s thanks to you that I can have such a good drama experience. The website is super pretty and clean too~
Lots of love !
Can seems to download anything at the moment. The currently stuck at the
min kok pas baru dihalaman pertama diminta matikan Adblock yaa padahal gapernah pake adblock dan dari kemaren kalo mau download lancar2 aja
udh coba dgn browser lain?
atau coba cara2 di sini
I’m sri lanka .now i cannot download. there are some message. why
min ini dddrive gak public ya? org lain gak bisa pakai buat share2 files yak 🙂
iya, cmn untuk internal situs ini aja
makasih min kirain bisa public soalnya enak drive share nya simple 😀
Hi..There’s a pop-up msg saying I have to disable ADBLOCk- but I don’t have ADBLOCK?! What do I do? It isn’t like this before..Pls help..
the lick that says “CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE” is not showing on my end. can you confirm that this is only happening on our end. it is also not showing on my laptop and cellphone. thanks
it’s work just fine on my end
Hi, I’m trying to download the drama Something in the Rain from google drive, but I keep getting the message quota exceeded even though I was able to download the other episodes.
Hey, do you encode the files yourself into x265? Can you let me know the CRC and preset settings? I have a lot of old drama and would like to contribute to the community. I could also help you with 1080 x265 encodes. Your work is appreciated!!!
Do you bypass tool
min kok aku pas udah di page 2 gaada button “get link” ya? gaada timer juga
biasa nya krn page nya blm ke load sepenuh nya
krn mereka pasang banyak banget iklan di sana jadi agak berat load nya
coba di refresh aja halaman nya sampai bisa
hi i can’t download any episodes. i’m stuck at 10 seconds. it won’t come to get link
try refresh the page till it get fully loaded
sorry..among the files upload,are there any format/video type with hardsubs?
you won’t find anything hardsubbed here
Hi, i cant see any “click here to download” button no matter how many times i refreshed the page.
i can only see “start here”..
work fine for me here
have you try with other browser?
Hi admin, i want to report that all Links for Mistress Were Dead, Mega and Gdrive, please fix it and thanks
It says that I have an adblock but there are none adblocks in my computer and I can’t download episodes of k-drama, Help Me admin.
try with different browser
also this
Admin, which is faster Letsupload or Uptobox? which is faster between the two.
I personally prefer uptobox but only because I have the premium so it’s max up the download speed (their premium are quite cheap) I don’t recommend it for free user
Hello there are several kdramas that I want to download, but it is expired, please if you can fix that I would appreciate it.
bakit ayaw gumana ng link
Is it possible for you to upload youth over Flowers Africa in good quality??
I don’t accept requests
Why do we need to allow DDDrive to get access to all of your Google Drive files and let it have the ability to copy/delete them?
This is not acceptable…
create a new dummy google account if you don’t trust the app
the app has no access to user files it’s only able to create a copy of file into user account
cara download drama web-dl gmn? gabisa kebuka
ya ikuti aja guide di sini. bagian mana yg kamu ga ngerti?
Hello admin when we download is it muxed English Subtitle.??
only for web-dl release, the hdtv next one are raw
Having trouble with sweet home episodes.Dddrive cant send files in my gdrive.its always showing troubleshooting page when i click download option.i also tried different email address but same problem again and only happens when i try to download sweet home episodes via direct links of dddrive.
did you even read the linked troubleshooting page?
if there are too many user downloading the file transfer quota will reached it limit, gdrive will then soft ban my account that’s why it’s not working. if you insist using gdrive then wait till the transfer limit reset by it self
@Joshua moved your comment to main post
ada website lain untuk film korea bukan drama serial ka ? terimakasih
ga ada
When i click on the Get link icon nothing comes after that
click it multiple time, its should be direct you to the file link
The subtitles link is not opening
what subs are you looking for?
or you can just simply go to and use the search bar to find the title you’re looking for
Hi, I’ve followed your steps of downloading but I somehow get lost with the second step. Is there any way you could help me? I can’t seem to find the “get link”.
it should be open in the current tab when you click on “click here to continue” on step 1
if it open a new tab then close it and go back to previous tab
Thank you! But now I have a problem I have gotten to the downloading process and once it’s downloaded it does not open. 🙁 Does it have to do with my computer or something? I have a Mac is that the problem? I can’t open anything I downloaded.
i’m not familiar with mac, check the extension of file you just downloaded and search google how to open it on your platform
most media player like vlc media player should be able to play .mp4 .mkv files
just in case you’re using the video for editing apps like adobe/vegas to make clip/gif those app does not support .mkv file
Your links are mkv files?
idk what are you downloading, you should go check it yourself
hey there, the page for downloading “penthouse” drama isnt set up properly, mind checking it sweetheart?
what’s the problem?
I don’t see anything wrong there
Hey there, I am unable to use to DDrive as it always says “unable to copy try troubleshooting” then also I am unable to use it I have space in my GD. The drama is ” True Beauty” web dl. In troubleshooting it is saying the “File owner account transfers bandwidth limit exceeded”
you already got the answer then.
google set 2tb transfer limit per day, so it’s first come first served
so do mine. I can’t access the link since yesterday thank you
Hi there! it seems like the shortener can’t take me to the link where I can download any drama,can you fix it it just won’t load and take me to the download sites
Hello there. Why am I getting this everytime no matter what I do?? I have disabled my adblocker, and also my antivirus. but still I am getting this msg.
“Matikan AdBlock
Untuk Melanjutkan Download, Silahkan Matikan Adblock anda, Jangan Lupa Subcribe Channelnya juga.
Terima kasih.”
any solution for this??
I did as listed, but still it is showing the same thing again and again. It has started recently, I downloaded few episodes back in Jan 2021 and it went fine. I got a link to DDRIVE that time. But this time, that msg is not going no matter what I do.
idk even with adblocker on I still don’t get those anti adblocker msg here
did you install something recently? it can also be your AV
or maybe try install ublock origin
thank you…. really thank you… my “adguard adblocker” had something wrong with it…. I have installed “ublock origin”… now that website is opening…
really thank you!!!
thank you!! really!!!
my adblocker extension was weird…. ublock origin did the charm… thanks!!
THIS is literally the best adblocker out there, I do want to share it with other plebs here but u, u just did it. What a nice, cute, smart admin
Assalamualaikum min…apa beza 1080p web-dl dengan 1080p NEXT
Hello I downloaded episodes 13 and 14 of True Beauty but when I go to play them they don’t work. I have no problems with the other episodes but there seems to be a problem with these two files.
be more specific. what resolution and which host you downloaded from so I can check it
Completed Dramas Batch file available ……….??? in Mega or another cloud
you won’t find such thing here
Ane pake CHROME sama BRAVE di ANDROID JavaScript pop up dsb udh ane izinkan. Tutor diatas jg udh ane lakuin, ttp gabisa. Masih aj di suruh matiin ad block. Perasaan dulu donlot drama gak gini2 amat. Skrg ke block trs
Are you going to upload the Netflix version of do you like brahms and alice?
Is there a way to merge two .mp4 files into one? For example, Running Man 343 is split into two parts.
you can use mkvtoolnix
I keep getting a PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR message whenever I access in https: is there any solution to this? Thank you.
try google search the error message, you will get plenty of tips there
Admin mau tanya boleh minta jasa backlink gak?
Admin Can You Give us a Wakiki Season 1 and Season 2? Please Thank You!!
Hallo, could you please check the episodes of It’s Okay to Not Be Okay? Episode 1 is not available neither in Mega nor in Google Drive and I can’t download from Zippyshare and Uptobox. Thank you very much
Hi im trying to download the eps of the smile has left your eyes from ep 9 to onward but i cant seem to download it , downloading get stuck at the 98% and since i prefer watching in 1080p both webdl and next format both showing same result. same scenario was happening with come and hug me so either upload this stuff in 1080p for mega or maybe lemme know whats the issue with google drive . Thanks in advance
try to restart your router
also use a download manager like idm
stuck in the middle of download shouldn’t be big deal since it can be resumed
i do am using idm and its not a router thing coz i can download everything else using idm except from this site and i can even download stuff from this site if its on mega or something but when its come to google drive its just stop downloading at the 98 99 percent with no speed for downloading and get stuck and if i try to pause and resume again it get cancel and most of the season in 1080p can be only downloaded using google drive 🙁
at least give it a try first, it has nothing to do with other host
refresh the download address instead of just pause and resume
download the file on your drive after a pop up asking for a new address
I won’t use mega for large files since it’s take forever to upload and by the size of 1080p you won’t be able to download more than 3 files at a time due to their bandwidth limit
Hey I have been one of your regular subscribers but laterly whenever i try to download any version of the videos, the click to download page always gets a add block . they ask me to remove it. i did remove it but even then the adblock remove box doesnt go away . i dont know what to do or if it’s my server problem. Can you help?
The timer is not working in the second page. It just stayed in the 10. I am using your site for a long time and never faced this issue before.
working just fine here
try to reload the page
I can’t download either, I don’t even see the timer on the second page. Refreshed a lot of time, tried on several browser, even with a vpn, nothing works 🙁
after “click here to continue” button there are pop-up that look similar to 2nd page without the timer, close that tap go back to previous tab with a timer on it
if that not the case here then idk what else to suggest
I’ve tested the link on multiple device & browser also on 2 of server yet I can’t reproduce the timer issue here
Thank you, it works fine today. I don’t what happened yestgerday…
😭😭😭 admin,timer pages are not working..i told you about this yesterday..can you change the shortlinks or something..plzz😭😭🙏😥
read my previous comment here! I have nothing more to say regarding this
I doubt the problem are from the shortener since it work for most of ppl here so obviously the problem are from your end
I just don’t get it..5s timer is working 10s timer isn’t working..what is this?🧐🧐 anyway thanks.😁
I am having the same timer freezing issue on different browsers, sadly. I hope you can discover the issue at some point. Thank you for your hard work.
Admin runningman link Goegle drive nya kok trouble yaa ? Lagi falid kah
Since 5,6 days i can’t download any link throught this.time freezing problem appear everytime.i tried with different browsers.but problem is still same.can you once again look to it if u can
try with vpn, turn off any blocker app, also try with browser incognito/private mode if still not work then idk what else to suggest
Guys try this👆it worked.thanks Admin❤️❤️
I apologize for my English I use the translator, what is the difference between the NEXT version and WEB-DL thank you for the answer.
different video source. HDTV NEXT are from korean tv broadcast while web-dl are from streaming site eg viu, viki netflix etc
Thanks you
The timer is not working on the second page. How can I fix this. Thank you
read previous comments! (260)
Hi! Getting this error: ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED. Does anyone know how to resolve this?
read the notification bar below, use a vpn
Do you have any other site for Korean Movie, bcsi can’t find any movie here.
hey Admin,
I followed the download steps, in 10 seconds (step)It doesn’t take 10 seconds and the steps after that don’t work. Can you tell me why this is happening?I try 10-20 times but its not work.because of this site i can watch kdrama sad ….
thank you.from sri lanka.
and I hope you give any reply for this .plzzzzz…..
read previous comment #260
Hi, i can not download any drama in your page since two weeks. 10 Seconds not change and be as 10. Get link icon is not showing. Kindly help me plz.
it’s already answered multiple times read the previous comments
i’m sorry to trouble you again. but i could not sort out yet. only showing please wait option. but not coming get link wording. what is the problem? kindly help. i read all your old reply. but can not get sort out.
admin ini kenapa ya? jadi gak bisa download di googledrive, pas log in ddrive muncul Could not resolve host: di refresh jadi muncul bad request, padahal sebelumnya habis download dan lancar2 aja….
itu masalah server, di tgg aja klo dpt error semacam itu dia normal sendiri
Countdown doesnt work…wye ,whts tha reason for that..
it won’t work with sri lanka ip try with vpn
hi admin!! the web-dl files are mkv, how do i make it to a video? I use an ipad and when i download it, it’s just a file :(( can you help with this?
what do you mean by make it to a video? mkv are video format. most video player like vlc should be able to play it
thank you!! I’ll try vlc then! 😁
Hello. What is the password for folder for So Not Worth It? Thanks!
there are no password
just open the the link and you should be able to access the files
Hi Admin, i can not download dramas now on this site since three weeks. seconds is not runing. so get link option is not showing, kindly advice plz
read previous comment #278
this is your second comment with the same issue, did you even try the given solution before in the first place
Thank you soo mutch. I got vpn and now problem sortout. Thank you for your kindly help.
Hi admin, since yesterday the timer is not working for me. in stays the same i cant generate link. Can you please check this
read comments above you
I do not have an adblock but shows that I have an adblock enabled, What should i do?
Hey admin after selecting the resolution the page is redirected and shows maintenance any solution to get rid of this?
when a shortener site on maintenance or server down all you can do is wait
i have instralled VPN but still can’t get the link
-try with other browser
-try connect to other country
if still not working ask your isp
Hi admin,
If it is possible, will you share Rascal Sons drama? Thank you
sorry I don’t add stuff by request
I can’t find the link, even after clicking on the “get link” button..
It takes me to another page of which the link is now her to be found
most of the time first click will trigger popup page, make sure to close those popup and try click the get link button again
Admin, kenapa saat buka link google drive (1080p) loadingnya saat lama sekali ya ? bisa 5 menitan, Biasanya cepat admin,
Saya sdh pakai browser lain (failed) dan coba bbrp judul2 lain, same results, ujung2nya page expired, biasanya tidak,
mohon bantuannya yaadmin, apakah apk.miuiku sdg trouble ya
Saya sdh coba semua alternative (gdrive, pixeldrain dan letsupload)
klo ada masalah dgn link shortener di tggu aja sampai mrk fix masalah nya
di sini aku jg sebagai user jadi ga ada kendali soal server mrk said 404 not found. What could be the cause? How can I fix this?
link dari mana itu?
Sea of Hope Ep 6 540 Mega link, still the same error now. The google drive one was the same before but now it works fine.
udah fix cek lagi
Okay thank you.
Hi Admin, I don’t see the “Click here to continue” button anymore. I tried different links and all I see now is a “Download” buttong, but when I click there’s no other link to continue the download.
don’t click any download button on shortener link
try to reload or re-open the page till you see the continue button
I’m aware there are continue button issue for some ppl
nothing I can do about it, just wait till it get fixed by shortener side
To those facing the prob, get a VPN extension at on Chrome and you should be able to see the button again. Works for me.
I used my work laptop and I can attess that by using a VPN extension (I used Norton) the “Click here to continue” appears. I turned off my VPN and tried it again and the button was not there; so by using a VPN extension is a quick resolution for the problem right now. Thanks Dramaday Jjang. 감사해요
This is getting sucks. Click to Continue is nowhere to be found plus VPN isnt helping. What VPN are you guys using?
the shortener owner said the problem has been solved now, for those who experience the button issue earlier can you guys confirm whether it’s working now?
Not yet. Still no button for download
Yes, admin. It’s working now~ Thank you so much for always guiding and updating us! ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
Hi admin! Care to check if this page is okay? Blank page from my side.
Dear Gogo Administrator!
Sorry for writing here.
I would like to ask you if you could upload the
Drama: Smile, Dong Hae
Country: South Korea
add yours
Episodes: 159
Aired: Oct 4, 2010 – May 13, 2011
Aired On: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Original Network: KBS1
Duration: 40 min.
Many people would be interested because the series is not available in our region.
Thank you very much!
untuk link You are My Spring: 720p x265 GD, resolusi filenya 960 x 540 (biasanya 1280×720)
Thanx Min.
kebalik link nya. udah fix
i can’t download it i followed the steps on how to download plz help
can’t really help if you didn’t explain what the problem is
hi, i have multiple dramas in my drive i would like to give you the access its more than 10tb and mostly those you don’t have in 1080p or in high bitrate. if you would like to use them i can give them to you. my email is valid.
Nice…giving back to the society.
Squid Game 1080p NF WEB-DL
There’s no sound in the videos at the link 👆
pixeldrain web player don’t support ddp sound, download it and it will work fine
Do you know where to download korean subs?
mostly only on dramas licensed/produced by netflix like this one
I uploaded the subs on link
Min, page-nya “It’s Okay to Not Be Okay” enggak bisa diakses 🙁 bisa minta tolong diliat? Thanks sebelumnya 😉
coba lagi sekarang
YG Future Strategy Office download link is not working. Please fix it.
gdrive link still working
Hi , thanks for your hard work.♥
please upload tv show super band Season 2
sorry I don’t accept request
Halo admin, link download yg ada di apk miuku hilang, jadi tdk bisa download min.
Uptobox says: “This file is temporarily unavailable, please retry later”, since few weeks for True.Beauty.S01E08.1080p.WEB-DL.H264.AAC-AppleTor.mkv (2.80 GB)
All another Uptobox links are fine
work just fine on my end
Sir, I don’t understand the difference between next & Webdl file. can you please tell me?
different video source, HDTV NEXT are from korean tv broadcast while web-dl are from streaming sites
Not exactly request but asking are you planning to upload ‘The Raincoat Killer: Chasing a Predator in Korea” Netflix Doc
mid mau donwload tp disuruh matikan adblock, padahal sdh sampe saya uninstall. Eh ttp muncul itu warning walao udah dihapus adblocknya
sudah coba dgn browser lain?
coba jg cara2 di sini
is it just me or doesn’t seem to be working properly? everytime i click either a MEGA, Mediafire, or Mirrored link, it just redirects me to a different site with no usual Click to continue blue bar.
Min kok aku nggk bisa nemuin “click to continue” ya di Shortener Link nya, udah tak coba matiin vpn, nyoba vpn sama make incognitoo masih belum bisa, kemarin malam masih bisa soalnya, makasih minn
Hello, first of all thanks for your work!
He asks me for the decryption key to download, but i don’t know what it is!
link me to file that ask for key so i can check it
Hello. Sorry to bother you, but i have problems on trying to download “Scripting Your Life”. When i clicked “get link” it directs me to 4p4sih dot pw and i am not sure to click download link on there. Thanks for your help. Also, thank you for your hard works.
its should be direct you to all file link are saved there
so you probably get directed to ads page, please close any page if you get directed elsewhere
after re checking the link it turn out the culprit are the link shortener itself they messed up with user database
I already fixed the link now
thank you for your uploads
how come the link to download My Name 1080p WEB-DL does not work for me but directs me to apasih?
the link shortener mess up with link
it’s fixed now
What is the difference between 1080p NEXT and 1080p WEBDL. Is 1080p NEXT like 265 encoding, and which of the two(NEXT or WEBDL) should I download for better quality and good encoding
all 1080p here are not re-encoded so it’s straight from the source. its subjective all back to your own preference, so it’s better try both and find out yourself
hi how do i download videos with subtitles
most of web-dl one are embedded with subs
while HDTV NEXT are all raw
I have been trying to download but it says Matican AdBlock. How should I deal with it?
turn off your adblocker if you have any
it may also caused by vpn
if both of them not the case then try this
hi!!I can’t download melancholia’s ep 1 in google drive.On the half of downloading it says,that i have no permission to download it.What should I do..I really need 1080 p
have you try to resume the download?
the file are stored on your drive try to download it from your own drive
i can’t download
please how do i download
follow the guide here? what’s the problem exactly?
Hello, I downloaded a file but it isn’t opening in my phone. why is it so please? Did I do something wrong?
check the file extension, if it in .rar or .7z you need to extract it first
admin can you please upload chinese drama also?
no, i don’t think i can handle more than k-dramas
okay thank you so much for your work. Can you suggest any good sites to download chinese drama.
not sure about that since i personally don’t follow c-dramas at all
Min ini agak OOT dikit tapi tetep mau nanya, kamu ngesync subnya gimana ya biar pas? Aku udah nyoba berbagai cara tetapi tetep tidak pas. Bisa ajarin ngak ya? Aku mau reync sub drama Happiness pake yg dari Iqiyi tetapi tidak pas. Itu gimana ya?
pakai subtitleedit
Ohhhhh, Ok thanks min
I don’t see “Click here to continue” when I open the links. I have tried refreshing it few times but still no difference. Hope you can help me. Thank you.
it’s work just fine on my end. have you tried with different browser?
there are several other similar report from philippines visitor so it might be isp related try access it with vpn
It’s Okay to Not Be Okay gdrive link
what’s the problem?
hi, can you add dark theme for site
Hello admin. Try to check and correct the Malay subtitles for One Ordinary Day episode 5. That subtitle for Now We Are Breaking Up, not One Ordinary Day. episode 5
you can download the sub here
i’ll fix the files later
Ohhhh iya baru perasan, semoga cepet diperbaiki ya min. Episod 6 juga gitu min.
itu yg dari viu sg, mungkin gantuk staff nya entah knp mereka taruh sub now we are breaking up di sub malay
klo yg dari viu id ga ada masalah
halo kak, cara donlod yg gdplayer gmn ya? seperti di shining inheritance. terima kasih.
kamu tinggal login aja dgn akun google mu
klo baru kali pertama pakai dia minta izin dulu, di centang aja semua izin yg di minta
setelah login tinggal klik tombol download, nanti file nya akan ke save ke akun gdrive mu dan bisa kamu download
Admin,why when if i press the shortlink page,the’click here to continue ‘doesnt appear but only download but it will take me to an unfamiliar site.
can’t see ‘click here to continue’ :(((
try access it with vpn guys
this issue seem only occur only on philippines visitor
hello how can i download the ost of encounter try several times but it says that the link of the folder is not available
which one?
have you tried with link from another file host?
I have tried to download the ost in mp3 audio but this link appears
link me to ost page so i can fix it for you
if I have tried but cannot download the ost of encounter mp3
It tells me that the page to which it is trying to access is not available
the files are dead
link me to the ost page (not the file link) you want to download so i can fix them for you
hello admin
for your hard work
thank you very very much
Hi, I get an error screen (404 not found) when I click the links for One Ordinary Day episode 7 (no issue with the other eps). Thanks for your help!
work just fine on my end, give it a try again
or just grab it from another file host
Hi i have the same 404 errors on the gdrive links for Eulachacha Waikiki was working fine yesterday plz can you fix it if you can.
link me the file that give you error
The whole page gdrive links ain’t working just checked again
– this one of them.
its flagged by google
go to dramaday folder on your drive
you can still download it directly from there
hello. i’ve been downloading from this site since last year and this is the first time i’ve encountered this problem. whenever i click any of your links whether it be google drive or uptobox or etc, it redirects me to the same link shortener but there’s no ‘click here to continue’ button anymore so i can’t get the direct download links. kindly help
only philippines visitor reporting this kind of issue so probably isp related try access it with vpn
Hi, for Special Episode Work Later, Drink Now no subtitles?
Min, untuk drama Snowdrop 1080 Webdlnya ada dua, itu yang satu Disney+ dan satu lagi Disney Hotstar……… Itu punya perbedaannya kan? Kalo Disney+ itu di rip dari yang di US dan kalo untuk Disney Hotstar itu di rip di semua region dan tidak termasuk di US, bener kah? Dan untuk durasinya juga beda kayaknya, tapi cuman mau nanya, itu sizenya beda juga apakah kualitas atau bitratenya sama aja atau berubah?
media info kedua file
bandingin aja sendiri
Iya, thanks min 😊
Min, OOT. Kenapa drama The Silent Sea itu saya coba pake google drive malah kena troubleshooting tapi kalo coba di drama lain, contohnya Bad and Crazy eps3 masih bisa, udah coba ganti device, ganti akun, ganti browser, kagak bisa semua.
di baca
semua kemungkinan penyebab nya sudah di jelaskan di situ
Ohhhh, oke2 kelmarin saya udah baca, sekarang udah bisa wkwkwk, kayaknya kena limit. Storage akun saya gak full, dan udah mengizinkan semua yang apk Google Drive itu minta, jadi jawapannya yang ketiga, iaitu kena limit.
is there any plan to upload kbs drama special ?
they are good single epi drama.
no plan for that
if i may ask, where do u get the gdrive unlimited account? do u buy it directly from google or u use online-shop account? thx.
di shopee banyak
Silent sea ddddrive not working ‘unabke to copy file’
The Penthouse ama Taxi Driver gak up NF WEB-DL kah min? Tadi baca2 komen katanya, versi Tving ada watermarknya.
Hi, just wanted to let you know, that this site –
[External link removed]
is using your links.thanks for reporting
will keep an eye on it
hi, is there any plan to upload kbs sbs mbc entertaiment and drama award? i remember you used to upload it 1 year ago. thankyou.
nope i never share year end award here
Adakah grup Facebook atau whatsapp ataupun telegram
ga ada
min maaf oot, mau nanya biasanya rilisan phanteam/lovebug itu rilis di web private/public torent apa yaa? thank you
kedua nya rilis internal situs ini bkn dari tracker manapun
How do you put subtitle on the episode
load the subs file from your video player subtitle menu
or drag and drop the subs file into video player while its playing
renaming the subtitle file the same as video file name and put them on the same folder will also work for some video player
new download links are complicated. how many tunnels should i enter to get the right link? thank you
been using the same shortener for last 3 years
what do you mean by tunnels?
dear admin, could you please ad “Super Daddy Yeol” (2015) korean drama?
sorry i don’t accept requests
Min, sebelumnya makasih karena udah paling the best nyediain drama korea on going untuk kita… kalo boleh nanya, mimin dapet file subtitle nya TRACER dari mana ya? apa ada app legal yang up ini drama? semoga di reply.. makasih :))
dari wavve streaming platform korea
oke min makasih.. mau nanya sekali lagi min, ini yg buat bingung mau download yg mana? klo NF WEBDL sama TVING WEBDL… kualitas nya bagusan yg mana ya? soalnya ukuran file nya yg NF WEBDL hampir 1/2 kali lipatnya TVING WEBDL.. semoga di reply lagi.. 🙂
coba bandingkan sendiri aja
ukuran bagus atau ga itu kan beda2 untuk tiap orang
oke makasih min..
Hello. How can I contact you? It’s about Tracer subs in English.
what is it? just write it down here
min, disini bakalan UP drama korea garapan disney yang ROOKIE COPS kang daniel ga ya? makasih :))
Min, be careful, file2 nya udh byk yg kena flag sama google drive. Gw gatau itu cuma ada di drive gw sendiri, atau flagnya udah ada dari drive-nya dramaday.
The sites down again was working fine minutes ago plz help using VPN to run it.
it’s probably has something to do with your isp
i have no control on that
Maaf min mau nanya bite sister cuma 2 episode saja ,dan ga ada sub indo nya?
iya. untuk sub cek aja ke subscene, klo di sana ga yg upload ya berarti ga ada
Hi Admin,
I hope you’re doing good.
Please re-upload the link for Lovestruck in the city.
Thanks in adavance
Hi, is there a free VPN you could recommend to bypass the download limit?
for mega? have you tried urbanvpn?
Min mau tanya klo DDDrive ndak bisa download, muncul Unable To Copy File padahal storage ksosong itu kenapa ya ?
biasanya normal min
semua kemungkinan sudah di jelaskan di sini
klo app sudah di kasih izin dan storage ga penuh ya berarti krn akun ku yg kena limit
Thank you min
Hi admin,
Uncle E16 1080p WEB-DL is actually 720p.
Could you please fix it?
Thank you very much.
fixed now, thanks for reporting
Thank you.
Thank you
HI, the link is broken for please dont date him.. can you renew it? Thanks min 🙂
min, ada rencana nambahin k-movies kesini juga ga? thx
min, DSNP nya rookie cops bakalan di UP Ga ya? makasih sebelumnya min :))
sampai sekarang blm ada update dari ripper nya NYH
klo udh ada file nya pasti ku upload
Maaf min Gogo , kenapa rookie Cops DSNP nya nggak ada mini size ? 540p cukup min 🙏, habis 4 setengah GB kalau Download raw nya.
dari segi konten beda kedua versi hanya logo 2 detik di depan jadi 1 versi yg di encode udh cukup
Ok min ,mksh 🙏, 😅 jadi masukin koleksian raw videonya
Min kalo bisa movie nya tambah lagi ,soal nya nyari situs lain kualitas nya kurang enak d pandang,
Because i missing this on ur site: Have found a MEGA-Link for tvN series “Signal (시그널)” with complete OST on two CD’s.
thanks, will add it later
Req movie, Tomb Of The River min
i dont accept requests
Min, will you ad Tracer season-2?
Hi admin,
Lately, I can’t watch any of your latest web-dl version videos on my mx10 mini android tv. The lastt web-dl serie, I could watch without problems was D.P. Now, when i tried to watch web-dl version with my mx player, the video and audio don’t sync, or video would lag or no audio or picture. Did you encode these dl-versions differently? Do you have any suggestion that I should do to be able to view these web-dl version again? Thank you!
try with vlc media player
I tried with vlc player. There was only audio and no visual. I wonder if I am missing a video codec in my android tv.
did you downloaded 720p web-dl? it might be because your device don’t support 10bit video? i’m not really sure about that.
Min Gogo, nanti kalau Netflix Korea ada event film , masuk dramaday nggak? Seneng kemarin ada love and leashes dikasih raw pula, 🙏, tahun lalu event nya bulan februari ,April, Juni & Juli, cuma tanya aja, bukan request
Crazy.Love.2022.S01E01.1080p.DSNP.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264-NYH (gdrive)
broken file, only 38mb
Do you use the full page script adtival safelink or add links manually?
If you add the link manually you can ignore this message.
If you use a full page script, I want to offer google adsense safelink.
please email us if you are interested. thank you
kamu sendiri pemiliknya? coba bagi link shortener nya
hi thank you for maintaining the site, may i ask what is the password for subtitles that put in MEGA?
such as Tracer web-dl subtitle. thank you
i never put any password on mega, what are you talking about
just click on the link and it should open right away
you can check by yourself, its asking for the decryption key.
this also happens in other mega link.
thank you
as i said click on the link and its should be open right away
try with incognito or different web browser, maybe its blocked by one of your plugin or something
Min, mau nanya doang ini mah.. ga ada niatan nyemplung juga ke series thailand yg ga ada di youtube? ada yg bakalan pecah juga soalnya BL thai nanti di tgl 2 april.. makasih sebelumnya :’)
Min, drama Tracer yang 1080p Web-dl episode 3,4,5,6 kok gabisa di dowload ya. Link nya 404-Not Found
Hi admin, the link for ep 10,12 for Dr Park Clinic drama is broken…the link is 404-Not Found. Can you fix it? Thank you…
Min, Snowdrop D+ ver ep 2,4,5 are not Unavailable. Can u please fix?
min, tolong perbaiki link yg ga bisa di download / = 404 not found, shrinkads
– Artificial City : ep 16-20 NEXT
– Dr. Park’s Clinic : all eps WEB-DL
– Ghost Doctor : smua eps NEXT
– Moonshine : all eps NEXT
– Through the Darkness : ep 10 NEXT
– Tracer : season 1&2 (all eps) NEXT & WEB-DL
– Sponsor : all eps NEXT
apk miuiku harus nya udh normal klo masih coba clear cache browser mu. apa masalah nya dgn shrinkads?
web nya di telusuri ke modebca atau apa itu. trus mau cri klik download ga ada / ga bisa, hanya berupa ads
ya itu halaman ads shortlink nya, kamu bkn visitor baru di site ini kan?
dasar nya kan sama aja tinggal klik tombol get link
pastikan scrool ke bawah sedikit sampai tombol get link nya ada di atas tombol close yg di pojok kiri bawah
Google Drive is not opening. Is that all I have? Help me!
if you mean the ads page try to turn your adblocker off
they seem making some changes on their end
Downloading to create an error/
[Unable to copy file’ please read Troubleshooting page] <<
Do you download the manager?
please read
all possible cause already explained there
Admin, It actually happened to me several times, not everytime, but maybe once per month, so far when this happened, im just waiting for one day and then it goes normal again, but is there any other hint or solution about this problem, Admin ?
read the page i link above
most likely its caused by my account reached the transfer limit
some popular dramas with a lot of downloader will cause my acc reach it limit pretty fast
With Google Drive, the issue is the storage space. If you Delete a file, it goes to the “Trash” folder where it sits for 30 days before it automatically deletes it from your Google Drive. However, while the file is in the “Trash” folder, it still takes up storage space. Eventually you’ll hit your storage space limit and can’t add anymore files to your Google Drive. The solution is to click on Empty Trash in the Trash folder to delete them off of your Google Drive manually. This will free up all of your storage space.
Google Drive [lugbox] is resolved. Thank you. ^^
Can you explain how ? cause it happened to me several times , but when waiting for 1 day, its all normal again
The Google drive [my drive] – > [DRAMADAY.NET] folderYou need to manually delete and empty the list to secure capacity.
No Google files.
re-uploaded now
but please don’t just sticking with one file host
I don’t know what happened but the new site making so many problems. I had no problem downloading before but after updating new sites I can’t download any files. I can’t even see the “Get Link” option. Please help admin
its actually still the old shortener but they changed their ads page display recently
if you use adblocker try to turn it off
Please restore Google.
Other places are not easy because of time limit and slow speed.
Thank you.
check again now
Not sure if this is a issue or issue:
EP01, 02 won’t download. Browser Timeout. Tried all 1080p Disney+ & Hotstar links
EP03, 04 good. Only worked w/ Google Drive (used Disney+)
EP05, 06 won’t download. Browser Timeout. Tried all 1080p Disney+ & Hotstar links
Will try other EP
Browser Connection Timeout Error 522
You Browser Working | Osaka Cloudflare Working | Host Error
the shortener server are down
just wait till they fix them on their end
ahh ok. thank you for a very quick reply.
Subs for House on Wheels 3 link is dead. Can anyone replace it?
its works just fine here
sadly since the new change in download, I cannot get access to the download links anymore. I tried and did all the steps in the process to obtain the desired redirected link to be able to enjoy all the kdrama eps that I would like to download, but all the links to redirect me aren’t working because when I click on them, nothing happens. I tried Google Drive | Pixeldrain | Send | Uptobox I even removed the ad blocker. I wait 10 seconds, I click on “I am not a robot”, I click and wait again for 10 seconds. “open link” does not work because it leads to nothing. and still, after I click, it won’t redirect me to the link. a few days ago everything was still working normally, and had never had any issues with downloading eps/movies before on here. Is there maybe a different option to download eps links? thank you so much and sorry for the inconvenience.
text in red point no 1 have you try it? 540p ep 1 web dl menit 40an eror min lewat link mega
udh ku cek ga ada masalah dgn file nya
cek yg kamu download apa sesuai size nya dgn filehost
Ok min, ternyata beda 17 Mb,
the same thing happens to me, there is no way to download, in the 2 link they give you,
it gets to 0 seconds and no matter how many times you click, there is no way,
nothing opens.
I tried Google Drive | Pixeldrain | Send | Mega, I even removed the ad blocker
thank you for all your work
if you can’t click the button mean it blocked by something
try with incognito mode with all extensions turned off
or try with another browser
there are an invincible overlay on the lower screen that may also block the button so make sure to scroll down a bit till the open link button are above the close button on lower left side
Are you able to extract the Korean subtitles / captions for the Business Proposal Special from the original SBS VOD website? I’m not sure if I can post the link of the VOD website here. If you need the link, please let me know. Thanks
i don’t think sbs vod have a subtitles, even their web player dont have cc option
btw the special already subbed by a fanpage, just search @_sejeongdays on twitter
Hi! Sorry for commenting on the wrong page but can you kindly fix the links of Rookie Cop (, every 1080p Disney+ link returns to the same 16th episode. Thank you!
try again now
Do you have any of this movie files?
[Serve the People] 2022
Min, Miuiku beberapa hari ini gak mau munculin pop up “Open Link”, udah nyoba matiin adblock + coba incognito
mereka balik lagi ke template lama, ikuti aja guide yg di gif 1
Ok, dah bisa, Min. Solusi saya matiin DNS over HTTPS (biasanya buat bypass web yang diblokir pemerintah Indonesia), soalnya saya nyalain.
Been trying to open the Link but it’s not working. Pls what can I do. Thanks
no one can really help you by just saying not working, give as much detail what the problem exactly
The google drive link is stuck rooping in “Please Wait” and “Get Link”.
point no 1 in red text, have you try it?
Min, there is no disney+ ver for love all play?
D+ version will be available for streaming on 27th apr (one week away from hotstar)
i’ll add it here once i get the file
I have been trying to open the link but it’s not working. Please, what can I do. Thanksworks just fine for me, what the problem actually?
I already disabled my adblocks but still have to wait 1000 seconds, the shortener is
try with incognito/private mode or other browser
if its still not working then maybe its get blocked by something else on your device you have to figure it out yourself
Can you get Love in Spring/Spring of Crush (춘정지란)? It’s impossible to find it anywhere
Any idea where to get subs for Love Class? Can’t find anything on subscene.
its already written on the post there are multiple softsub embedded, so you just need play the video then turn on the subs from your video player
Links are frequently dead now because the new interstitial site is unstable. Currently giving Connection refused errors.
where do you get those autoratio link from?
hi. i cant open the links of any dramas. it leads to (i . 7an . link) and is stuck there. i dont have any problem with internet. i was able to even download The Girl On a Bulldozer earlier this afternoon.
Hello. GD links that start with don’t load for me. I tried on two different browsers and no luck. Can you help? Thank you.
for those who can’t reach try to access it vpn
Min aku mau nanya apa beda disney+ sama hotstar .. dari segi grafik apa gimana ?
rilis D+ lbh besar bitrate nya dari segi konten sama aja
Hi, links are dead for love all play? also tried random other links, same issue “This site can’t be took too long to respond.” Please help!
Hi admin. Is there any trouble with the link server? I can not enter the link. It say that the server out of reach or shut down. Is there a solution please?
Hello. Today Pixeldrain links that start with link don’t work for me. I tried on different browsers. Can you help me? Thank you.
apk.miuiku server are down, no need to report it here i have no control over their server uptime wait till they fix it on their side
ok, thanks for the answer and I’m so sorry, I didn’t understand it was a problem with the apk.miuiku site, I thought it wasn’t loading the page just for me.
thank you for your efforts to provide us with all available drama.
i have recently encountered a problem while downloading eps from the website. eps that are linked to is unreachable. i tried every possible way to unblock this website, but i failed to do so.
i use chrome browser. i also tried to use other browsers but it did not work.
anyone can please solve this problem please.
your help is appreciated.
thank you
Min, can you fix Love All Play Disney Plus G drive, file not found.Please..
be more specific which eps?
Ep 11 and 12 but when i refresh the link and it works.Thank u, min.
Please fix the uptobox main link on Sweet Home to a working redirector as suratresmi is not working but sekilastekno is working for google drive main link.
Hi admin. Can you please update the subtitle for Kiss Sixth Sense episode 3 & 4 ? There’s only eng & ind subs only, no may & thai.
i’m aware of that, those subs are missing from archie release
i don’t have disney+ subscription so i can’t rip them myself either
For the King of Pigs subtitle link, it needs the description Key. Can you fix it please?
if you use skipper try to turn it off
hi the site on MEGA ask decryption key for download the file….I want to download The Sixth Sense S3 Episode 12…..can you give me the decryption key for that?
seem like it caused by one of the link shortener
try to get the link again now
Hi and thanks for all hard working. When downloading, the transfer rate suddenly becomes zero, and when I pause it and resume, IDM sends a message that the address is no longer valid and has expired. Every time I want to get large files from Google drive, this happens to me and it wastes my internet. Can you offer me a solution? please help me @_@
try to restart your router, also you can resume your download by selecting refresh download address on IDM then navigate to your google drive and download your file from there once IDM give you successful message prompt you should be able to resume your download
Hi, Thank you for all the hard work you put into this site. If you don’t mind can you please the check the links for Twenty Five Twenty One drama? I used to download episodes just fine couple of months ago, now I came back to watch the remaining episodes 9 and rest of it but I’m unable to reach the download sites? The links are stuck at ‘Get Link’ loop, it keeps going back to the same ad site instead of providing the link to Pixeldrain or Googledrive. Could you please check if the links are working fine and if the problem is on my end? Thank you so much for the work you do. I hope my request isn’t too much trouble.
works just fine on my end, have you tried with different browser?
Hello, thank you for your work. Is it possible to somehow find the original show in hd 1080 Stray Kids Survival Show and Code Name is ATEEZ.
I will be very grateful if you can find this show. I don’t know if it’s possible to place orders with you at all, or if it’s done through donations. Thanks anyway.
sorry i don’t serve requests
Min The Red Sleeve Web-DL 720pnya linknya pada mati ya min? bahkan eps 13-17 satu2nya link meganya gamau lanjutin ke bagian download. Boleh dibantu min
kemungkinan krn limit transfer mega
harus nya kembali normal dlm bbrp jam
Uptobox says: “This file is temporarily unavailable, please retry later”, since few weeks for:
Backstreet.Rookie.S01E02.1080p.WEB-DL.H264.AAC-AppleTor.mkv (2.20 GB)
Backstreet.Rookie.S01E06.1080p.WEB-DL.H264.AAC-AppleTor.mkv (2.20 GB)
Backstreet.Rookie.S01E08.1080p.WEB-DL.H264.AAC-AppleTor.mkv (2.20 GB)
Backstreet.Rookie.S01E11.1080p.WEB-DL.H264.AAC-AppleTor.mkv (2.39 GB)
All another Uptobox links related to this tv movie are fine
check again
Except for this episode
Backstreet.Rookie.S01E06.1080p.WEB-DL.H264.AAC-AppleTor.mkv (2.20 GB)
everything else works again
Hi Admin, thank you for all your hard work! When you have time, may I ask for your feedback about a variety show called Late Night Ghost Talk (aka Midnight Horror Story), started 2019-2021 and it’s ongoing into Season 2. I know you don’t take requests. I only want to know if you’re able to see why it’s impossible to find the very first episode #1.
If anyone else here has a link to where I can watch it starting from episode 1 it is greatly appreciated! I can only find episode 22 and onward. Thank you everyone!
this show are licensed to viki/kocowa and as you said they only have ep 22 onward, maybe they only bought the latest eps?
i can find eps 1-21 files on private tracker but they are not subbed since most subtitles are ripped from streaming sites
Ohmygoodness! Are you able to share the raws without the subtitles? Honestly, I couldn’t find it anywhere high and low. The licensing makes so much sense- it explains why it’s hard to find anything prior. Even if your time isn’t available for the raws, I still appreciate all your help, thank you!
can not download, pixeldrain dead
min, alchemy ep 4 1080p webdl yakin ukuran file nya cuma 1,2gb’an di SEND?? biasanya sampe 3gb kan?? ada beda sumber kah?
emang segitu size nya
Would Cafe Minamdang episodes be uploaded?
It was released today.
Min, OOT, Ghost Doctor kyaknya udah keluar di AvistaZ, mau minta Magnet linknya, atau file format torrentnya bisa gk min? HEHE
Yg versi NFnya.
Dear.m ga ada sub indo nya kah, min ?
langsung cek ke subscene aja
klo ada pasti ada yg upload ke sana
Admin, Is there any different between your upload (“Extraordinary.Attorney.Woo.S01E01.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.x264.DDP2.0-PTerWEB”) and (“Extraordinary.Attorney.Woo.S01E01.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.x264-SMURF.”) ?
smurf release has a better bitrate
Oh! Thank u for answering admin. :3
This website used to release LINK EAT KILL LOVE soooo early, why it changed now?
the one that usually come out earlier are hotstar web-dl from archie and as you can see archie are no longer updating this drama since eps 7
spamming comments here won’t make a drama airing or uploaded by release group any faster
To My Star 2 1080p links sends you to a page that asks for a password. Can you please provide it? Thanks!!!!!!
i didn’t set any password
the issue was from link shortener, try to access the link again now
Permintaan penghapusan spam komen berikut Admin
Internal link removed
ga masalah kok biarin aja
kak drama bel ami yg 1080p linknya encrypted, udah saya coba buka berapa kali ga muncul daftar linknya , solusinya gimana ya
emang lagi ada masalah dari pastebin nya
udh ku ganti link coba lagi sekarang
Hello the link for blueming is not working like yeva.
This is what is showing Thank you for giving us access to these series!
It definitely works now! Thank you, Gogo!
Anyone who can find/ watch “Diet 2022” and “I live alone” show?
Please how do I download
its already explained in the guide above
just let me know if there part you still dont understand
min, extraordinary attorney woo antara SMURF NETFLIX 1080p & SEEZN TAENGOO 1080p… bitrate nya better yg mana? terlepas dr ukuran file yg emang beda jauh, thank you ^^
video yg ukuran nya lbh besar pasti bitrate nya jg lbh baik
can you reupload a new hd version of healer and it’s okay that’s love? if there’s nf version. the iotl has, not sure with healer. thank you so much!
sorry i dont serve requests
When will Cafe Minamdang Episode 8 be added for 1080p – Next ?
once it uploaded on trackers
Hello! When will be available WEB-DL verse for 14th episode Link: Eat, Love, Kill?
Kak cara lewati LinkSpy cc gmna yaa
klik aja tombol skip di atas
Hi. Oh. Since doctor lawyer comment is off, I hope I can report link. Link gdrive episode 11 and 12 540p and 720p x265 actually wrong link. Gdrive episode 11 actually gdrive episode 10 while gdrive episode 12 is link for episode 11. I hope you can re-check it again, admin.
Thank you so much, admin. ❤❤❤
i can’t move in the page it’s not work and i trying to add vpn but still no work, i can’t download 🙁
klo bkn masalah ip mungkin krn browser nya jadi coba dgn browser lain
coba jg dgn mode incognito/private dan coba matikan semua extension/addon
@admin , adamas HDTV tidak muncul min, walaupun fans web dl tapi suka lihat opening HDTV & serasa lagi di Korsel misal dari tvN & kbs2
untuk drama baru aku putuskan untuk ga upload hdtv next lagi silahkan cari di tempat lain
nvm ujung nya ku tambahin jg
Min, kok Adamas ama Big Mouth cuman ada engsub ya, di Subscene gk ada yg mau up Malaysub
untuk big mouth krn baru ada di hotstar india jadi sekarang cmn ada engsub
untuk adamas coba request ke wixmedia_id di subscene mungkin dia bisa bantu
Makasih min jawabannya , masih tetap setia sama Dramaday sebagai situs K-Drama
min Today’s Webtoon 1080p NEXT gak ada ya ?
yg biasa nya beli file next 1080p dan upload ke private tracker udah pensi jadi ke depannya untuk drama baru ga akan ada 1080p NEXT lagi, kecuali ada orang lain yg gantikan
oh gitu mkasih info
Kak mau tanya, big mouth nanti bakal ada yang versi hdtv next nya kah?
@629 sangat di sayangkan, padahal HDTV next punya ciri khas nya sendiri , masih bersyukur ada yang upload walaupun tidak FHD
for those who wondering why are there no 1080p NEXT uploaded for new dramas — currently the one and only Avistaz admin who usually bough and upload 1080p NEXT releases on private trackers are retiring from uploading. meanwhile the 720p NEXT I uploaded here are now relying on upload from korean public trackers and as some of you might already know that 1080p NEXT releases are no longer can be found on korean public trackers
so there will be no more 1080p NEXT for new dramas (unless someone else take over his position)
Min Gogo, makasih udah balik.. makasih udah jadi penyelamat hidup bak malaikat bagi seluruh pecinta kdrama di dunia.. makasih, makasih dan makasih… cuma ini yg aku bisa ketik, I LOVE U MIN <3
Admin,Thanks for coming back. TwT
Kak, adamas episode 4 yang next belum diupload kah? makasih kak
hello Gogo, I love this webside and your hard work, I want to inform you that lately I have been having too many troubles getting snacklink page links; for a couple of urls it could I need to open close reopen links etc to finally get to the url. I have blockers disabled, no resize, I carefully scroll down, I wait some time before clicking anywhere again: I think I am doing all what is humanly possible to get the links from snacklink… and failed attempts are now too many.
Ask min, drama would you like a cup of coffee? Rips dari streaming apa min , terimakasih
where do i post about reuploads for uptobox links?
you can post it here
Ah ok thanks. Need uptobox reupload for Knowing Bros episodes 10,14,15,17,18-22,25,28,30-37,39-47,51-56,58-63.66-68, 70-72, 76-82,86,88,89,91-93
try again
wow you work so fast! thank you <3
Is there a separate link to the drama, Joseon Survival? I can see the OST for it but can’t seem to find the links for the download, thank you in advance!
check the comments section
Knowing Brothers Season 2019 eps 161~193 says “will be added later”
hmmm maybe some day
Any update on when these will be uploaded?
Hi, thx for the hard work, can you upload Emperor of the see (2004)?
sorry, i don’t take request
The recent ads from
are terrible. Clicking on the links, solving captcha or don’t work, the ads just keep bring you back to the previous links. You never reach the actual download links. Please checkhello, i’m wondering why the download links in eps 9 of exchange 2 can’t be opened. it keeps returning to the page where i have to enter capcha 🙁
i’m aware there are an issue with one of the shortener, as i said in the guide here i have no controll over shortener end page, for now we can only hope it get solved soon from their side
i already direct the traffic to other shortener, in case you still get directed to problematic shortener page try to refresh this site page until you get the new link
sorry for the inconvenience
the one that manually generated link seem to be working fine only the auto generated one are currently affected
I cant access any shortenlink from adpaylink, can you fix this
try with vpn maybe ip related thing
Thank you It really works <3
Cari file LoveBug itu dimana ya min? ada beberapa variety show yang susah cari snyc indo subs, jdi niatnya drpd download file NEXT, cari versi lovebug gitu.
lovebug itu rip ku sendiri jadi rilis internal situs ini
Hi, why are the extraordinary attorney woo links not working??
Its saying access denied
Please check
read comment #654
its the same solution
on mimicus and others it doesn’t work, even if i use vpn
that site are constantly down recently and affect everyone, not an ip related issue
– Terima kasih min untuk Seoul Vibe , jadi lengkap situs dramaday ( K-Drama , Variety Show , Ost K-Drama & film Korea )
– sejak uploader HDTV NEXT pensiun lebih preferensi ke WEB DL untuk koleksi & tontonan 🙂
hi admin, will earth arcade ep10 be uploaded late?
Why We can’t donwload phone?
it should be working fine on the phone, maybe try with different web browser if its not working for you
Stock Struck Epi 7 And 8 Subtitles(eng) Please🙂
this is not subs site and i don’t upload subs either so requesting here are useless
go check it on subscene instead, someone will upload it once available
Café Minamdang page is broken currently. Sorry for leaving a comment here, didn’t know where else to report it.
Are you stopped uploading Unicorn?
still no update from pandamoon yet
Min, any 1080p TVING ver for Little Women? Bc Netflix has very low quality. :”(
i cant handle to much version, go find it somewhere else
Hi admin,
Thank you very much for your hard work and your beautiful website. I really love this site where I can find most of my fav drama.
I really respect your rule, but may I ask: “Where can I post for a request?”
sorry i don’t serve requests
It’s a little sad. There’s an old drama that I like, but can’t find it anywhere to download.
Thanks anyway and keep up the good work. 🙌
Hai kak, request filmnya BTS Permission to dance on the stage – LA donk kak, please…
sori aku ga terima request
min gogo mau nanya drama The Law Cafe Rips dari viki atau viu ?
min mau tanya , anggota grup yang bersiaran di TVING itu siapa selain TVN dan OCN , masih bingung karena WEB DL AppleTor selalu ada di setiap drama beda stasiun TV
jtbc, mnet
Hi! Where I can download eng subs of Salon de Nabi?
its already embedded with the videos
just play the video then turn the subs on from your media player subtitle menu
min, sekarang kalo buka site harus pake vpn ya? kalo gak pake gak bisa buka sitenya
aku tes pakai indihome dan 3 ga masalah kok
The 720pnext files of Google Drive option of Police University drama say File Not Found. Also, not able to download from Uptobox. The download is getting stalled and it says network error, though the network is working fine. Plz help.
link me to the file that say not found so i can check it
min, Love In Contract hasil RIP darimana ya?
amazon prime
Above links say File not found when I click on Download button.
Haven’t checked the links of other episodes yet.
working just fine for me
is this your first time using the app? did you give all permission asked by the app?
Okay, after giving all permissions, I was able to download. Thank You.
Min , bisa tidak film film yang ada di page drama di hapus
& Dibuat folder tersendiri seperti variety show ( isi page drama isinya drama tidak ada film ) kalau ada postingan baru ditaruh infonya di last updated , terima kasih
Hi, recently you’ve not been adding Mega links. Just wanted to ask if you arr discontinuing Mega or if it is temporary….
Thank you for creating this site ♡
upload speed for this host are super slow, so i’m trying not using it for some dramas
Hi, is there a problem? The series download options have not appeared since yesterday, not even the ones that were already available.
give more detail, what do you mean by not appear?
Is this work possible? 😀
its will be added here once airing
thanks! but i cant download from those premium link
can you share where you get the link from?
Have USADisk Account and download from there, webhard site. Uploaded to WeTransfer, see if you can download the file.
much better, thank you so much!
Can I request movie? Beautiful Vampire 뷰티풀 뱀파이어 (2018)
sorry, i don’t take request
HI, I can’t download from the 1080p link for all of us are dead.
try again
How can I download a subtitle?
just click on subscene/subs link (blue text) provided on each post
Thank you as always.
1080p WEB-DL Google Drive link encountered an error.
try again
There is no sub link. And the subscene subtitle cannot be downloaded
what subs are you looking for?
Admin huggi di AvistaZ sudah pensiun, jadi gak akan ada lagi Running Man 1080p-NEXT.
iya, udh ku ingatkan di comment #635
Hi is the king’s affection still working??? Huhu I can’t find the right link
can you try again
Admin, can you upload Missing the Other Side with NF VERSION?
no plan for that
hi i tried to download but it kept bringing me to this link
i tried to click the verify captcha, but then it brought me to another link please helppp
close any popup page, the previous page where you solve the captcha should be show a counter then a “Get link” button now click on that button and you will get directed to the file
Hello admin.
The Zone: Survival Mission Episod 8 no malay subtitle. Can you please update? Thank you.
May it Please The Court EP09-10 apa kelupaan sampai belum ada di Web hehehe..
Hello. [Use Translation]
Is it possible to request a web drama?
sorry, i don’t serve request
Hello, there’s a song missing from the OST of Little Women from episode 8. I checked all the files uploaded here and it’s definitely missing. it’s the song that plays at 26:18 in the episode. I checked the VA OST folder for Little Women and it’s not among the 57 songs there.
maybe because simply its not part of the ost, you can also check on online music platform like genie, melon, or spotify its the same as what i uploaded here
Always says CSRF token mismatch.
where you get that from?
Excuse me, you have two different WEB-DL versions? ? Through the Darkness, I have also seen it in other dramas, and they are all 1080P. What’s the difference? Is the quality the same as the translation grammar? If I want to watch and keep it, I should choose that one to download better; finally, what should I do if I want to comment on that drama, because no one commented there, I don’t know what to do, only Can leave a message here, what can I do to leave another message to you
for through the darkness all disturbing scene are censored for netflix version while sbs vod are not censored. other than the opening the rest of content are basically the same. comment on dramas post are closed since i’m just too lazy to moderate them
So whether the bigger the capacity, the better the quality, H264.AAC.WEB-DL-Phanteam is better than this NF.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-HBO ? Thank so much
Furthermore, seeing that you have Song Zhongji’s wolf boy, do you have the 2010 나쁜 남자 Bad Guy (Kim Nam Gil, Han Ga In) ? I hope you have
its back to your own preference. and as usual i don’t take request, maybe it will be added here someday
Lapor min Zerobin nya down thanks
why remove mega drive new dramas please ad mega links
Project Wolf Hunting belum ada min?
masih di antrian tgg aja
Can you please stop putting 720p into 1080p uptobox. It has been happening for some time already. That is not the way to get more ad clicks. . it is super annoying.
i didn’t aware until you point it out. if you find something goes wrong multiple times please report it right away
and fyi the one that earn money for more click are the shortener owner not me
fixed on all currently ongoing dramas, report it right away if you find it somewhere else
Hello admin.
Curtain Call episode 3 missing malay subs?
yeah missing from the source

Hi gogo admin, is it possible to reupload “the killer’s shopping list” 720p on send server? all links on send are dead already. Would help a lot. Thanks.
try again now.
give another host a try too, don’t just stick with one file host. pixel & kraken are much faster send
thank you admin. It is because I just bought a subscription in send that is why, their premium is much cheaper compared to others. Thanks a lot!
Where subtitles for Bargain?
based on the article it will be licensed to international OTT next year, so don’t expect official subs to come out before that
Hi. I can’t seem to access any of the full series compiled links. Please help
be more specific, which one exactly?
literally all dramas I clicked on, complete or not, does not lead to any donload page like done in the tutorials.
the tutorial already cover all the basic you need to know
don’t just focus on the gif read also the text in red about closing the popup, it appear after you click on continue button and get link button
if its doesn’t lead you to download link then maybe you’re doing something wrong
curtain call 1080p web dl, linknya 720p (gdrive), tolong difix it min
Please make it possible to access multiple download at a time. I hate waiting 1 by 1 T_T
I mean to get the download link
Dowload sub indo weak hero in class dimana ka?
ga ada sub indo
Hey Admin, do you know any software that can convert mkv to mp4?
i personally use handbrake if i need the mp4 format for video editing
there a great list of other software here
but i’m not really familiar with them
selamat siang min mau tanya cara lewatin website untuk ke website pixel / kraken gimana ia? soalnya stuck disitu terus terimakasih
semua shortener basic nya sama aja sudah di contohkan di guide di atas
solve captcha di page pertama -> klik tombol continue, di page kedua tunggu bbrp detik -> klik tombol get link (tutup semua tab/popup iklan yg muncul) gitu aja
Can you upload 1080p x265 of reborn rich
Hello, is there other website where I can donwload the subtitles? Because the ones I downloaded from subscene are not on timing or simply they just do not work. I’d appreciate it if you can help me. Thanks in advance
idk about other site, why not learn to sync subs yourself instead?
there are a tool called subtitle edit, you can edit the subs to suit your need with it
Oh that’s nice! Thank you so much!
Ode to My Father 2014
a good movie
Hi! I have a question, how come some series don’t have 1080p Next, only 720p? Thank you very much.
check comment #635
hello admin! thank you for adding korean subs! i hope more future dramas also has korean subs in it. it helps me so much with learning the language!
Min, can help to check whether Curtain Call ep 13 & 14 1080p webdl ver will be uploaded at soonest? Cuz I’ve been waiting for it.. Thanks in advance, min.
ngepost di sini ga akan ngebantu release dari ripper manapun keluar lebih cepat
klo udh ada file nya pasti segera ku share di sini
Noted, Min. Thank you always for checking and sharing.
min, aku mau download alchemy of soul s2 ep 6 tapi ngga bisa download pas di klik keluar 404 not found,. aku coba untuk curtain call juga sama min.
mohon bantuan nya.
terima kasih sebelumnya.
masalah dari shortener, nampaknya udh mereka perbaiki
setelah donwload file subtittle, bagaimana cara menghubungkannya ke film?
klo file nya masih dalam bentuk zip di extract dulu file .srt di dalam nya
ada 3 cara yg bisa kamu pilih:
1. play video nya kemudian load file .srt tadi lewat menu subtitle di video player mu
2. rename file subtitle sesuai dgn nama file video nya
contoh: Drama.E01.mkv rename file subs nya jadi
pastikan taruh kedua file tersebut di dalam folder yg sama, kemudian play file video nya maka subs akan otomatis ke load (bbrp video player mungkin ga support fitur ini)
3. klo di pc bisa jg dengan drag & drop file subtitle .srt nya ke media player
klo kamu download versi web-dl dari sini kabanyakan video nya sudah di tempel subtitle jadi tinggal aktifkan aja subs nya lewat menu subtitle di video player mu
perbadaan 1080p -NEXT sama 1080p-WEB DL apa kak?
sumber video nya, hdtv next dari siaran tv korea sedangkan web-dl dari ott/situs streaming
Halo min
Untuk link dowload via goggle drive sedang ada gangguan ya min? Soalnya mau dowload gabisa. Tulisannya unable troubleshooting. Padahal untuk penyimpan goggle drive nya sedang kosong. Udah di bersihan semua, tetep gabisa.
semua kemungkinan sudah di jelaskan di halaman yg di tunjuk
Hello Min,
Many thanks for 2017–2022. I’m incredibly appreciative. I wish you healthy greetings and my warmest wishes for a happy and prosperous new year.
thanks and happy new year for you as well!!
hello, admin-nim! i noticed on subcene subtitles for through the darkness for web-dl phanteam that there is a special episode for the kdrama through the darkness but when i visited the link it’s missing on the uploaded episodes. 🙁
it just a review of ep1-3 and preview of up coming episodes
you’re not missing any content without it imo
here if you still need it:
i’m not going to re-encode it by the way
Hello, is Knowing Bros the netflix version? Some of the 2019 onwards episodes have edited copyright music instead of the original music.
all web-dl there are viu version
I just wanted to inform you that your aspect ratio is not correct in Payback: Money and Power. The 1080p is 1920 x 960 since they didn’t include the black bars. So on your 720p it should not be 1280 x 720 but rather 1280 x 640. I didn’t see the 540p but I assume the same error? I can adjust in my media player so I don’t know if you want to fix it or not.
that is from the source nothing i can do about it, amazon release without a black bar are quite common actually
Please kshow Chain Reaction subs adm!
Hi, I know you don’t serve requests. Just checking if you really don’t have download links to the drama, Monster (2016) Thanks and more power!
no, we don’t have it here
hello admin, i just wanna ask.
720p NEXT
720p x265
540p x264
1080p Disney+
1080p Hotstar
720p x265 Disney+
540p x264 Disney+
do all of these have english subs? because i usually download Web-DL version so i want to confirm first
all HDTV NEXT are raw
1080p Disney+, 1080p Hotstar, 720p x265 Disney+, 540p x264 Disney+ all web-dl releases are embedded with subs turn it on from your media player
Strangers Again Rips dari streaming apa min ?
Can we download on mobile ? And how i can add the subtiles
you can download from any device
for subtitle load the .srt file from your media player subtitle menu or if you downloaded web-dl releases most of it already embedded with subs so you just need to turn it on from your media player subtitle menu
Hello! Crash Course in Romance Ep 04 720p WEB-DL Krakenfiles link is broken.
Hello! Thanks for all these resources! Incredibly thankful for them!
However, starting from a few days ago the ad site cannot be reached… It kept saying “Bad Request Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand. Size of a request header field exceeds server limit.”… and therefore i cannot get through and obtain the file links.
Is there a solution to this?
where you get those error from?
Hi Gogo! I got that after i waited for 10 seconds at , solved the reCAPTHA and then clicked the “Click here” button.
i have no control over shortener pages
tested several link and it work fine on my end. do you still getting those error? also have you tried with different browser?
This is a great solution! THANK YOU FOR ALL THESE AGAIN!
Is it from the official VOD and uploaded??
which one?
Hi is there only subscene and it’s mirror indexsubs the only place to get subs? both are currently not working for me. please let me know if there are any other mirror sites
idk about other site. what the problem? if you can access them try use a vpn or change your dns
apa bisa donasi pakai dana, ovo, atau gopay???
lewat link trakteer harus nya bisa
Min ko semua web nya gabisa di download ya? Tiap mau download masuk ke teknosimple tapi gabisa katanya masalah internet, pdhl internetnya lancar
shorterner nya yg down
why are all the links access denied
problem from adlink side, all links wrapped in teknosimple shortener are currently down
link subtittle kenapa terjadi kesalahan privasi ya kak? saya aksesnya pukul 10.21 PM.
itu biasanya krn blokir dari isp, udh coba akses dgn vpn atau ganti dns?
All links are not working through teknosimple :/
yeah i’m aware of that. they said they’re still working on the issue, so we can just wait for now
I can’t download anything. It says: The owner of this website ( has banned the autonomous system number (ASN) your IP address is in (9299) from accessing this website. Help please.
have you tried with vpn? and
I can’t download from these links but other links work fine.
teknosimple are still down for everyone
I tried using VPN and it’s now working. Thank you.
I am getting error from too – “Access denied
Error code 1020
You do not have access to
The site owner may have set restrictions that prevent you from accessing the site.”
VPN doesn’t help
Min kenapa ya, sudah lewat 2hari tidak bisa access download dari web ini. Kata nya lagi ip ku di blokir 😭🤧. Aku jadi sedih tanpa new episode kdrama.
😩😩Dari dulu aku fans kdrama website
Sorry, but links are not working through I’ve tried with VPN, but it didn’t work.
PAYBACK 2023 – Hi i noticed the scenepack links isn’t working for the drama -PayBack 2023 would please fix this? Thank you!
Payback: Money and Power ^^
Hello, I’m trying download eps through a new link, but it says to Disable Adblock or Wait 1000 seconds. I don’t have adblock at all, how could I deal with this problem? Or just to wait 1000 seconds?
not sure maybe blocked by something else from your end
try with incognito mode or try with other browser
Agency Sorry, but links are not working through Help please.DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN.would please fix this? Thank you!
use gdrive link for now, the other link wrapped with teknosimple are still down
Hello, it seems links still not working (Poong, the Joseon…)
When are you going to upload Episode 9 of Crash Course In Romance in 1080p WEB-DL?
It is not there.
no update from XEBEC yet, i’ll add it once i have the file
Hello, I can’t download anything through Is it not working again or is it my problem?
yeah the site are down again
Hello, How to download from “haipedia”?. It’s not working or I don’t know how.
its basically the same as the first tutorial gif showed above
Hi. I found a solution. Thank you.
Yes, I know that, but it’ doesn’t appear captcha and when I press button “open link” goes to another web and so on…. Sorry for bother you.
Hi min, when Shortener come “,” can’t pass to download page and when Shortener come,” can pass to download page. It’s site error or error from me or error from Shortener?
its the shortener side issue, their server are constantly down recently
Hello! I would like to know, is it possible to add a drama «Imitation» as 1080p and without a channel logo? when I try to download the series, the quality is very poor, and available series as 1080p downloads only with the logo.
if you need logoless video download web-dl releases
hdtv next always have logo since its from tv channel broadcast
Yes, I know that, but eps are downloaded in bad quality through web-dl releases. I don’t know why
Teknosimple still down?
they changed their domain to ponselharian, I though I already changed them all
where do you get that link from?
The trolley WEB-DL links were teknosimple, but I guess they hadn’t been updated at the time. They’re all good now. Thanks.
When will you add Double Patty movie?
Movies, in Windows 10 default apps
It’s not playing with [unsupported type encoding]…
General codec, please.
install vlc or mpc-hc
Hello admin, for last 2 days i’m getting the CSRF token mismatch from the in-between link. is there any way i can correct it, i have tried everything so far, vpn and all, but nothing worked.
pretty sure they already fixed those issue a few weeks ago
it work fine on my end, i no longer able to reproduce that error anymore. you sure it happen recently?
Yes, when i tried to download the new episode of delivery man , and 3rd and 4th episode of Call it Love, when i click the link in ur website, another website opens up , when i click on im not a robot square , and click on Click here to continue, the page refresh and says ” CSRF token mismatch “. i have tried it multiple times, nothing worked for me.
can you try again with incognito/private mode or with different browser, maybe it a site cache/cookies related
Thanks, it worked in Edge browser, sorry i didn’t think of that. also thanks for all the hard work running the website and encoding the videos.
no problem
Hi! Thank you for your hard work in uploading the videos.
I’m unable to download the videos as it says that ‘The owner set a password for this folder.
Will it be okay for you to grant access without a password?
most of the time password are written under the file list -Access to this resource on the server is denied!
Is there a bypass address?
I can’t wait to see the country – I wonder.
Hi admin. May I know where do you download your videos? Thanks for creating this website btw. It is really cool.
some from private trackers, the rest are from friends or my own rip
Hi, Sist… Thank you so much untuk kerja kerasnya udah mau berbagi banyak film dan drama. Sangat membantu sekali, sampai-sampai ketika ketemu site ini, langsung jadi site terfavorit aku. 🙂
Btw aku boleh request gak, Sist? Pengen banget donwload dan nonton ulang film-film lama tapi dalam kualitas HD 1080, kayak film Hearty Paws (2006), Hamony (Harmony) 2010. Sangat senang andai Sist bisa bantu upload dua film itu. Makasih sebelumnya. 🙂
Hi, admin. There isn’t place to text you about this. This is why I do here. Please, can you add an entry to subscene to upload subs from another languages in The Real Has Come!? I will do traslate to spanish and upload them would be more easy. Thanks
Hello, there is not a place to ask, but I would ask for episodes of tvN’s new variety show ‘Very Private Southeast Asia’ starring director Jang Hangjun, actors Lee Sun-kyun, Kim Do-hyun and Kim Nam-hee with subtitles, please !!
I don’t take requests, and the show most likely won’t get subbed if no international ott bought the license
hi. thanks for you work ! appreciate it very much. just wanna ask, how do i solve the ‘CSRF token mismatch’ problem? it appears every time the link direct to ads shortener (
it might be a cache/cookies issue on your end, so try to clear them
you can also try access it with incognito/private mode or with other web browser
mkasih min .. akhirnya kembali .. buntu mau cari drama dimana
Just wanted to say welcome back, you have beed missed!!!
U left a few days but I feel like u left us 100000+ years TwT
Love U admin. God Bless U. TwT♥
someone is stealing your site. is fake
why .me?
tell me how did you guys found the new domain, admeme have nowhere made announcement about this change
RiP [DRAMADAY.NET] 10.03.17-03.31.23
May the based new domain and chad owner bless us with endless entertainment for centuries to come.
Thank you for your time keeping up this page alive. I wanna ask, do you have discord chat room for this website. I just wanna keep updated if you change server like few days ago 😭 Thank you sososo much!!
tbh i’m too lazy to manage those kind of stuff
just bookmark i’ll put announcement there in case there are problem with main site
Welcome back, Admin. I miss you so much. Everyone miss you so so so much…..
Dramaday kembali , mau nonton dramanya Bona tapi dramaday nggak bisa di akses terima kasih min sudah kembali
When will you upload The Gangster, the Cop, the Devil?
thank’s for staying alive, Bro
hello, could you share the name of the script, or its name to buy it please, thank you very much
it deprecated and buggy mess you might better search for neodrive instead
trying to download some shows but it kept on going back to the shortener link and it said that csrf token mismatch
check comment no. 874
nvm this time its seem like the problem is from the link shortener server side
trying to download some shows but it kept on going back to the shortener link.
i’m aware of the issue, wait until it get fixed by shortener side
seems like already fixed by them
could you add your own tag for your re-encode and please do not alter the original release name
can you add d+ copy for
there are only 720p release, i won’t add it here
there’s 1080p release, it just not in avz
you know where to find them then
i can’t handle too many version, so it won’t be added here
i know where to find it but can’t grab it that’s why im asking you since this tittle available on major streaming service (usually comes with multiple subtitles which is not the case for this one but still the picture quality is better) i thought you’d pick it over local ott
Pandora: Beneath the Paradise 1080p WEB-DL blum kluar ya ?
Hello, wasn’t sure how I could reach you because the comment section was turned off on the page. For the movie Soulmate, after clicking on the links, it requests a password and shows “Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)”. Any idea how I can bypass this message? Thank you!
most likely caused by one of your browser extension, try turn it off or use incognito mode without extension enabled
or just use another link
when would pandora 1080p web-dl link be available?
no update from the ripper APEX yet
might get delayed until the series finished
but it will definitely be up right?
which episode?
Hi Admin,
Thank you for the quality uploads.
Would you ever consider uploading Chinese drama too?
no, since i personally don’t watch cdramas so i’m not familiar with any of them
Hello. Glad to have you back after this hiatus.
I hesitate to ask you this question given the quality of your work, but I love the drama so much that I was wondering if you also had pixelation issues during episode 4 of The Eighth Sense (ex: at 12: 10 in the 1080p WEB-DL version) ?
Have a great day everyone.
problem from the source, seem like viki already re-uploaded their video to fix the issue
ep4 1080p updated with latest video from viki
thanks for reporting
Thank you very much !
Running Man 242 Google Drive isinya []_Resident Evil Damnation (2012)
udh ga bener ini shortener sekarang
fixed, coba lagi
Running Man 244 juga
udh ku fix kok sekaligus sama yg sebelum nya
Terima Kasih, semoga dapat banyak THR
can you stick with hhweb for the web-dl release, they’re quite fast and reliable. hhanclub(dot)top is their home site
I tried to download “The Glory”. But it requires a password to access it.
password is
written below the links
Panjang umur terus Dramaday
Knowing Bros ep 340 1080p links are not working. Uptobox link is gone and google drive links never work
uptobox ads link fixed.
gdrive work just fine, if its never work for you then its mean you doing something wrong. there already instruction on how to use the app properly on every dddrive file page
All links the same, after I click, next page show ‘Your link is being processed’. Can’t proceed. How do I get around this or what could possibly be the problem?
where you get that message from?
Do you have shark the beginning?
What is the password in TeraBox?
i never use terabox, where you get the link from?
Hi Admin why I’ve got a 403 forbidden message that never happened before ? Please fix it
shortener server issue, I temporary switched to another one already
Can you please find “Intimate Enemies (2015)” in 1080p or 720p somewhere? I’ve been searching for months, but all i got was a version from dramacool that has no audio for the second half, and a supper low quality one from kissasian.
Just a heads up (since the page for it has no comment option) almost all of episode 5’s links are mixed up for “Family: The Unbreakable Bond”, I had to go through about 5 of them to find the right resolution I was after. 😉
should be fixed now, thanks for reporting
could you help me to find the korea drama 쉿 그놈을 부탁해 (2021)
Puluhan purnama terlewati. Kapan Knowing Bros 2019 (E161~E193) di unggah ???
I miss you so much. Can you help me with this?
sorry, i don’t take requests
I can’t access to online watching link
all link provided here are for download only, this site never intended for streaming
Since a couple of weeks ago I’ve been having problems downloading a few dramas. For example, today I wanted to download So I Married the Anti-Fan but I was unable to access the link. There’s a message saying cannot be reached. Is it just my problem? T.T
work fine on my end and you are the only one reporting such issue. it might be an ip related issue, have you tried access it with vpn?
I’m relieved to hear that it’s just my issue. I’ve just installed a VPN and it works just fine! Thank you so much for your help and kindness and sorry for bothering you with such an easy problem. Have a good day! 🙂
hello, i think episode 4 of “the eighth sense” is not working anymore
be more specific, there are are 12 link of ep4 there
you are right sorry. after several attempts, I realized it was my problem, sorry for the trouble and thank you for your reply
for convenience i’ve put all episodes in one link, try to refresh the page
I can’t get to him. Is it just me?
if you mean the drama page, its work fine for me
1080p WEB-DL Link 1 I can’t get through to him.
try again now how to this site download
click on verify button and they will show you instructions how to get through the shortener page
Running Man Episode 657 error menit 56:00 sampai 56:11
fixed, thanks laporannya
Can I download shows and movies from here in Canada?
yes, there are no restriction
Admin uplaod gak variety show The Zone: Survival Mission Season 2 ?
ga nemu yg 1080p cmn ada yg 720p
nanti ku add
Min jualan HDD yg isinya drakor dong di shopee, kayaknya bakal laku keras deh buat para kolektor…
min kan aku udh klik ceklis di kotak i’m not robot nah bacaan please wait dibawahnya kan biasanya hitung mundur tuh dari 10 ke 0 terus baru deh bisa di klik. tapi 2 hari ini bacaan please wait nya tu ga mundur min stuck di “please wait 10” udah nunggu semenit pun ga berubah2 dan ga bisa di klik itu kenapa ya??
udh coba dgn browser lain?
Been having the same issue as above for the last several days – anytime the link shortner is attempting to use, the first page doesn’t count down from 10 to allow you to continue 4/5 times. If it does count down, the second page will not give you the link – it does not count down from 3 and no link is provided to the final site. Tried on chrome, edge, firefox and same behavior. Doesn’t matter the link from this site nor the destination host (google drive, pixeldrain, kraken, etc). Same behavior across all.
that weird i can’t reproduce the issue at all, tested with desktop and phone with multiple browser and even on my 2 server with different ip all working fine
It’s very odd, it’s only that provider, the others work fine, but it is hit or miss which one you’ll get and most of the time it’s that URL
have you tried changing dns or access it with vpn?
or maybe it caused by some plugin? have you tried with incognito/private mode?
Hi, sorry didn’t see the reply and questions – I’m always on VPN, tried a few connections with the same behavior through that. I tried incogneto/private mode and it did work but I found that if I clicked on the page to do the captcha it would stop the countdown. The above instructions on let it sit and then click things seems to be working. Same url provider with the issue, the other providers are fine. But a workaround exists now, it looks like.
Hai admin, I have a problem to donwload.
The counting number in page is not working. Could you check for me?
check few comments above you
Whenever i click on the Gdrive,pixeldrain, and all other links
Its goes to , and the 10 sec timer is not at all running been trying for 2 days , was fine but its not available for all files…
VpN changed
Dns changed
Incognito tried
Diff browser checked
Same issue every where , please do something guys 🥺
In case anyone found a solution, plz reply 🙏
The counting number in page is not working. Could you check for me? Please help.
To all people who can’t download because the counting number doesn’t work.
here is the solution :
1. Try using inPrivate mode or incognito mode on your browser.
2. Do not click the tickk count down finished (if you clicked before finished, the count down will stop)
3. You can continue downloading as usual.
4. Happy download guys.
Cara download bila angka tidak bergerak mundur
1. Coba gunakan mode InPrivate atau mode Incognito di browsermu
2. Jangan klik centang sebelum angka bergerak mundur selesai. Kalau diklik sebelum selesai, pergerakan angka akan terhenti .
3. Kamu bisa lanjut download seperti biasa.
4. Selamat download temanteman.
I tried to open it in incognito mode like you said but it didn’t work, the countdown still doesn’t work
maybe your browser tab not on focus?
try to click any white empty space on the shortlink page
wanted to let you know that the zone survival mission S02E04 seems to be corrupted
be more specific so i can check it
what resolution, which host you downloaded from and the timestamp
sorry nevermind. it seems to be fine. i think somehow on my end here must have corrupt the file as i was downloading it thinking to be finished/completed. sorry about that. there no problem. sorry once again
There is an issue with , it is (404/ Not found)!
seems like they are on maintenance
just wait untill they fix it
Thank you..
hi, is still not working? tried downloading smth but it says “something went wrong, please contact the admin”
currently stuck at getting link on second page, so not yet
hi i need help saving the drama to my gallery because it seemed that its not saving to my gallery even tho i downloaded it and saved to my files. i downloaded the web-dl but somehow theres an error because once i opened the video there isnt a video apperearing, it only says the title no images and i tried to save the video the “save video” option didnt pop out so i couldnt able to save it to my gallery. i dont know is it because its not compatible in IOS? only android? pls help me i really need your help
i’m not familiar with ios so can’t really help much here.
Hello! Why can’t I access your site without VPN? I thought it was down, turns out I needed to use a VPN to access the website
idk maybe isp related. have you tried changing dns?
also you can check whether a site are down or just you with this
Hi! So i’ve tried downloading episodes and they’ve all downloaded as files. I’ve tried through the various different websites like mega, pixeldrain, google drive, etc. and they all download as documents.
Hi, the links for Taxi Driver 2 Ep. 13-16 1080p WEB-DL don’t seem to work.
Hello, how much would it cost to donate to have access or a clone of your Google Drive?
Thank tou
I post it here. My IP services show me that this website is not secure. I can’t to connect. Just with VPN. It’s any problem?
no such issue on my end
have you tried changing dns?
I can’t to do that (change dns), but I think that the problem is gone. I hope the problem is fixed for the future. I can’t be without your web. Sorry for bother you and thank you.
Min, running man episode 190, for google drive file not found, and for uptobox, the link not working.
coba lagi sekarang
can you please enable rss feed
Agree 100%, easiest way to keep up-to-date. All the other kdrama sites I use have RSS, so I don’t have to keep refreshing site.
Hello, may I ask the series Rookie cops does not have Czech subtitles?
i can’t find it
I already found them here
Sorry to Ask Here … But I Can’t Find the Movie ” Killer Toon (2013) ” Here .
So, Is It Me Who Searched the Wrong Way or Was It Never Uploaded Here ?!
no, we don’t have it here
you can check all movies here btw
Oh ! Thanks .
& Please Add a Space at the End of Links 🖇️ . Or, Word Can’t Identify Them as Links 🔗 .
e.g. )
you can just delete the raw part in rentry page url and it will recognize all url in it as a link
I can’t seem to see way I can download movie here
give more details what your problem is
Hi there! Thanks for all the work you put on sharing new and old dramas. Do you have Hee-soo (2021)?
no, we don’t have it here
will you please add the NEXT version of the Adamas series
I Know, You don’t Take Film Request Here .
But If there’s any Chance ; Please, Please ; Upload the
Film 🎭 :: The Handmaiden (2016) ; Starring Kim Tae Ri .
kenapa tiap mengunduh file Google Drive selalu muncul tulisan ‘Unable to copy file’ please read Troubleshooting page
saya sudah coba pakai 3 akun google
semua kemungkinan udh di jelaskan di sini
karena masalah jaringan. tadi saya unduh pake indihome makanya begitu. tapi saya coba unduh kuota bisa terunduh.
good day,I know I’m writing this for the second time sorry but please add the 720p-NEXT version to the Adamas series so I can watch it.
i won’t add next release for old dramas, try find it somewhere else
if the subs are the reason you prefer one release over another, i suggest try to re-sync the subs yourself with subtitle edit
mau coba download lagi Moving yang FHD pixeldrain udah kena report of abuse, send tinggal ep7 yg masih aktif, padahal kemarin baru download epi 1-3 aman2 aja di 2 site itu
coba sekarang
shortlink diganti cuty, sekalian aja pake fly inc min lebih EZ !!
Hello, when the whole series comes out, can you please make one link where there are links to all the episodes, it’s always only for the series that comes out right away.
Thanks for sharing all nice OSTs!
Hello, This is my the first comment.
i get error when i click dl links for episode 8 of my lovely liar. the sites are always tagged as having trojan virus. i don’t see any problem with other links but for the links, i always get this error.
using kaspersky here and it detect nothing, most likely your av false positive, try to whitelist it
or just use another filehost, there are multiple filehost warapped with different shortlink, no need to stick with only one filehost
Hi admin.. apakah sekarang NEXT sudah tidak menyediakan video kualitas 1080p? Sayang sekali karena kualitas suara NEXT itu jauh lebih nikmat dibandingkan Webdl versi manapun meskipun kualitas gambarnya tidak sebaik Webdl. Menurut saya 1080p NEXT itu paling kompromistis dibanding pilihan yg lainnya.
min episode 10 ‘R U Next?’ rilisnya kapan ya? udah nungguin dari tadi pagi belum rilis-rilis nih min. mohon pencerahannya
the video source. hdtv next are from korean tv channel while web-dl are from streaming sites
Thank you for the service!! Ive been using your site for years now and i’ve filled up my korean plex library till 4TB!! Can you please look into “Ugly alert (2013)”,”five enough (2016)” , ” my father is strange (2017)” and “Be My Dream Family (2021)” ?
All these are daily dramas and are highly rated. i cannot find good quality DLs anywhere online for these 🙁 Whatever torrents i found are dead.
sorry, we don’t take request
Father Is Strange already posted here
Why there’s no 720p Disney+ version of Snowdrop (2021) ??
Hi there! i LOVE your site and i very much appreciate all the amazing work you all do!
i keep having an issue with downloads here though. i’ve been trying to download tonight’s episodes of “Moving” (eps. 16 +17) .
i was able to download ep. 17 using the “send” link option no problem but any an all links for ep. 16 (send, uptobox, pixel, etc.)
don’t work for me. the uptobox link just sends me in a never ending loop (i wait the 59 seconds, then click download, then it
sends me back to the “wait 59 seconds” gig again, etc.).
both the pixeldrain and now the “send” links take me to ad pages that contain no Dramaday download links. i’ve tried changing
my VPN locations and even tried downloading without having my VPN on all to no avail.
can you help me with this?
again, i love your site so much and THANK YOU(!) for any help you can give me with this!
how you get through all link shortener are basically the same
open the link –> wait for the timer (if there is) –> click on continue/get link/I am not a robot or whatever they call it button (DO NOT click on any download button on shortlink page, only click download button on the filehost page)
immediately close any pop-up ads they throw at you and it will direct you to real link that all
The 1080 Google links for Jinny’s kitchen for episodes 8-11 are broken :'(
try again
Thank you!
Well, RIP uptobox 🙁
also, we all know you will upload DOONA! when it starts airing, can you upload 2160p versions too? just putting it out there.
Just out of curiosity, where/how do you get your content? I only ask because you no longer take requests and I want to try looking for some shows that aren’t on your site. If you don’t feel comfortable answering me here, you can email me privately. Thank you!
mostly from private and public trackers, the rest I download it myself from streaming sites
Where can I get Live Your Own Life 2160P?
Or can you provide the URL?
I can pay you.
google drive link of “Romance Full of Life” is dead. i can’t find any files there.
use mega
when i try to use google drive link it just loads?
can you give more details? does it give any error message and which link are you trying to download so i can check it
is it only me that pixeldrain server seems kinda slow only getting <100 KB/sec ?
not sure about your case but they do limit speed to 1 MiB/s when you exceeded their 5GB free daily limit
can’t find the movie “3-iron (2004)”
is it not available here or did i search the wrong ?
we don’t have it here
movies index are here btw
The google links for “What Happens to My Family” are not working. I tried leave a comment on the page but the comment section wasn’t working for me.
all link seems work just fine, give more details what you problem is
The google links keep getting redirected to this site >>>> I thought maybe it was maybe a domain for or something. But every time I clicked Get link or generate link, nothing happens.
replaced with other shortener. if you still find it difficult try use mega, it should be easier to figure out
Re A Good Day To Be A Dog, the Pixeldrain link for E01, 1080HD reports file not found. Was able to download E02. Tried the QIWI but could not find a download button/tab anywhere on their site (blind?). So tried on a rather older Firefox, 56.0.2, last version before changeover, when videodownload helper was still free, it downloaded the vid but with no sound (subtitles but no sound). I don’t go near Google Drive, since the DDDrive, well, used it before for 2 files, downloaded each to my desktop right after each finished downloading to Google Drive, and I think Google might be doing its policing since that Google account is frozen (for downloading protected files). I don’t bother with Send, since do not want to pay and the not premium downloads take something like, this one anyway, 10 hours. So if you could re-up E01, 1080HD to Pixeldrain that would great. Thanks.
i don’t see any 1080p giving not found error
for qiwi zoom out your browser, download button is under the player
Yes. NF’s 1080p version for A Good Day To Be A Dog episode 1 it’s a video without audio. ViU and Next versions are OK. Episode 2 it’s OK.
already fixed
Thank you.
Getting a 404 Not Found error for Running Man Uptobox links. 629 is one of multiple episodes with the issue.
uptobox is dead, use gdrive
Thank you for your work keeping the site up to date.
each drama/movie goes by variety names.
so,,, search in index, sometimes doesn’t help much.
& I Love ♥️ DramaDay …
but, i have to say, Search 🔎 Algorithm or API, whatever it is,
is not so good here. 🙃
and, needs quite a development. 🙂
even though, I Appreciate 💯 your Work.
try search with the korean titles
A lot of the links for My Lovely Liar are missing. I tried to comment on that page, but the comment box was closed.
no files live forever here, please use another file host instead of sticking with one particular host
Hai admin request variety show God of Business Trip Communication: Seo Jin’s Edition (2023)
I recommend the work.
good day,why isn’t A Good Day to be a Dog 4 episode 1080p-NEXT?
no one bought the files and share it on public/private tracker anymore
For Admin only: (Please delete after reading)
Do you want to provide NEXT version of Korea-Khitan War? If yes, then I will upload the files to MEGA folder for you when it airs.
it’s a long running+weekend drama so i’m not uploading next release for this one
thanks by the way
Hello Admin…
Just suggesting, on the ‘THIS WEEK DRAMAS’ table on this website, could you add the word finale/final/last episode to the drama that will end that week? Thank you.
heads up admin. a couple of weeks ago Comcast/Xfinity ISP (largest in US with 40% marketshare) started blocking your site. affected users will only get a mysterious SSL error message. if you browse through it happens to a lot of sites and the only solution is for site owners to request action. there is also info that this might only affect sites that are using cloudflare (which you are). presumably, if cloudflare fixes their end, the user would stop getting an SSL error and would instead get the “This site could be risky” interstitial redirect that shows up for sites blocked by Comcast/Xfinity.
get a better isp
I can’t Find Brave Citizen (2023) and Love Reset (2023) in DramaDay !!!!!
movies with theater release don’t work like dramas, the digital release will take months after theater release and another months for the proper official subtitles so don’t expect newly released movies to be available here
Hope you are doing good.
Wondering why you aren’t including Boyhood on the list of current airing drama?
Thank you.
no subs, will add it after it ended
Hi Gogo/Team. I love your work here, is there any way to get in contact? Either Telegram, email or any PGP. -Cyush
Thank you!
Min, Unexpected Season 3 eps 7, yang 720p file gdripe/send sama piksel/gopile kok beda ya min file sizenya? biasanya sama, yg piksel/gopile lebih besar daripada gdripe/send
bbrp filehost nampilin filesize dlm bentuk binary Bytes
klo mau hitung sendiri silahkan pakai
masukkan size sebenarnya 757.85 maka akan dapat 794.7 yg di tampilkan host lainnya
setelah di download semua akan sama aja sizenya di storage lokal mu
Nanti saya download keduanya dan saya compare untuk memastikan saja ^^
soalnya sebelum2 nya saya ambil link dari gdripe terus saya compare dengan data di piksel besar filesizenya, baru saya download, dan sampai minggu lalu tampilan besar filenya sama terus,
selain itu saya sering pakai sha256 nya piksel buat di compare dengan yang saya download, tapi saat ini baru mau saya download, sehingga belum sempat saya bandingkan secara nyata.
kalo begitu, artinya mulai minggu ini, salah satunya ada yang merubah sistem hitungannya filesizenya ya, maaf kalau begitu saya yang salah min ^^ makasih responnya min, maaf merepotkan
Setelah tes keduanya dan intropeksi diri ternyata saya yang salah min ^^ maaf min
sebelumnya yang saya compare adalah hasil donlot, data filesize dari properties file explorer dengan data filesize nya di piksel, tapi yang belakangnya, yang B, bukan yang di compare dengan yang depan nya, yang MB
tadi pagi saya compare langsung sebelum download dari yg di gdripe ke yang di piksel ^^
maaf min ^^
gogo admeme, why did u disable comment for A Good Day to Be a Dog?
do you have a bitcoin address ?
Hi… i cannot download the first episode for Dali and the cocky prince on google drive. It says file 404 (File not found). Can you help fix this. Thank you in advance.
HI !! Can series be watched in streaming with subtitles already inserted? Or can it just be downloaded? When I try to play it says my browser doesn’t support the video format. Thanks in advance for the reply
all files shared on this site are for download only not for streaming
Can I download these on my iPhone or is it just for computers? I tried downloading it on my phone and ipad but the file won’t play anything, I’m not sure if I’m not downloading it correctly. Thank you so much for the website btw
Hi! i would like to watch the first episode of Soundtrack #2 but all the links are for the second episode.
Could you fix it please? Thank you in advance.
I was hoping to listen to the Prison Playbook OST, but all 3 links said File Not Found. Will be file eventually be available? Thank you so much.
try again
min, story of park’s marriage ada yang baru versi friday itu versi apa ya min?
saya coba download dua dua nya, keduanya sama2 versi piu, tapi yang satu masih ada logo piu nya di dalam video, yang friday ga ada logonya, sekilas yang terlihat perbedaannya
makasih min
hi admin, can i request movie past live? thank you
sorry, we don’t take request
Hi, admin. Happy New Year. always report that it’s not possible to connect because protocol HSTS. What can we do?
working fine on my end
try with different browser or try access it with vpn
Link Drama Vigilante episode 1,2,3,4 1080p WEB-DL pixeldrain not work, could you restore them please, Thanks
i don’t see any issue there
( doesn’t work, it doesn’t let me connect to the final pixeldrain link, I tried with various VPN and various browsers, even episode 11 1080p (pixeldrain) of My man is cupid gives the same error.
if the shortener page is reachable then its not issue with your network/browser so no need to use a vpn/switching browser
if you mean the last go button didnt direct you to the destination link try to keep clicking on it and close any pop-up ads
if you’re on phone it might be better to switch to desktop page from your browser menu
there are also other filehost with different shortener, why not give it a try instead of sticking with one that doesn’t work for you
unfortunately I can only download from pixeldrain, the problem I only have with ( which always gives me Bad gateway (host error) and doesn’t connect me to the final link. for example doesn’t give me any problems. anyway thanks for the reply and thanks for the dramas you upload.
Hi, first of all thank you so much for keeping this page up and running, super helpful! I‘m currently trying to download The Guest episodes 1080p WEB-DL (because I need the english subs and have trouble with the seperate subs) and it worked just fine for the first 8 episodes but now when I click the final download link it just tells me “‘Unable to copy file’ please read troubleshooting page”. When I click on that it says that either I didn‘t grant the required permission (which I did) or I don‘t have enough storage on Drive (which I do) or that “the file owner‘s account has exceeded the bandwidth limit”. Any idea how to fix this problem?
Sorry, I got it fixed myself, everything works fine! (@ comment 1097)
Good afternoon,! I ask you for help. There is no link from Refreshing the page, another browser, VPN does not help. What needs to be done to make it work?
there are already instruction on the shortener page like click on continue button ect
basically you just need to click on blue button (close any pop up ads), solve the captcha if asked for and it will direct you to the actual download link
Hi, Under the Queen’s Umbrella episode 16-Web – I cannot download any of the options, are the links dead? Ty 🙂
check again
can u please encode this the one currently on avz has lower quality
There is also this drama movie!
Hi admin…
Love for Love’s sake already aired all 8 episodes. But in here still 4. Hope you’ll upload it soon. It aired Wed-Thu. Thank you.
i’m not using gagaoolala version, tving have their own schedule
Hi Admin! Is there a dramaday twitter account I can follow? Or is the only form of communication through this website? I would like to stay up to date with any of your website news. Thank u!
this site don’t have any sns page
Hi Admin, the ad shortener page times out (no connection) so I cannot get to the Pixeldrain files. I am trying to load various from Tell Me That You Love Me. Is there a workaround or do I just have to wait until that site is accessible again? Thank you for your work and help!
UPDATE : I managed to get onto Pixeldrain, bare one file EP 05. That seems to have been deleted from Pixeldrain. Thank you, if you saw that before and helped! Kind regards.
try again
knight flower newest episode links are wrong it’s for between him and her
Hello. I do not if it’s just me but I cannot access the links for Weak Hero Class 1. A “Forbidden 403” tab appears when Link 1 is picked while “ can’t be reached” appears when Link 2 is clicked. I wonder if the problem is only on my end. Anyway, thank you very much for this website. It must not be easy maintaining it, hence I genuinely appreciate your work.
everything work fine for me
Will you be updating the last episode (6) of NANA TOUR with SEVENTEEN? Thank you so much. Truly appreciated
still no update from pandamoon the ripper who download the file from source
if pandamoon haven’t update it then you won’t see it uploaded here either
Ok cool. Thanks for letting me know. Truly appreciated 🙂
Do you guys know the site or app that uploads full reviews for each episode of kdramas and cdramas؟
for kdramasnot sure for cdramas
KEY: 7d851977d042478794005f5d398c54b8:5ea35b7a134900d72a2f9a764c7a6531
thanks, but there are already MARK release for that
D+ is not available here and i don’t have subscription of it, so there is no point to keep posting this here
understandable 😔
Can you put movie Our Season by Shin MinAh. Thank you ^^
sorry, i don’t take request
The linkspy links for pixeldrain dont work. e.g. Knight Flower 1080 pixeldrain
I posted before and it seems to have disappeared… The linkspy links for knight flower E07, E08 and E12 never resolve to the page you intended.
i don’t see any problem there
click on skip button and you will be directed to the link shortener page
Kak , dr slump eps 11 ke atas bakal keluar NF nya, atau stop di TV ing aja kak?
Hi! I can’t download 1080P WEB-DL in any drama; the hyperlink just has a shortened skip button and does not link to the Google Drive. Thank you!
Could you update this page to reflect your other link shorteners? e.g. cuty, linkspy, etc
Everything wants to block them and they looks so shady. The fact they aren’t mentioned anywhere always makes me feel super uncomfortable clicking anything or actually proceeding with download. Not sure I’ve ever seen the two you show here pop up on a download. Or at least have a running list here of the sites you redirect to during download to reassure visitors that you’re being taken there intentionally?
Where are you extracting the video from? Can you tell me?
Hello, just noticed that you credited me in the softsub for Citizen of a Kind. Thanks, appreciate it!
can’t thank you enough for always sharing good subs
many thanks for your help meebo!
Hi, admin. Link to beauty and mr romantic’ subtitles (subscene page) is wrong. It’s not working because there is two hyphen between devoted and minyeowa. I think that is the problem.–minyeowa-sunjeongnam
Tolong pisah link drama hide 2024 viki & nogroup dramaday..makasih
Hi admin, all link download no working, can u fix / reupload this drama
Thanks ~
try again
Hello, admin, why don’t you update the Netflix version of the Queen of Tears series, please add it too 🙏🙏
Hello admin. Where is Queen of Tears NF WEB-DL episode 5 until episode 8 ? No update?
Hi There Haha Bus Episode 3 its not working… it leads to Shopee? can u fix it…. Thank you
try again
min, request series yang dari netflix sekalian tambahin dubbing bahasa indonesia dong, thx.
Hi there! I’m having trouble finding embedded subs to My Demon. I downloaded the WEB-DL files but I had no luck. Is there any way I can access these episodes with subs? I think it’s not too new. I hope there is a way I can still watch them with subtitles. I am using my iPad so it’s not easy for me to download and combine the SRT from subscene. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do or be done to help. Thank you for your time.
web-dl are embedded with subs already you just need to turn it on from your video player subtitle menu. if it not working might be issue from your video player, try use other video player or grab external subs from link provided
Dear.M 1080p Link 1 is asking for a passcode
removed, try again
Hello admin! Since the license for Kingdom: Legendary War expired for Viki and Viu, I am trying to download it here. However, every time I try to download it using the 1080p WEB-DL, I am unable to. I’ve been trying to do so using the Google Drive link, since Uptobox states that it is “404 File Not Available” but the GD link takes me to through a url and when I try to click “skip” for the ads, it only opens an ad. Even if I attempt to wait, it does nothing. Is Kingdom: Legendary War still available in the Web-DL format? If it is, is there something else I should be doing? I’m using Firefox and have an adblocker enabled if that makes a difference.
How do you navigate linkspy? It never resolves to a download page for me?
Kingdom: Legendary War WEB-DL’s do not resolve to a download page through linkspy. I’m uncertain if the web-dl’s for that show have been removed considering that the uptobox states that file has been removed.
I figured it out, I had to completely turn off my adblocker. Please post this comment so that others know: if you have adblock enabled, in order to use linkspy, you may have to turn it off.
working just fine for me with adblocker on, maybe you block the site from opening pop-up/newtab?
I’m confused all the links have ads even (
and modebaca.coms) and i want to download all the episode of partners of justice? I’m a beginner srry
thank you
qot on folder are actually tving version
admin request jika ada? You Quiz on the Block variety show + subtitle indonesia/inggris
aku ga terima request
hello, admin-nim. do you have any plans on encoding queen of tears until the two-part special episodes next week? thank you so much.
subscene is closed and indexsubtitle the mirror too is not unavailable
they just fetching files from subscene after all
Subdl is working and I will upload there subs for Beauty And Mr. Romantic. Can you post the link for that, please?
Admin, this is the right link for Beauty and Mr. Romantic’s subtitles in subdl:
Admin, thank you. Thank you very much.
how to old dramas sub downloard ? subscean dead
can i help me a download sub olders dramas
you can use or
also clicking on subscene link on old dramas post will direct you to subdl link
thanks admin proud of u
Hello, I think theres something wrong with your source for My sibling romance ep 12. The audio not in sync with the video for the last 30 mins.
fixed now, thanks for reporting
The message is wrong: “Subdl is shutting down, you can use or as alternative” Everyone knows is subscene but I just tell you.
Hi, is there a 1080p of Beauty and Mr Romantic EP17? The filecrypt page has 720p version.
check again
Link 2s for My Siblings Romance look like they’ve been taken down, and I’ve never gotten the the link shortner in link 1s to work. Would it be possible to redo the link 2s? Thank you.
try again
Min Request The Master of Revenge (2016)
sorry kak aku ga terima request
Hi admin, just want to ask about Malay subtitle for drama Connection, is it google translate/machine translate or from retail?
its retail machine/ai translate from
is the translation bad?
Ohhh, i see, iam just asking, iam not watching it yet, but i will thank you for keep updating with all subs available.
Hello Admin
I tried many times on Pixeldrain, it keep on asking me to try robot test and after that to click on GO but it is not going anywhere. Can you please help?
working fine on my end, 1 pop-up ads then directed me to real link on second click the go button
have you tried with different web browser?
hi. True Beauty EP 14 1080p WEB-DL google drive file missing. thanks
Hi Admin. Kiss sixth sense episode 11 & 12 gdrive is showing 404 (file not found). Can you fix this. Thank you in advance
try again
Where do MrHulk and Pandamoon files originate from? Thank you for your hard work
Hello VARIETY – Korea No.1 EP06 file missing thanks
gdrive still work, pixel re-uploaded
Hey… just wanna say Police University 1080p links are down or broken somehow… dddrive won’t download and the Uptobox option ends 404 error… can it be fixed by any chance? and i’ve tried download another 3 kdramas from dddrive here and it keeps saying “Unable to copy file” (I already allowed the obligatory permissions)
other than permission make sure you have enough space on your drive
Got it, thank you it’s working fine now.
Admin, aku mau kasih tau aja, subtitle untuk episode 2 Miss Day and Night di Mega terpotong di menit ke 29, untuk semua bahasa.
Admin, banyak file 1080p dari 404 (File not Found!).
Saya perhatikan hampir semuanya file yang hilang itu pakai filecrypt
Bukan cuman drama lama aja, drama baru juga bermasalah.
– Missing Crown Prince
– Hierarchy
– The 8 Show
– Parasyte: The Grey
Sebenarnya banyak lagi, coba cek min…
ya aku tau, akun gdrive nya yg kehapus bkn filecrypt masalahnya
pakai aja host lain jgn cmn bergantung dng 1 host aja
Min, Boyhood link drive nya gak ada (file not found)…thanks sebelumnya
Hello admin! Always grateful for your hardwork 💜
I have one question: there will be no gdrive file for the latest iland 2 episode? 🥺
Thank you so much for this amazing site.
There is a drama I’m looking for and can’t find. The name is – Modulove (2017)
can you help me please?
saran untuk Variety Show, sebaiknya format 540p WEB-DL di ganti dengan format 2160p
Sumbernya aja yang ada cuma sampe 1080p
gimana mau 2160p, research dulu sebelum request,
duh pinter banget ini orang
kalau film layar lebar baru kemungkinan ada lebih dari 1080p
itu juga biasanya nunggu versi DVD nya realease
Hi there! Thanks for all the work you put on sharing new and old dramas and also movies. Would you consider putting Night in Paradise?
Hello, there! First, thank you so much for your hard work sharing! =)
I was wondering if you could share the korean variety show “His Man” / ” 남의연애 시” in the section of variety?
If you can’t that’s ok! ;D Thank you so much in advance! n_n
Hi! I loveee your site and thanks for providing us the all these Korean shows! Would you considering putting some old movies such as Veteran, Age of Shadows, My Punch-Drunk Boxer, The Great Battle, Coin Locker Girl, Spy Gone North and I Saw the Devil?
Hi. Thank for the amazing site. I notice you put 720p link for Beauty and Mr Romantic Ep 34 in the 1080p filecrypt listing and not the 1080p version.
kenapa setiap unduh Knowing Bros 1080p WEB-DL Google Drive selalu ‘Unable to copy file’ please read Troubleshooting page.
tapi unduh yg lain Google Drive normal. google drive kosong.
coba lagi sekarang
ka, kalo yang rilisan web-dl lovebug apakah semua sumbernya dari VIU? sudah di block oleh Google, toloooooongg miiiinnnnnnnn 28 July 2024
aturan main baru dari google app semacam ini sekarang harus lewat verifikasi tiap tahun sekali
krn sekarang udh ga verif user baru ga akan bisa register/login lagi, untuk mail lama yg udh pernah di pakai login sebelum di blokir harusnya masih bisa di pakai
saya coba pakai email lama yg pernah reg dddrive tetap tidak bisa, email lain yg blm pernah pernah reg/login pun tidak bisa 🙁
Why have you changed the link for google drive to gdbot? I can not load the files from google drive now inot my google drive account!
new rules from google some scopes used on dddrive now require a yearly verification
while old user may seem unaffected, since the app are now no longer verified anymore new user won’t be able to register/login
you can try it with new google acc that you never use for dddrive before and you’ll get app blocked msg
my old gmail account worked up until today now it now longer will let me download from google drive links. Will you now start using the gdbot site in place of google?
kepada admin yg tercinta.
dddrive di cekal google di beberapa browser saya (chrome,firefox dan idm+)
Tolong solusinya agar bisa memakai gdrive.
thought you were doing to start using gdbot for download since google drive links dont work anymore?
I could not download with Google drive link because its showing this app is blocked . This app tried to access sensitive info in your Google account. Please help me to solve this problem 🙏🏻
are zone 3 doesn’t have pixel server?
or are ddrive are function again? I see one on the zone 3 list
I have been trying to download nf its okay to not be okay google drive link and it ends with message dddrive app is trying to access sensitive information so it has been blocked by google and other link by uptobox gives 404 error link info so is there a way to unblock dddrive as i checked my google account security and has no blocked apps so how can we buy pass the blocked page is there a way to get around it i would appreciate your help
How to allow access to the Google drive, After Google blocked the dddrive website automatically????
Can you please add Tarot movie?
hello, admin-nim. do you have plans to add the special episode of good partner? thank you so much and always for you hard work!
seem only available on viki here if you still need it
For E05, if you get it from Avistaz (uploaded by Luvmichelle) then it is the wrong file.
I have added genuine NEXT E05 to MEGA folder that I shared with you before.
– FYI – I provide all NEXT versions daily to Luvmichelle on Avistaz, so that’s how I know it is not the correct file.
Already unformed Luvmichelle “Bad.Memory.Eraser.E05.240816.720p-N.mp4” is not NEXT version, just what I could find at that time. Finally webhard site (usadisk) released E05 NEXT version.
thanks for reminder meebo the files here already updated
i’m aware from the mediainfo its not a next release, i though there will be no next release for ep5 thats why i’m using it
admin, tolong versi NF web-dl 1080p-nya diperbaiki ya. pakai rilis Mr Hulk atau Adweb aja yang paling bagus. ukurannya beda jauh lho. Contohnya Romance in the House S01E03, masak di sini cuma 1,1 GB. Good Partner & Bad Memory Eraser juga kurang ukurannya dibanding rilisan Mr Hulk walaupun ngga separah RitH
Google Drive / Fix it. Thank you.
Min Tolong perbaiki link dua drama ini
dua drama ini link mati selain dddrive, sementara dddrive gk bisa ku login pakai semua akun gdrive ku.
Terima kasih
Lot of the latest Pixeldrain links for knowing bros is deleted
Hi, I’ve been using your site for a while before it went down. And came back but I can’t download because it doesn’t even give me a link or the 10 seconds. It just takes me to a random website. Does anyone know why?
not sure which random website you’re talking about, but if you mean just click on the skip button on top right side and will be directed to the link shortener page
Hii. I can’t download to Google Drive and it says “This App is blocked” How to fix it?
Admin check no gain no love ep3 540p of hdtv version mega link. File is wrong
hii can u fix dddrive connect with google plss
min, the zone 3, eps 07, datanodes tidak bisa di download
datanode nya terbuka, tapi pas saya pilih donwload, tidak mendownload sama sekali
saya coba datanodes eps yang lain, bisa terdownload
udh ku coba download bisa kok, mungkin masalah dari server mereka, udh kamu coba lagi?
atau coba dgn browser lain
masih tetap ngak bisa yang ke 7 ini
halaman nya terbuka normal, namun ketika download, progress download ada tapi tidak mendownload sedikit pun
namun ketika mencoba eps lain, lancat dan kencang
biasanya yang bisa di download, url downloadnya node??,daanodes
nah yang tidak bisa mendownload url nya dl.datanodes
tapi tak mengapa saya sudah download dari buzz
1ficier banyak batasannya, susah, dddrive tidak bisa login,
lebih baik pixeldrive saja kak, meskipun kadang ada batas harian tapi masih mencukupi kuotanya
Hi, Black Out has OST part 2, released on 31st August. Could you please share it? Thank you!
Thank you so much!
ID code (30684b2ab5d-a1f6-4f68-9157-a8cee0ea007d
The above error code appear whenever I tried to download using Google drive link. Upon reaching the download link it will redirect to a screen which read Page unavailable with the above code appearing at the bottom of the screen. May I know how to fix this?
Another error keep appearing on Google drive link….”Confirm Form Resubmission” and at the bottom of screen …ERR_CACHE_MISS. This is an excellent site but recently it has become almost impossible to download using Google drive link. Is anyone else also facing the same issue? Can admin. TQ.
no idea what that is, i personally never get those error and no one ever reporting such error to me, so it might be problem from your end
as for dddrive the app are now no longer verified thus why it got blocked for new user or for those that no longer have dddrive app listed here
google now require a yearly re-verification for some scopes the app used and i’m not going to do such bs
so if you can’t login to dddrive then just consider all dddrive links as dead
min maaf oot, mau nanya biasanya rilisan MrHulk/Pandamoon itu rilis di web private/public torent apa yaa? thank you
Drama version!
It opens today!
bonjour merci pour votre mise a jour des dramas svp esque vous pourriez me dire les ou le site des sous titre francais
thanks meebo
Hi there, nothing is going better here.
Maybe if you could help me out!
Admin, link to Iron Family’subs in Subsource is not working.
Google announced today (9/30) that insecure apps are blocked by default and you cannot change it. Will the GDrive links be updated with something like pixeldrain? All of the UpToBox are expired and GDrive doesn’t work. How can I get S1 Bloody Game?
Admin, I’am sorry. My bad.
filecrypt links cannot be opened. please fix
Dear Admin, the EP14 1080p NEXT file is missing on Pixeldrain link of
I am old user but can’t login in DDDRIVE through GDrive Account from just yesterday. So I can’t get the file from GDrive.
Pls fix it.
dramas with filecrypt links are broken. it keeps saying 522 connection timed out. i tried opening it on different browsers and resetting my wifi, but to no avail. is this just on my end? ive been trying to open them for a few days already but none still works.
you can check any site downtime with this site
and I’m not experiencing any downtime on filecrypt recently, its issue on your end
Please I don’t know how to download at all
Seeing all sorts of links
you are literally on a page that is titled “HOW TO DOWNLOAD”
Dear Admin, Google announced that insecure apps are blocked by default. Will the GDrive links be updated since it doesn’t work, how can I get S1 of The story of Park’s Marriage Contract?
Will the GDrive links be updated it doesn’t work. How can I get S1 of The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract?
It’s airing soon. My heart is pounding!!!
A virtuous business 540p hdtv mega link is not hdtv. It is web-dl. fix that please
Dear, can you changed Uptobox for resolution 1080p to korean drama Youth of May? Bcoz all link for 1080p are dead. Thank you a lot.
Why does avast keep blocking linkspy
false alarm, i’m using kasperskty and nothing detected here. most likely avast block the ads network
and i suggest stay away from avast/avg (both from same company) it’s always rated as low tier av not even better than windows defender these day
the site are using google adsense, so maybe avast just don’t like the domain name?
I have been considering for a while switching from avast . They don’t even reply anymore when i report false positives .
Hello dear Admin, link links for kingdom legendary war don’t work in 1080p. Can u fix it please?
check again
Thank u so much it’s work now !
Where can I download the subtitles ?
Hello Admin! Thank you for all your hard work. Could you let me know which API you use to get drama/show information for the site, or do you add it manually?
all manual or copy & paste from various source
Thank you for all your hard work! I really appreciate it.
Dongjae, the Good or the Bastard,9-10 1080p No updates!
sorry about that, forgot to paste the link. its updated now
Hello – I was wondering if you can reupload 720p-NEXT version of this drama:
Thank you in advance for your kind assistance.
check again
Hello there, why when i download the drama the fiery priest 2 there are no subtitles? have to download separately?
I downloaded using android
for hdtv next there are no embedded subs so you need to download them separately from subsource link provided
as for web-dl you just need to turn it on your video player subtitles menu
Not sure what game you are playing with gdbot, but its getting old. always user rate limit exceeded, and what ever link shortner you are using for buzzheavier forces you to disable vpn.
Hi! I’m problems with gdbot, always user rate limit exceeded. Help please! Google drive?
the sharer seem unmaintained by the owner now, nothing i can do about it
better use other host if available
Hello! Could you please add/fix the links for episodes 1-10 of The Judge from Hell 1080p WEB-DL? Thank you so much!
I only use gofile as temporary filehost, they only last for 10+ day, i’m not re-uploading them after it expired
Hello admin, would you be able to put the files in mp4?
Hi there..
The gdrive links to OUR BLUES(1080p webdl) are all showing 404 File not found.
Would you fix it if possible?
Thanks again for your hard work.
Hi, admin. Google has blocking DDDrive because is try to access sensible information. Can you fix it? Try another mirror that drive us to Google Drive, please. The other servers have limits for day. Thank you for your work.
Hello, can i request University war season 2?
Dddrive sekarang g bisa di gunain download , banyak file file lama yg ga bisa di download.
Hi there! Thanks for all the work.Please add active links to the drama The Lies Within.
what is decryption key in, after download it ask to put decryption key
It’s okay to not be okay
It’s showing 404 error on gdbot site
And buzzheavier also shows the same error file not found.
Will you fix it if possible.
Thanks again
Hello Admin, I was downloading something with Mega (I’m a member there) and then I got the message “403 Access denied on this server” from Rikiri. What does it mean?
Please, be careful, Daramacool and all his websites have been shutdown because of rights infringement. PLEASE TRY TO KEEP GOING ON! You are the best! Fans will be lost without you.
Episode 161~193 knowing brothers ,belum di tambahkan ya sampai sekarang?.
Hi admin,No subtitles on Marry You drama i choose 1080 web-dl ?
turn it on from your video player subtitles option

Hello Admin. Links to Veteran (2015) are inaccessible. I usually use the link from but it keeps redirecting me to a page named and it stated Access Code Required. The other two keep redirecting me to endless ads or show empty page with the word ‘nt’
on rentry just click on Return to Page
During login, it says “This app tried to access sensitive info in your Google Account”. Please help…..
Hello, Admin. n_n I’m not sure if it’s only a problem on my side, but when I try to log into dddrive it says that it’s blocked by google and I can’t log in. Is there any way to solve this? I know there are other options available but I wonder if everyone else is having the same problem? Thank you for your time and effort nonetheless! 😀
its not issue from your end, the app are no longer verified
it used to be one time thing but google changed it to yearly requirement and reading some reddit post they also ask for $500 for each verification so we are not doing that and just let the app die
i plan to completely close the app around next year
There is no sub… How to download sub?
go to then search for title you are looking for
when the phone rings subtitle don’t match in 540p video?
if you downloaded hdtv next version then go to subsouce and download the subs synced to next version
for web-dl the videos already embedded with subs, so you just need to turn it on from your video player subtitle menu
Sorry admin I have not understand.. Could you please provide a video? or which video version contains sub please tell me???? or provide me a screenshot?
hi, could you please fix the layout for this (, Thanks
You are my spring download links not present, Why?
Hi, I’m unable to access the gdbot links of The Judge from Hell.
all gdrive link are dead, use other link
hi, i cant download the movie Emergency Declaration from both link 1 and 2. please help, thank you
try again
Dear Admin, Who.Is.She.S01E05.250101.720p-NEXT is not NEXT release file. Pls check and fix.
fixed the re-encoded x265 one, still can’t find the untouched mp4 so i will leave it for now
all fixed now
Hi Admin,
Could you please clarify how the “Last Updated” section on your website works? Specifically:
Does it get updated whenever a new row is added to the table, or does it update any time the table itself is modified?
For example, if you add links for Episode 6 of a drama named X and later update it with additional quality links after a few hours for the same episode, which update time will the “Last Updated” section reflect for drama X —the first change or the latest one?
I’m building a script to notify me when new episodes for certain dramas I follow are posted, so understanding this would be really helpful.
Thank you
nothing is automated there, everything is done manually
human error like pinning the wrong post like the ost one, pin the same post twice or completely forget about it can happen from time to time
so i suggest you probably don’t rely on that
min trs apakah file download ddrive di drakor2 yg lama bakal diubah jd gdbot atau datanotes? krn lumayan efektif drpd download di pixeldrain atau MEGA
aku ga ada waktu untuk itu, akun2 lama google workspace jg udh pada di suspend jadi udh kehapus semua datanya
untuk sekarang aku cmn akan fokus ke drama2 baru, klo ada waktu senggang mungkin akan ku coba upload ulang pelan2
hi it keeps directing me to for the drama boyhood and when i click continue nothing works even multilple times just popup ads
please close any pop-up ads
keep click blue button on, solve the captcha on second page and it will direct you to real link
Hi. The files in Mega for IMITATION are not available anymore. Is there a chance we can download it again? Thank you?
hallo min, link untuk Sweet & Sour yang kualitas 1080p NF.WEB-DL-T4H sudah pada mati semua, bisa minta tolong untuk diperbaiki?
coba lagi sekarang
Hi Admin, I tried to download but the site kept asking me to disable my adblocker but I don’t have any adblocker. Please advise. Thank you.
some dns like nextdns also have adblocker try to disable them
Hi amdin, this is a film not a drama
Hi admin. Is the download video all in mkv format only? No MP4?
mostly mkv, only HDTV NEXT releases are in mp4
when i try and press continue and verify that i’m not a robot, ads pop up on the side and i can’t press the verify button that leads me to the link
Unable to download K-drama Hit The Spot. Please check.
Hi admin. Unable to download My Country. Please help
Hi admin When trying to access links like (this one is Love Scout, Episode 7 Buzzheavier), it automatically redirects to, which turns the following “ sent an invalid response.
ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR”. Please advise on how to access the link. I’ve already cleared my DNS cache.
Thank you!
can’t reproduce your issue here, working just fine on my end
Hi Admin, No Way Out: The Roulette for EP4,EP5 and EP6, the link on send said the file was not exist. I tried other like datanodes and fichier, but still not exist. Can you fix it, please?
check again
dear admin, terima kasih sudah respon request yang sebelumnya, mau minta tolong lagi untuk perbaiki link Crazy Love versi 1080p Disney+ episode 6, 8, 10, 13 dan 15, btw sepertinya link versi 1080p Disney+ tertukar dengan versi 1080p Hotstar.
min ga ada liburnya min?
kalo ngambil libur, pengumuman ya min ^^
biar ngak terlalu nungguin konvertannya ^^
thanks min buat konvertannya ^^
request “I Saw the Devil” please…
min Are You Sure?! 1080p error
apanya yg error?
fix the links 1080 for family by choice
halo min, bisa minta tolong perbaiki link drama My Name versi 1080p WEB-DL, thakns min
Please Fix DNA Lover 1080p link
Also, I cannot find links for ‘Hidden Love’. Please help and thank you.
Hello Admin. You Raise Me Up links are dead for 1080p. Will you please help with restoring to pixeldrain or something? Thank you.
Admin, thank you for fixing the links! Silent ninja… 🙂
Admin, For Eagle Brothers is now in Subsource. Please, can you add the link? Thanks
what’s wrong with datanodes links for older dramas?
some of their server are down, use other host if available don’t just sticking with one file host
i suggest to everyone if you don’t know what are you doing here or bother to read and follow guide better stay away from free site like this, go legal way instead
if you click on pixel/buzz but get directed to mediafire isn’t it obvious thats an pop ads page that pretend to be real download link?
the guide on this page written in red text already told you don’t download anything from popup ads page
Those who don’t know what are they doing then blaming other for their own mistake are truly the worst 🙄
sorry if you dont mind me asking, if you get those redirect page popups from cuty, but dont download anything and closed it, nothing bad will happen to our pc right?
just close those ads tab and you should be fine
as i know those kind of fake download ads are small size archived zip/rar file
in case you accidentally downloaded the file delete it immediately
Admin mau tanya, kok gk bisa ya pixeldrain yg terbaru dari drama kick⁴, muncul cuma Link Ready, terus udh pencet Copy Link, udh ada tulisan “link copied to clipboard” tapi gk ada apa apa yang ke Copy, aku coba disemua browser, terus aku coba di hp, tab, laptop sama aja, link nya gk ada
ini yg kamu maksud tombol copy link yg ada di kah?

klo tujuanmu cmn untuk copy linknya kan bisa jg dgn copy link dari url address di browser
bisa kasih screenshot page dgn url nya?
klo yg kamu maksud bkn seperti gambar di atas sebaiknya tutup aja tabnya kemungkinan itu halaman iklan download palsu dari link shortener
min sepertinya drakor study group videonya error gak sinkron (episode 5-6)
apanya yg ga sinkron audio atau sub?
kasih detail masalahnya di mana, resolusi dan download dari host mana biar bisa ku cek
di audio dan gambar min
semua link min, aku coba download pakek link lain hasilnya sama, berarti dari videonya yg salah.
kalau udah di fix kasih tandanya ya min di websitenya atau judulnya biar tau kalau udh di fix
audionya ke videonya, semua link aku cek hasil videonya sama. terus untuk kualitasnya yg 1080p
udh ku ganti semua filenya bisa kamu cek lagi apa masih bermasalah?
sudah aman min terimakasih ya min
sayangnya gk muncul tampilan pixeldrain yang sepertinya di screenshot kamu min 🙁 aku udh close tab close tab gitu kan, karena aku kira juga itu cuma iklan, karena aku pencet² semua yg ada disitu gk muncul apa-apa lagi. Setiap aku closetab terus pencet “Go->” lagi dari, kebukanya selalu kesitu lagi, aku kira cuma di 1 drama, ternyata aku coba download drama ongoing lainnya yg untuk link pixeldrain, selalu kebukanya kesitu 🙁
Nih min link nya
nih min screenshot nya aku taro sini ya 🙁
Maaf ngerepotin ya min
itu jelas iklan kak, langsung tutup aja
intinya tiap popup kamu langsung tutup aja
biasanya tiap halaman shortener ada 2 pop-up
yg harusnya ngedirect kamu ke link asli itu tab shortener/cuty nya bkn di tab pop-up
min shortnya kena security error terus g bisa diakses.
Sorry Admin, just E4,7,8 on 720p WEB-DL
Thanks so much, I really appreciate it.
Hii I usually download in 1080p quality… sometimes there is 1080NEXT and 1080 webdl .can you tell me difference between these too? Thank you.
can I check how to download the files because I keep seeing ad but there is no link for downloading?
Nothig Serious:
Access Code Required
To access the raw version of this page, a valid access code must be set in the metadata: SECRET_RAW_ACCESS_CODE.
You may request an access code by emailing [email protected]
just click “return to page”
or remove /raw part from the url
Korean reality show, Nineteen to Twenty unable to download. links doesn’t work. Please provide link

tldr try change the domain from into or
or for better solution change your dns to cloudflare or next dns
Hello admin, im trying to download hyemileeyechaepa and only the pixeldrain link is working, the others are dead, so i was wondering if you can provide another source to download from since pixeldrain has a limit? Maybe the send link can be revived? Thank you very much!
Link 720p Paik’s Les Misérables semua nya 540p
tolong segera di perbaiki
are cuty link shortners working? ive tried VPNs, remote PCs in other countries across the world and normally too, cuty links are giving me server not found error. the ouo links are working fine.
have you tried again? maybe just temporary server issue, its working fine on my end
Is there English subs for “Friendly Rivalry” can’t seem to find one
official eng subs from viki around march
Halo kak, mau tanya, yg AOS ini harus minta kode akses kah? Biasanya kakak up per episode, tp kok langsung tulisan 01-10 ya? Dari tadi nyoba gabisa kak pake link 1 sama 2🥹 makasih
klo yg kamu maksud page rentry klik aja “return to page”
hi, sorry when i click the link provided its bring me to the website and after i click download, operax started downloading, am i doing something wrong?
download from file host are not start automatically so those are most likely an ads, so close them immediately and delete the file if you accidentaly downloaded them
do not download anything without the drama title on file name
only download from file host page you’re choosing from
admin please fix earth arcade s1 and s2 links, thank you!
all pixeldrain link still work, if pixeldrain is blocked by your isp read comment no.1391 above
link google drive dan uptobox Queendom season 1 mati semua
Hi, thank you very much for this great site! Could you maybe have a look at the 1080p Web-DL versions of “Live”, “Flower Crew: Joseon Marriage Agency” and the 720p version of “My Only Love Song”? These are down unfortunately. Thank you!
All link is not active (connection refused)
work fine here, most likely issue on your end
Is buzzheavier down for anyone else?
site is up, you can check any site whether down/up with this
in case it blocked by your isp try changing the main domain to their mirror site
or for better solution try change your dns
Hi, I have a problem, but I don’t know if it’s just me or if the links are no longer working. When I try to download Duty After School, the links don’t work, even after turning the sites they provide on and off for an hour. So, I can’t download it. How
you can’t get through the link shortener?
can you try again now